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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Jimmy Tachor wrote: i was searching for an AO. exept it was the ones where your allowed to see it on yourself. I was looking at a stand. bought it. paid the money but never got it. it was called VA_APR_Stand09 at the Vista Animations Co center, how do i redeliver it to me? That would be an animation file, which are automatically uploaded to your "Animations" folder instead of your "Objects" folder. Try looking in that folder; if it isn't there then you can request a redelivery.
  2. What version of the Second Life viewer are you trying to use? Recent versions no longer use the GPU table and instead use a built-in benchmark test (which has been known to cause its own problems.)
  3. Asa Vordun wrote: I have this strange constant redering issue on SL viewer Second Life 3.7.22 (297128). Objects get blurry in every two tree seconds and seems as they are constantly rendering. I have tried to find the solution from different blogs but none of them helped so far. Some PC details here, if that explains the problems i'm having (not enough juice?) CPU: Intel® Core i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz (3092.97 MHz) Memory: 8133 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit (Build 9600) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE2 Any help would be highly appreciated!!! - Asa - Are you wearing any HUDs for texturing mesh bodies/body parts? Some of them are/can be loaded with so many textures that the use up most of the texture memory the viewer is designed to use and you see the thrashing on in-world textures. The solution is to only wear the HUD when you actually need to change textures.
  4. Moonie Ghanduhar wrote: Its been happening for at least half a year now and its starting to REALLY annoy me because Im trying to blog or see what Im wearing and quickly take it off, but then suddenly theres a ton of stuff piling up as a list that Im wearing but actually Im not. The only solution that i found so far is hide links but its pretty annyoing to do this everytime u want to refresh the menu. Please help? You can either use the "Wearing" tab in the appearance floater instead or just look in the "Current Outfit" folder in your inventory.
  5. TDD123 wrote: I reckon you are trying to replicate a Stuka, Messerschmitt, Heinkel or Dornier from the WWII-era. To be historically accurate with German WWII - airplanes you should at least make the Luftwaffe-cross prominent over the swastika. This cross has a rather limited association with nazis and has been in use by the German army long before WWII ( e.g. WWI-airplanes.) Many German airplanes of the day however were not always coated with that swastika. IYou shouldn't need it for historical accuracy, if you want to be safe with the T.O.S. The small swastika, on the tail part of the plain, was usually added on later when the NSDAP (nazis) took hold of Germany politically and took over the army, which of course also included their 'Luftwaffe'. Should the T.O.S. forbid use of swastikas anywhere, that would be your safest option to choose from. The standard WWII Luftwaffe markings throughout the war included the swastika on the tailfin; however, I just did a quick Marketplace search and none of the German WWII aircraft for sale there have it despite the rest of their markings being accurate. I'm assuming that at some point including the swastika caused enough problems for the makers that they removed it so it would be prudent for the OP to do the same. The TOS doesn't include any specific language about swastikas that I could see though. ETA - Okay, this is interesting... I decided to do some research on RL airplane model kits. The box illustrations of Luftwaffe plane kits from American or Japanese makers have the swastika; however, the boxes for kits by Airfix, a British (i.e. European) company, don't.
  6. LlazarusLlong wrote: irihapeti wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: irihapeti wrote: is this a self-fulfilling demonstration of conspicuousness ?? Why yes, yes it is. I am not sure why, however, you would want to draw attention to yourself in this way. I prefer conspicuity; long clumsy words just make you look pretentious. why yes, yes it does You LIKE looking pretentious? It's all the rage, especially on Internet forums - some people take great pains to overcome obstacles in order to do so.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: You are mistaken, Coby. Small avatars like you need significantly bigger rooms unless they change the def-cam-pos, and we know why the def-cam-pos has to be catered for. So small country cottages would be out. On the other hand, significanly larger avatars and furniture would look ok in a larger than 1:1 country cottage, because the def-cam-pos doesn't change its distance behind the avatar when the avatar gets taller. I don't know what the ideal scale might be, but experimenting would reveal it. It would be beneficial to understand what the "default camera position" actually is. It may not work the way you think it does. I also did experimenting on this earlier. The camera actually has a fixed-focal-length and rides on an invisible "rail." The mouse scroll wheel, etc. doesn't "zoom" the lens, it slides it back and forth along this rail (what a cinematographer would call a "dolly.") One end of this "rail" is in front of your avatar; this is the point that the camera rotates around (not your avatar itself, this point in front of your avatar.) The other end of this "rail" is higher than your avatar and defaults to being behind it, so the rail runs diagonally down to the pivot. The "reset" position just slides the camera to the far end of this rail - it can stay at any position along it until you hit the escape key. The defaults set the location of the front pivot and the length and angle of the rail. These values can be changed semi-permanently through settings. The entire "pivot and rail" assembly moves higher as your avatar becomes taller. This means that a shorter avatar can both move in lower-ceilinged rooms and see more of the floor in front of them than a taller avatar at any given camera position. Meanwhile, I believe we've already established that bumping up the scale until a "country cottage" will look like its real-life equivalent will mean that it will be scaled larger than it's possible to make a vaguely human-looking avatar so avatars will look too small when seen in it.
