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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. raymmis1 wrote: what are the standard partial land dimensions ? Parcels can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The basic unit is a 4 meter by 4 meter square and a lot can be made of any number of these in any configuration. Lot sizes are often multiples of 512. A common size for 512 square meter parcels is 16 by 32 square meters and a common size for 1024 square meters is a 32 meter by 32 meter square, but there's no real "standard."
  2. GingerHenderson wrote: I see some say it is not clear so here is simplified... A = Person who has banned all group B B = A few people who want to cross on A parcel (sail) C = Other neighbors with no issue with either. 3 in total including myself. B did the notecard to C in a sign saying 'Blocked by A' that is near all of C property lines for us to tell A to change the ban on B or A "will set up all kind of materials to make living unpleasant Then I will leave this soil as it is...." If they abandoned the land with it "materials to make living unpleasant" then no worries as i can do off sim nice skyscraper until LL puts it in Auction. If they keep paying tier for keeping it they are surrounded on all sides so walls are going up to make a nice walls. Only time will tell... More information after I decided to do some investigation instead of RL laundry: 1) The region in question is directly adjacent to the Blake Sea and is about half water and half land. 2) A is a lower-level land baron who specializes in Mainland in sailing areas. I have seen this person intentionally block out neighboring lots from sea access on other regions but through means that are technically within their rights (erecting walls, etc.) 3 )The main lot in question is a completely empty all-water rental lot owned by A in the middle of the region and does not in itself have unblockable Blake Sea access. 3) B has a small sailing club-type lot in the center of the lot but has Blake Sea access by crossing other lots. 4) A's rental lot is public access but the members of B's group have been banned by name. 5) Even with A's lot being blocked to them, the members of B's group still have open-water access by going through a neighbor's lot which is set up for public boat travel (and which is quite nice, by the way.) This is a rather awkward route, however. 6) B's signs are currently small and inconspicuous; however, I didn't see them when they first went up. 7) B's lot isn't a travel factor for anyone else in the region, being in the center. 8) Neither A nor B appear to be long-established residents of the area and together only own a small portion of the region. 9) B has seen fit to not only ban A by name, but also the neighbor whose lot they can use for the alternate access route. This neighbor hasn't reciprocated in the banning.
  3. Tallulah Bilavio wrote: I have the Maitreya Lara Mesh Body and I love it. My only real gripe is with clothing designers/makers who make outfits with appliers that will make them work with the Lara Body but include shoes that only work with Slink feet! The Lara Body has perfectly lovely feet so why would I want to buy another pair? This means of course that all the shoes in these outfits are useless to me. Some shoes are wearable with Slink and Belleza but not the Lara Body. Why cant they be made wearable for all or certainly the ones for which the outfit is wearable? This is all rather annoying since I'm paying the same price for the outfit but can only wear half of it. I would just like to know the thinking behind this because I am not going to be sheep herded into buying every foot on the market! "Appliers" only send a texture to "paint" a body/body part and they all work the same way; it isn't difficult to make a new applier. Shoes, on the other hand, have to be built and rigged to the foot - they can't change shape automagically. Different feet require different meshes. A lot of clothes makers don't have the skills and software necessary to make their own meshes. Most outfits I've seen that include shoes do so with shoes made from full-perm templates and Slink templates are by far the most common.
  4. Karma73 wrote: I have dubdivided a small peice of my land to put up my store and im trying to figure out how to allocate a portion of prims to it ... HELPPPP!! :matte-motes-big-grin: As long as all the land you own on the region is assigned to the same group you don't need to worry about it - you can have a tiny lot with lots of prims and a large lot that's empty if the total you own IN THAT REGION is high enough to support the total number of prims.
