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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. Perhaps your dislike wasn't of the Moles per se... more like the Moles-Can-Do-No-Wrong Fan Club members, maybe? Regardless, I'm so thrilled you've joined us over here on the light side! Welcome, welcome, welcome! We'll get your membership card in the mail right away! The Mole Ears headbands are on back-order but we hope to have them back in stock soon! 🌻MOLES4LYFE! 🌻 We need Mole Emojis! I need the Forum Overlords to add these immediately!
  2. Kiera! It's so awesome to see you showing the Moles some love! Wonderful that you've had a change of heart and joined us here to express our adoration and devotion to and of all things Mole! ❤️Welcome to Team Mole Love Forever! ❤️ Unless... hmm... nah, you wouldn't do that...
  3. I cannot tell you how annoyed I am at agreeing with @Orwar. @Lindal Kidd as well, though I'm not at all annoyed about that. 😉 I absolutely consider myself a strong feminist, and have argued rather vehemently in other threads about not victim-blaming, but I really think we need to stop conflating being hit on with being assaulted. If some guy comes up to me, anywhere, and says the "U wnt f***?" line, it's annoying, but it's not assault and I'm not a victim. If anything, he's a victim of his abject stupidity. If I say, "Thank you, no," and he persists, that's a different story and all bets are off. I'm also perfectly capable of defending myself in these situations so as not to be victimized by a moron. This isn't a problem at most of the adult beaches I go to. Most of them have a group join fee that tends to weed out the ickier ones. Some slip through, but a quick IM to a mod will usually get them removed. The region owners don't want to be associated with that type of harassment. Women are going to get hit on, sometimes rather vulgarly. Men are, too. We're not victims until the idiots take it way past merely hitting on us.
  4. I am very happy you are still here! I love your videos and your little worm farm! ❤️
  5. Somehow I think that with all the other crap happening around here, they're going to let this one slide. I mean, we're just talking about vegetables! What could be more harmless than that??
  6. Meh... it was too gross and harsh. Self-censoring.
  7. Tabloid headlines and yellow journalism. Fear and sensationalism. This is how Trump got elected.
  8. In addition to everything else posted here, especially the increasing absence of Mole and Linden interaction with us anymore, I also realize that two of our kindest, sweetest, gentlest forumites seem to have disappeared over the last week. Has anyone see @WillowTenage or @roseelvira recently? I'm afraid that the tense and negative atmosphere has run them off. And that would truly be sad both for them, and for us, as these two are constantly (and successfully) trying to bring smiles to everyone around them.
  9. My dream next continent is the adult Linden Homes continent. It would be nearly almost exactly the same as Bellisseria, except without the moderate limitations. In talking to other people about this, some have suggested a Louisiana/Bayou/New Orleans theme and that could cover a variety of different tastes from the dark and macabre BDSM dungeons to the happy, brightly lit, swinging Garden District. The animals could be very different... a crocodile instead of a squirrel? And the parades we could have down our very own Bourbon Street! The things we could do for beads! I fully intend to start harassing bribing gently encouraging @Patch Linden to go ahead and tuck this into the back of his adorable little creative noggin where I've no doubt this idea will take seed and ultimately burst into something adult and incredible. I bet if he and @Abnor Mole put their heads together, something magnificent would arise! Also, instead of pickles... eggplants! Eggplants everywhere! Big... thick... ripe... firm... bulbous... purple... eggplants! Or aubergines for you Brits. 🍆
  10. I've not posted mine because it is not even close to being as beautifully done as everyone else's! I have a houseboat and it's cozy, but nothing like most of these! And congratulations... both on the new house and that other thing, too! 😜
  11. Most who know me will say that I'm just wrong on soooo many levels! 😜
  12. Would love to comment on this and say how great it looks so far, but your girlfriend terrifies me. I'm also really disappointing in myself for completely failing to connect the Smokey and the Bandit regions in my head.