  8. DeeDee Timeless wrote: I dont understand why i am being log out of sl tell 12-3-14 Second Life uses the American date-numbering format of MONTH-DAY-YEAR so the wait will only be a short time. You may be thinking of the European or Japanese date formats which put things in a different order.
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: So why are you arguing about it? I've only ever spoken about the majority, and you've against everything I say. Let's just think about something. Suppose it is found that a 1:1.15 scale for avatars, homes and furniture works perfectly with the default camera position. Why not scale it all to 1:1.15? That way, rooms don't need to be bigger, and people can have nice country cottages or whatever. That limitation would disappear. My female alt shows that the female arms are ok at that scale. Why push the arbitrary 1:1 with its limitations when a slightly bigger scale would work perfectly? I'm interested in your answer to that. Yes, that would be fine if it would work. And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped. Neither of those are likely possibilites because of structural considerations... One of the last times we had this discussion I decided to try to determine what the de facto scale of SL WAS by comparing objects in SL that were based on real objects with their real-world models. I found that objects meant for direct use by avatars (i.e. a guitar, a pinball machine, vehicles, etc.) tended to have a scale factor of 1.2 to 1.25) This kept coming up for things built over a long span of years, and if you have an avatar scaled to 1.2/1.25 human scale the heights will be pretty similar to the "typical" older avatar (bearing in mind that most avatars seem to be modeled on athlete/model body types that are taller than average in RL.) This also means that those avatars are getting near the top end of height possible with sliders even if we do not require Catnap-level proportional accuracy. However, rooms scaled up by a factor of even 1.25 will be nowhere near the required "three to four times real life scale" which you mentioned yourself and won't be significantly more usable - most buildings are quite a bit larger, especially older ones. So, if room furniture was built at 1.25 scale (for the avatars) it would still be dwarfed by the rooms. I found that much furniture, especially older furniture, was quite a bit larger than 1.25 scale. Older furniture designed primarily for display in rooms (including some of yours) tend to scale around 1.5-1.7 times larger than the largest real-world equivalent furniture, making them substantially oversized even for old megatars. However, they still don't look realistic in the old huge houses - I had a house with a bedroom that would comfortably hold two beds that were each 1.7 times the size of a RL king-sized mattress with room to spare, and six-foot tall avatars looked like children on the beds. If you still maintain otherwise, please tell us a scale factor that will work consistently with the default avatar and camera position so we can give it a proper test.
  10. Verri Varriale wrote: I need to sell some land to lower my monthly tier payment. What point in the month should it be sold to lower the next payment? In addition to the other replies, you should know that just selling land doesn't automatically reduce your tier level - you need to go to your account and manually select a tier level that will suit your now-reduced land holdings or you'll keep being billed for the old level.
  11. Luminous Orfan wrote: I have been trying to play SL on an Alienware computer running Win 7 64bit and a GeForce 545 graphic card with updated drivers v. 344.75. Upon connecting it does fine for a few seconds then "noise" is shown across the screen and the graphic card crashes and recovers. Any ideas? Ive done a clean install of drivers with no luck and no other issues anywhere else with graphics. Any ideas, suggestions or help is greatly appreciated! Luminous Orfan Driver 344.75 has some changes in it meant specifically for the very latest Nvidia cards and apparently there are some issues with it - Nvidia has issued a "hotfix" driver (344.80) which hasn't been officially released but is available on the forums. You may actually want to go back to an older Nvidia driver because the new features aren't supported by older cards like yours anyway.
  12. hutchbr wrote: I am running windows 7 all updates complete intel HD graphics. I run the viewer it initializes but the viewer never opens nor any error messages! Any ideas? There's a problem with some setups, particularly with Intel graphics, and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  13. dr Koray wrote: my sl wont load up to the loading screan as it gets to inisaliseing vfs.... then cuts out i have downloaded a proxary user but still nothing seems to work can anyone help. There's a problem with some setups and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows; Darwin is for Macs.. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  14. Go to the "Textures" tab of the edit window - there will be the word "Mapping" with a big list-button next to it. That button should say "Default", not "Planar." If it says "Planar", change it. Once you get the vendor the size you want the "Horizontal Scale" and the "Vertical Scale" below the list button should both be set at 1.000. If they aren't, change them to 1.000.
  15. hockeylips wrote: Hello! I am trying to change the size of my 'vendors' in my store...when I edit the object to a larger size, they change to multiple images, and when I want to make smaller, my logo disappears on the image! What is going on??! Help! Regards, Kate It's how your editor is set for handling textures. I think what you want will work if you make sure "Stretch textures" is enabled; it may also have to do with the scaling/mapping of the textures.