  5. CrossedChaos wrote: When I open Second Life Viewer, my character doesn't show up. Only the username. Objects and other people's characters are very glitched out. and sometimes do the same thing. I got a brand new custom made gaming computer and it nhasn't had problems with anything else except for this. Help? New AMD video card drivers don't support the OpenGL calls Second Life uses; their older drivers do, however. If you have an AMD video card the best solution is to install the OpenGL information from an older driver version into the Second Life directory. More info and techniques listed here: https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/latest-amd-catalyst14-12-drivers-continue-sl-rigged-mesh-woes/#comment-40190
  6. Kelli May wrote: GingerHenderson wrote: Hi Perrie, yes banning certain peeps from his parcel only that belong to the neighbor's group. It is Mainland. Mr Accused can ban whomever he likes from his parcel, assuming he doesn't use any kind of security orb that extends beyond his borders. Assuming that, the author of the note doesn't have any kind of complaint to base his threats on. Even assuming he had a valid complaint, he should be ARing Mr Accused, not making threats to 'set up all kind of materials to make living unpleasant here'. Mr. Accusor would also be entirely within HIS rights to put up an obnoxious eyesore on his property, though. Also, many people who live on the Mainland do so to operate vehicles. Banning by name creates an impenetrable wall and the implication is that Mr. Accused is doing this only to inconvenience the members of Mr. Accusor's group, and not because of anything they've done. It sounds like this is either a case of "blockbreaking" by Mr. Accused or "extortion" by Mr. Accusor. Of course, we don't know the actual facts of this case. AAANNNDDD this is why Linden Lab doesn't get involved in resident-resident disputes.
  7. FataMorgania wrote: I'm not sure how many of you have heard, but from Jan 1st a new EU law came into place that effects all digital sales worldwide. You can read more about how it effects you here: http://euvataction.org/ This effects us as sellers on Second Life in a large way. This is not just a EU problem. This a a worldwide problem. I'm interested to know if Linden labs actually know about it because as a legal marketplace and digital provider they are the ones responsible for it. Yet we've heard nothing (that i know) about it from them. Digital goods now have a threshold of 0, thus pretty much killing free trade. This also effects virtual currency like Linden Dollars, Bitcoin, IMVU credits etc. As a precaution before Jan 1st I had to set every item in my store to free incase any EU customers purchased something from me. I don't want to have to register for VATMOSS when I am thousands of pounds under the 81k threshold of my own country. As sellers we have to safeguard ourselves about this incase LL decides to not take responsibility for location tracking and tax handling on all digital items we sell to eachother. If you want to know more on digital tax then do a quick google for EUVAT or VATMOSS and you'll find a bunch of resources. Also there's a group on Facebook fighting this tax directly called Digital VAT 2015. They have the best links for anyone who is concerned and doesn't want to get chased by some random countries tax authorities over a $0.09 sale profit. Linden Lab will argue that in a Second Life "sale" - 1.) Nothing actually changes hands - it all stays on the servers and generally has no use outside of Second Life and 2.) No actual money changes hands, only "game tokens" (Lindens). Therefore, Second Life "merchants" don't actually HAVE "customers" in a real-world sense. Tax law only applies to things of real-world value or else you'd have to declare your winnings in a game of Monopoly. It's true that right now, you can exchange Lindens for real-world money but Linden Lab will maintain that's only because they choose to, and those who cash out are already subject to taxes. If a court somewhere determined that "things" in Second Life had real-world value I'm sure the entire grid would be shut down almost instantly because the administration necessary to handle all of that would be unsustainable.
  8. If your goal is to stop showing the group title in your viewer, you can: 1) Go to "Groups" and set your active group to "None". You'll still stay in any groups you're currently in but there won't be a group tag, and nobody else will see the tag for your avatar either. However, for some things you'll need to have a certain group active in order to have certain group privileges. 2) You can go to "Preferences" - "General" and de-select "Group Titles" - this will turn off display of all group titles in your viewer. You'll need to remember what group you have active at any given time yourself then. Also, this won't affect how anyone else sees your avatar.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: We don't have freedom of speech. We only have it up to a point, You're right. And it should be scaring the heck out of people. Actually our freedom to speak is absolute as long as someone isn't standing close enough to physically stop our mouths and breath. We can say anything... at least once. However, we can't control the reaction or actions of those hearing us. Laws are words on paper and can't actually cause or prevent anything in and of themselves. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. So it's a good idea to choose your words carefully.
