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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. I would suggest taking any BBB rating with a grain of salt. They are a notoriously bad organization. https://money.cnn.com/2015/09/30/news/better-business-bureau-millions/index.html
  2. Please refrain from using the words "beef" and "Mole" in the same sentence. My heart can't take it. 😜
  3. Sometimes I'm up late enough to see the sunrise, but never, if at all possible, up that early! I like to play with day settings and windlight and see what I can come up with. 😊
  4. If I could scoop up this view on a cracker and eat it, I would. ❤️🌊⭐ 🌚⭐🌊❤️
  5. I think it's a wonderful idea. Oddly timed releases done when they wish to do them. As to your other points, thank you. You said it much more eloquently that I could have in the state of rage I've been in. For years, people have craved more interaction with the Lindens and Moles. We finally had that... finally. How much fun were those first few weeks? We had Lindens and Moles all over the place, not just building but also seeing and being a part of the community that THEY created. Patch was everywhere. The goofiness here on the forums, the inworld groups, the exchanging of ideas, the excitement and laughter. It was amazing and magical. Now? Yeah, that's mostly gone. Rarely are they spotted here on the forums anymore and it's usually when one of them has had enough of the abuse and defended themselves, and then they're gone again. We don't see them just hanging around Bellisseria. Patch got fed up enough today to leave one of the community groups today. He'd already left the other group's Discord. They're retreating again, and is it any wonder? I want it to go back to how it was.
  6. Been there, done that... will probably do it again.
  7. Over the years, I've found it's very healthy to take breaks from SL. I left for a year once, a couple months here and there, more frequently a week or so. Something always brings me back and I enjoy it all over again, but I don't think there is anything wrong with logging out for however log it takes before you really want to log back in again. When it's not fun any longer, and logging in feels like more of an obligation, it's time for a break.
  8. If I hadn't already logged out, I'd be happy to have every one of you come over! Perhaps tomorrow night we can all sit on the edge of my boat watching the Moles build, build, build and enjoy a nice chilled glass of wine.
  9. Much appreciated. The beginning and middle were quite like the end, I'm afraid. Time for me to wind down and drift away for the evening.
  10. Thank you! Right after that, @Fritigern Gothly joined me. It's so awesome when neighbors stop by! ❤️
  11. Very happy the new land on the other side of Quartz Lake isn't going to interfere with my amazing sunrises.
  12. We don't. It's literally like sunshine, rainbows, glittery unicorns. Just don't mention tip jars.
  13. No, but a few of them have been know to wield big, giant, squishy, juicy pickles when working. 😋
  14. Perspective is very clearly needed in this thread when people are allowing themselves become physically ill due to stress and lack of sleep.
  15. OMFG. That was going a giant leap too far. I mean, OH MY GOD. That's just... OH MY GOD. @Sylvia Tamalyn, please accept my apologies because... HOLY CRAP. My dad said irreverent and insightful things like that all the time, and he was an amazing man without an abusive thread in his body. I would be spitting nails right now if I were you. That was way, way too far over the line.
  16. One woman, and I'm not going to go back and look, or name names, stated that her health... her physical health... is actually suffering because of this. How am I the only one who sees how absolutely bananas that is to allow this whole thing to have that sort of effect on you? A Linden Home is not more important than your physical or mental health. That is true regardless of whether I have one of them or not. It sucks that everyone that wants a home doesn't have one yet. It sucks that some people who have one wish they had a different one. I'm really sorry there aren't more. I wish there were. I want new neighbors. I want the seas and lakes and rivers full of boats, and planes flying overhead, and parties, and laughter, and people on horseback and bikes and I want them all over the place. I cannot wait for that to happen. Except I can wait because I have to.
  17. No, but my mom did quite a bit and I was usually sitting next to her and she'd split the pot with me so that was pretty close.
  18. Absolutely not. It infuriates me. That's why I'm wearing the hard hat to dodge these bricks!
  19. I hit a slot machine jackpot a couple times, too. Doesn't make the words any less accurate or true.
  20. It isn't difficult to understand. What seems to be flying right over most people's heads, though, is that playing the refresh game is a choice that literally no one has to do. A person can sit their with auto-refresh running 24/7, never sleeping, hopped up on caffeine and energy drinks, and still lose out to someone who pulls up the screen once and hits the button right at the magic time. I saw this same behavior when I lived in Las Vegas watching people playing the slot machines. Over and over and over, losing every single time, and it just made them feed more into the machine at a faster pace... and then when they couldn't pay their mortgage, it was the casino's fault when they could have stood up and walked away at any moment, or never even sat down to begin with. People have whipped themselves into a frenzy over this. The excitement is awesome, and I can't wait to have more new people around! But the fact that people are letting this affect their health is absolutely ludicrous. That is not Linden Lab's fault. People are making the choice to run themselves ragged, and stress themselves out, over a freaking little fake house and blaming LL for something that is completely within their own control to stop. People are becoming addicted to the refresh game. That's not healthy. This anger is not healthy. They managed to survive in SL without living on Bellisseria for all this time before Bellisseria was even a twinkle in Patch's eye. There is a product people want that they can't have at the moment. Work is being done to rectify that. For their own health and sanity, people really just need to calm down. And I know saying this will have about as much effect as someone telling an angry woman (i.e. me, more frequently than I'd like) just to calm down. This is the way it is, the way it's most likely going to continue, and everyone is really just going to have to live with it. How they decide to handle that news is up to them. A person's own personal behaviors and actions are not Linden Lab's fault. borrows a hard hat from one of the Moles and prepares for all the bricks being lobbed at her head
  21. The number of people commenting and complaining is an utterly minuscule number of SL residents. It's almost like some people here have never met another human being. We (as a whole) have conditioned ourselves to check the "accept" box and move to the next screen without a second thought.
  22. Wait... y'all got donuts?! @Ebbe Linden, I demand fair distribution of donuts for ALL! This donut inequality will not stand, man. GIVE ME MY DONUT!
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