  13. You really don't see the issue with telling someone, anyone, to "get back to work"? You're one of those people who really enjoys making servers and cashiers cry, aren't you? And every time you demand to speak to the manager you begin with "As a paying customer..." If you're unable to see how that is rude, nothing I say will change your mind.
  14. Just speaking out loud to the general public here... not directed at any one person, place, or thing so as not be threatened with handcuffs... again... but, man, if I were a person who repeatedly gets told that they are a certain thing, or behave a certain way, I might start to believe the multiple people who are observing my behavior and telling me that thing. It would certainly be cause for me to take a step back and embark on some serious self-reflection and introspection. In case anyone... anyone... reading this might, perhaps, wish to take a step or six backwards and take a good, hard, look at themselves, I offer this short quiz as a way to start.
  15. And once again a perfectly lovely thread is derailed by... that thing.
  16. I can absolutely point you in the right direction! Sharing is caring! 😉
  17. I'm gonna be the crotchety old lady in Fourze that puts out the empty candy bowl and turns off lights, with a big flashy neon "Bah Humbug" on the side of my boat. Either that or my candy bowl will be filled with things that are definitely Not Appropriate For Children, much like the ornaments on my Christmas tree. 😜
  18. Nothing I can say to this won't get me banned. 🤬
  19. It's time to bump this back up to the top with some words of love and adoration for our darling Moles and their fearless leader @Patch Linden! In tribute, I present to you a poem. NOT written by me because I completely suck at writing poetry. Like really badly. Anyway, here it is for your enjoyment. Mole By Wyatt Prunty For weeks he’s tunneled his intricate need Through the root-rich, fibrous, humoral dark, Buckling up in zagged illegibles The cuneiforms and cursives of a blind scribe. Sleeved by soft earth, a slow reach knuckling, Small tributaries open from his nudge— Mild immigrant, bland isolationist, Berm builder edging the runneling world. But now the snow, and he’s gone quietly deep, Nuzzling through a muzzy neighborhood Of dead-end-street, abandoned cul-de-sac, And boltrun from a dead-leaf, roundhouse burrow. May he emerge four months from this as before, Myopic master of the possible, Wise one who understands prudential ground, Revisionist of all things green; So when he surfaces, lumplike, bashful, Quizzical as the flashbulb blind who wait For color to return, he’ll nose our green- rich air with the imperative poise of now. You're welcome, my Myopic Masters of the Possible!
  20. You can refresh the page as many times as your little distal phalanges can hit the key. The problem is that LL has had probably 100's of people hitting the Linden Homes page 24/7 thousands of times a minute. Do you know what that is? That's a DDoS attack, although in this case it isn't malicious and certainly not to the extend of the truly damaging DDoS attacks that have crippled other websites. It is, however, stating to affect the site. LL had to take steps to stop it. Anyone promoting such an action probably won't get in trouble with LL... but that isn't a certainty. If it ends up taking the site down, someone is going to answer for that. I wouldn't want that person to be me.
  21. Well... for me, I had a couple nasty experiences with men that I either wasn't interested in, or had broken things off with, coming back as alts for another go at me. It destroyed my trust and now I look at the alt game with great suspicion as to the motives behind the need to create an alt, and what it's going to be used to do. Saying that, though, Beth Macbain is technically an alt but I ditched my original avi right after I created her. I wanted to use my RL first name instead of pretending to be someone I'm not. I do have one alt that I'll be bumping up to premium when the LH trailers are released. Her name is theotherbethmacbain.resident so no one thinks I'm up to no good. 😜
  22. If it's any consolation, the group in question is doing their level best to prevent what happened today from ever happening again and is trying very hard to figure out how to woo Patch back. The biggest thing to come out of it is there is finally, finally, some backlash against the constant onslaught of negativity and vitriol. I believe Patch is going to be overwhelmed with love tomorrow, as he should be. ❤️
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