  16. Loki Eliot wrote: I'm working on a new line of clothes and fitted mesh being a new feature of 2014 is in my list to add. The thing is i'm a bit sceptical over wether adding fitted mesh is a good idea. I've heard that some clothes designers used it for some clothes then stopped. Some have said fitted mesh works great. I dont want to spend alot of work making my clothes fitted if the end result does not add anything much to the user's experience. So i thought i'd start a thread and ask users to come forward with their fitted mesh tales. • Has it made for a better or worst look? • Does it work? • or perhaps you have not yet even heard of it? • How many of you are currently wearing a fitted mesh item? It only strikes me being useful to wear over a fitted mesh body with compatible weighting. The default avatar body just scales too differently to work well with it. However, it's got real potential when used with a body like the Slink Physique or Belleza Venus body and some stores are already coming out with compatible mesh clothing for them. I see that particular market exploding in 2015 similar to how most new women's shoes are now built to fit Slink feet. I know you work with kid/young teen avatars. If you offer a fitted mesh young body with compatible fitted mesh clothes it should be pretty popular, especially since the current fitted mesh bodies don't scale down well, especially for small breast sizes.
  17. Ruben Hartono wrote: It is not possible to install the last update So I cant use SL now !!!!!!!! I do have a new laptop with Win 8.1 How is it possible? Ruben Hartono There's a problem with some setups and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows; Darwin is for Macs.. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  18. angelpatty wrote: The recent outbreak of civil unrest in the United States of America has led one of SL's personalities to condemn the United States of America in the Second Life Blog feeds, alleging that racism is prevalent in that country. Isn't that a TOS violation under heading 6, "User Conduct" of the Terms of Service? Certainly, the SL personality, whose video features are shown in "Featured News" in Second Life's Blog Feeds, has the right to express his opinion privately to others. But isn't open denigration of other members' countries a blatant violation of heading 6, "User Conduct," of the Terms of Service? The person in question is living in the United States, meaning that it's an opinion about something he has a certain amount of knowledge of.
  19. Medhue Simoni wrote: Of course, the SL forums has always been unusually spammy, but this has more to do with software and programming than spamming actually being a problem in most forums. I'll refrain from expanding on this more. lol As you probably know, I sell products on every platform that allows for it. But, being that I refuse to submit to their commission fees, I'm not actually allowed to post products on their forums. For those that do submit to the commissions, and sell products on the platform's marketplaces, they are very much encouraged to post their products in the forums. Although, someone was looking for zombie animations, and of course got the standard big time creators that everyone knows, so I posted mine. The mods did not remove it. So, what you're saying is merchants should be able to post free advertising on the SL forum because "every single platform that sells 3D objects has a forum, and they all allow their merchants to post their products in the forums", when actually those other forums don't allow free posting?
  20. Wil Parx wrote: Wow what did you guys do? After the update the members of our community logged on today to find a large amount of items gone from the sim like some kind of natural disaster blew away a lot of the buildings and other things in the sim. Just a few doors or windows are left and a few items from people's home floating in the air where their houses were. If anyone wants to see what I am talking about, this is the sim that was wiped out today by the update. You are at 177.1, 129.6, 24.6 in Adam ondi Ahman located at sim10438.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Adam%20ondi%20Ahman/177/130/25 (global coordinates 227,505.0, 284,546.0, 24.6) Second Life Server http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Adam%20ondi%20Ahman/177/130/25 I really hope that this problem can be fixed or some of these buildings which have been here for years will now have to be rebuilt as well as people who lost no copy items ( a good reason to shy away from buying no copy items in the future) are out of luck. You need to get one of the sim owners to take out a support ticket request a region rollback. All of the older things should be returned afterwards. This thread won't be an effective way of fixing things.
  21. There's a problem with some setups and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  22. There's a problem with some setups and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  23. Theresa Tennyson


    valerie Inshan wrote: The LOD is more for sculpties than mesh. Go to advanced menu > debug settings > meshMaxConcurrentRequests. The default value is 32. Set it higher if needed until you can see mesh correctly. Okay - this will take a while: 1) RenderVolumeLOD is for both scupties and mesh, and will have the same effect. 2) MeshMaxConcurrentRequests is only for the number of simultaneous mesh fetches that the viewer will do; it has nothing to do with the actual rendering of the mesh itself. 3) Turning up MeshMaxConcurrentRequests was a major contributor to sim lag on crowded regions a couple of years ago because people set it to ridiculous settings that would cause the server to try to send send massive amounts of data over and over again. 4) Since then, it's been capped both at the server level and in the viewer - actually I think 32 is now the upper limit for the viewers and the default is 16; it may be even lower now.
  24. There's a problem with some setups and the video-card detection/test system the current viewer uses. This is the test version of the viewer that's hoped to be the fix - if you want to try it click on the links next to the word "install". CYGWIN is for Windows. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/oz_maint-4678/rev/296857/index.html
  25. Tone Benoir wrote: Does anyone know what happened to the ADITI preview grid? I log in as normal but I get redirected to some place called ACME that's full of junk and ban lines. ACME is one of the areas on the beta grid - if you pull up the world map you can find other areas. You may have last been on a region thats no longer on the beta grid currently.
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