  10. Elinah Iredell wrote: Hi everyone quick question. I have recently discovered gacha machines. I love them. Beautiful items low prices and furniture with low land impact too. It has helped me discover creative stores I didnt know existed. I also had fun searching gacha yard sales in world and on the marketplace for the favorte specific items I wanted. The problem is I have been having trouble finding many of the actual gacha machines themsleves . The birdy alchemy gachas for instance are nowhere to be found even on their own land in their own store. I know the items must be available somewhere since gacha yard sales are full of them but I cannot find them . I wrote to the gacha owner asking where to fnd their machines and they ignored me so that didnt help. Don't get me wrong I love the yard sales when I only want a few of the things the gacha has to offer, but when I like most of the things in a gacha and do not really care which one I get, I think it would be fun to try my own luck and not have to pay the higher prices of the yard sales. Sometimes the prices are really too high at yard sales especially for common items. Does anyone know where to find Birdy/ Alchemy gacha machines? As well as other popular ones? Many gacha items are only available from their makers' gacha machines at certain gacha events where many makers put out machines with certain items. The events usually only run a limited time. The event that really created the cottage industry of gacha yard sales is The Arcade - their last event was in December. There's currently another event called Oh My Gacha that's running now -- http://seraphimsl.com/2015/01/10/its-time-to-say-oh-my-gacha-again/ Some merchants bring their machines from these events back to the stores - I know Floorplan and Intrigue do, for instance - but others don't.
  11. daddy56SP wrote: thank you for your answer...some of my avis show textures and downloaded 391260, already without the genitals///a friend mentioned something about making copies and than delete the scripts...my concern is about the "not copyable"items..lol..and i am banishing my demon tails, em particles emiter horns..with some sadness, though There are two completely separate things you should be looking at. The "391260" number is your "avatar draw weight" which describes how much work a viewer has to do to draw your avatar. (Incidentally, that figure is horrendous; however, I've seen single human hairstyles that can cause numbers that high so don't feel TOO ashamed.) It's aggravated by having a lot of small, complicated sculpts and/or meshes and lots of large textures on those items. The only real solution to high draw weight is to find things give you the same look you want more efficiently. However, draw weight doesn't have a real effect on the region itself; only on the viewers of the people who are trying to look at your avatar. The complaint that the sim squawked at you was probably about your "script count/weight" which is completely separate from your "draw weight." You can have high draw weight with low script count and vice versa. Also coolness and script counts aren't necessarily related either. Resizing scripts are the big culprits for script counts and usually can be reduced by deleting scripts. High script counts/loads can affect the running of a region; not as much as they used to and not as much as some region owners think, but they can.
  12. NusT wrote: here I leave a picture showing my problem: http://i59.tinypic.com/10h80bb.jpg I don't know why you're doing what you're doing in that picture - you might be trying to turn shadows on the way it was done in a very old viewer but that's not how it works anymore. First of all, the debug setting you're setting can't be set higher than 1.0 - it says so in the panel. Any way, it doesn't have anything to do with shadows. To turn shadows on, go to the regular "Preferences" menu, then "Graphics", hit "Advanced" button and select "Advanced Lighting Model" ("Modelo de ilumination avazando"). Then select "Shadows" ("Sombras") and select one of the options.
  13. ral61 wrote: Since SL signup, I noticed I could'nt change the avatars appearance with "new" components, because the properties are "locked" to (copy, modify & transfer) by the original owner. The Marketplace is tempting to change the avatars appearance Can the "locked" properties be changed? Properties can't be changed, however you can substitute new parts for anything - for instance, you can't modify a "no mod" shape but you can wear another one.
  14. jazmineh Chun wrote: Actually, i don't think you get what i'm saying. there wasn't anyone there in my partner's house, someone apparently tapped into our conversation, no idea how, he couldn't hear her but i could. He thought i was going mad when i started asking questions to someone whom, for him, wasn't there. Lots of confusion, lol. Almost like some bad sketch. There obviously is a way of hacking into 'private' sl voice conversations. All i'm saying really. This makes no sense. If someone was "hacking into" the conversation it would imply they wanted to listen, and I assume listen secretly. Why in the name of Pete's blue bicycle would they enable you to hear them? Are you using a wireless headset? Basically they work with radio waves and like any radio apparatus they'd pick up interference from another device using the same frequency. And even if you aren't someone else could be and the wiring of your connection could be picking up a signal. I used to get radio station interference on my telephone line sometimes.
  15. Cavey Charlesworth wrote: Is there a file anywhere with a list of current SL Users that I can check against to verify people using a voting form on my website? I am NOT WANTING ANY PERSONAL DETAILS!!, I just want to verify that a user exists and then either allow or deny a form submit depending on the result. It isn`t going t be a page that exists long enough to warrant setting up single-sign on etc, so was hoping that there was a way to get a list, either on a file or a site, that I can use to check against? Again, NO PERSONAL DETAILS WANTED except avatar names, or at least somewhere I can send a name programatically and get a yes/no back..... Pj. If I'm understanding this correctly, there's no way for this to work. If there's no direct connection between SL and your website, such as an API, etc. I don't see what would prevent someone from using an avatar name from Second Life to access your form even though it isn't that person's account. You can check for names in-world by using the using the various avatar-selector dialogues (just search may not work for people not listed) but, as I said, there's not way of assuring people are who they say they are.
  16. BaghDze wrote: My avatar is not displayed mesh clothing. I put on her, she allegedly appears, but it is not visible, it is transparent. Body mesh avatars too transparent. Maybe someone knows what to do in such a situation? :С The latest AMD OpenGL drivers don't support Second Life properly anymore. However, if you copy over the OpenGL drivers from an older AMD driver and put them in your Second Life viewer folder it should fix the Second Life issues without having to rollback the entire driver. Procedure and comments here: https://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/12/13/amd-catalyst-drivers-additional-windows-workaround/
  17. KarraSue wrote: I bought some slink feet I was told I had to purchase special slink boots/shoes to use with them. Is there any reason why I can't use the boots(with their alpha and shoe base) that I normally wear with these slink feet? The alpha won't hide the Slink feet because they're considered a separate object and not part of your body itself. Basically, they're "shoes" that happen to look like feet, and can have additional things attached to them. Assuming the boots you're talking about have closed toes, etc. there is no advantage to wearing them with Slink feet - the feet will only stick out unpredictably and there's nothing you can do about it. You can wear your old boots exactly the way you used to - simply don't attach the Slink feet.
  18. Velk Kerang wrote: Been debating on trying SL again after a year off. My issue is this. I load fine on first load or after i clear cache. However I have a large inventory about 78k of stuff over the years. Once I load and go to relog so it will set and I don't have to wait on it no more I have issues logging in. With Firestorm load screen hangs or it loads slow until I loose connection. With Singularity I get a messages about unable to load a gesture and ding I am offline. Anyone know a way to fix this outside or clearing cache all the time or deleting half my crap? Thanks in advance. It sounds like you've got a corrupt gesture activated. Deactivate all of your gestures and see if that helps.
  19. CaptainJack Grauman wrote: When I am in SL, the land further than a set distance away disappears and appearsas sea. Can SL be set to display all land within eyesight of the member's camera? How would that affect speed and performance? The way the Second Life "planet" works, there is a layer of "water" covering everything that is drawn by the viewer automatically without needing input from the servers. This is called "void water." "Land" detail has to be sent from the servers so it won't be available until each new region enters your draw distance at least partially. If the "void water" wasn't there you'd just see a bizarre hard edge to the land with nothing beyond it.
  20. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude. In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform. That is the reality. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL. No, the amount someone makes at any given time is based on the perception of their value, not their actual value. Bernie Madoff was taking home big piles of money from people who thought his company was doing what it actually wasn't. Incidentally, the merchant who it was claimed made a million real-world dollars selling shoes in SL has had their account removed, their in-world and marketplace stores are no more, their SL brand website and RL consulting company website bring up "this domain is available" pages and there are reports on other forums that the subcontractors who did the actual work of making the shoes weren't getting paid in the end. Interesting. This is a good example of the free market too. Just cause you hit it big for awhile, doesn't mean you'll stay there. They fell apart and it hardly affected anyone, while dozens more filled their place. How do you know that they ever "made it big" in the first place? And it would have affected you if you'd made that bet about their knock-on bringing in "millions", wouldn't it?
  21. Medhue Simoni wrote: Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude. In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform. That is the reality. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL. No, the amount someone makes at any given time is based on the perception of their value, not their actual value. Bernie Madoff was taking home big piles of money from people who thought his company was doing what it actually wasn't. Incidentally, the merchant who it was claimed made a million real-world dollars selling shoes in SL has had their account removed, their in-world and marketplace stores are no more, their SL brand website and RL consulting company website bring up "this domain is available" pages and there are reports on other forums that the subcontractors who did the actual work of making the shoes weren't getting paid in the end. Interesting.
  22. If you don't click on a notification shortly after it arrives the attachment won't open directly from it. It can be easy to miss seeing the notice at first so you might not have realized you'd gotten it and it went "stale." You can still open the attachment by going to "Groups" for that group, selecting "Notices", find the notice and select the "Open Attachment" button at the bottom of the panel (you may have to scroll down to see this button.)
  23. Muletta wrote: Sometimes when I see a resident complaining here in the forum in addition to not having received the goods which was paid for, or that the product did not meet the advertisement, I see comments from others like this: "Forget it and move on with your SL!", "Do not whine over half a dollar!", Or "Why complain of having lost a few lindens, no big deal." And if the seller does not respond after even many inquiries, the disgruntled buyer gets told, that sellers in sl also have a rl to take care of. - Yes, we all have a rl, but if a seller is only online a couple of times a month, or does not bother to spend five minutes a few times a week for caring about the customers, is this a fair way of doing business? I do not think such comments in those threads are fair, but instead they are supporting bad and careless merchants to just continue their bad behavior. Seems like some also forget, that the sad feeling of being cheated (again?), can go way beyond, the loss of a few dollars. In many - in fact probably most - cases it is only a "feeling" because no cheating or scamming actually took place. A lot of problems are due to issues with LL or third-party vendors or else honest mistakes. These should be taken care of where possible, of course, but a lot of those complaining come onto the forums immediately assuming they've been "scammed" when nothing of the kind actually took place. There are also cases where someone creates a forum thread talking about how bad/unscrupulous someone else is when, after more details come out, the problems turn out to be in large part caused or aggravated by the original poster.
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: I could postulate that the Market Place is doing more to hurt LL's bottom line than helping it. Because their income is based on Land. But I have no way of knowing what percentage of Land was/is Commercial verses Residential. But we do know that Merchant after Merchant have closed their InWorld stores and with the advent of Mesh it opened the door for a whole knew class of Sellers, people who essentially don't need to step a foot into SL other than to upload their models. It's very possible that their current model is far less dependent on commercial land than you think. The maximum gross income a region would have is a little under $10 a day. The Lab takes 5% of the Lindens in any marketplace transaction, meaning that for those transactions there would need to be 5% more Lindens bought (income to Linden Lab) than could be cashed out (expenses for Linden Lab.) My math says that every 50,000 Lindens spent on the Marketplace per day will replace the income from a full region for that day, and this is actually an underestimate because (1) the average region would bring in less than $10 a day due to homesteads, favored landlord discounts, Mainland regions, etc. and (2) these are gross numbers; the cost to the Lab of supporting L$50000 per day of Marketplace transactions is almost undoubtedly far less than the daily cost of keeping a region running.
  25. CadenzaInVivace wrote: Aislin Ceawlin wrote: CadenzaInVivace wrote: I always find it amusing "adults" complain about slightest bit of nudity. Personally I find those fugly "child avatars" 100x more disturbing than breasts and butts, and the way they talk is 100x more freakier than that (what is probably a 60-year old homo sitting in his mom's basement talking like this in an online game: "wahh mommy I want the candy!"). Once someone threatened to "report me" because 1/5th of my nipple was showing from underneath my top. If you complain about nudity in a game designed for 18+ people then you're just beyond pathetic. Please go back to playing your Dora the Explorer kthnx. (My highlighting) WOW, really? "Homo"????? What is YOUR malfunction????? My "malfunction" is a simple typo, should read "hobo" not "homo". Your malfunction is much more severe unfortunately, for squealing like a 2-year old at a typo, unless of course you ARE one of those freaky fugly child av's, in which case fits your role. Calm down and have some Prozac. Mm hmmm... Sure.
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