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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. It's a bit like Groundhog Day, isn't it?
  2. OMG, Rose! I love you and have missed you!
  3. Oh, you wanna go there? That's it... I'm booking the fairgrounds for the Pineapple Throwdown!
  4. If they released them all at once, everyone would be waiting a couple more years. They initially released around 3,000, followed by another good sized release of about 700 houseboats. No one wanted to wait the month it took them to prepare the 700 boats so Patch switched it to the M-W-F-ish schedule. No one likes that. People are going to complain no matter what they do.
  5. Because they did it that way and people complained then, too.
  6. No, they don't. They all have their jobs to do and as long as they get done, I don't think LL cares what time they do it. I know I've seen both Moles and Lindens recently working in Bellisseria at hours that are definitely outside SLT business hours. They work all hours of the day and night.
  7. Patch's team is also all over the world. Some of them are probably even in bed now. There are 12 people, not 2, needed for a region release to be on hand for any number of reasons that could arise. This thread is a bit like a game of telephone. 😋
  8. Sometimes conflict is necessary - especially when it comes to human rights.
  9. Well, black people would still be considered three-fifths human, women wouldn't have the right to vote, Jim Crow laws would still be being enforced, except they wouldn't because slavery would still be legal. Women would be property. Gay people wouldn't be allowed to marry. Black and white children would be segregated into different schools. I might not have my job because I'm a woman and could have been turned down based solely on that... Shall I go on? Because I have plenty more examples of where we'd be without causes if you need them.
  10. I'm only half British and I was born in and live in the US, and I'm still bitter about it. We'd have been much better off if we'd lost that war. 😋
  11. Having just spent a solid 45 seconds reading up on the Orange Order, I'd classify them as a hate group and assume they fall under LL's policies on hate groups regardless of the country. I don't see them letting al-Qaida host an event, either.
  12. Isn't there already a way to do that? I'm not inworld so can't look at the group permissions right now but I thought there was an option to allow group members, my role, to change parcel settings.
  13. I think I finally figured out how to do this correctly... In regards to the presence of Lindens and Moles congregating in a particular region:
  14. I really and truly do hope you become a HAVE very, very soon! ❤️
  15. The groups have no insider knowledge as to when regions are released. Patch might speak up in one of the groups with a hint, but I believe (I could be wrong about this) that since the Have Nots have invaded the groups, he's been keeping pretty quite. The presence of Moles or Lindens or hover text or red boxes or green boxes or huge billboards is absolutely no indicator that a region is about to be released.
  16. My definition of a political event would be something supporting a particular political party or candidate. Pride isn't a candidate or a party... well, actually, it's a fabulous party, but you know what I mean. I believe LL already has a policy in place, several even, regarding hate groups. I don't envy Missy or Patch in having to make some of these calls.
  17. You get 351 LI or prims or whatever to do whatever you want with. You can add a skybox, but you have to use your LI for that. I'm using all mine on the ground. Anyone who wants to cam in on my bits is more than welcome to, though I do turn on parcel privacy when I change hair. A girl's gotta draw that line somewhere!
  18. I'm a very outspoken member of the Pineapple On Pizza Party (PoPP). We're in direct opposition to the No Pineapple Party (NPP). Not only does my party believe pineapple belongs on pizza, we believe anything and everything deserves equal consideration when making the deeply personal choice regarding pizza toppings. The opposition party believes pineapples should not only be banned from pizza, but also banned from everything, and locked away behind a wall. They believe there should be a firmly set, established list of traditional pizza toppings with pepperoni at the top of that small, exclusive list and any changes to that list, should their party win, would be strictly forbidden. As a member of the PoPP, I feel very strongly that it is my ethical, moral obligation to vehemently oppose the NPP when they appear in my city. It's my duty to face them down because pineapples deserve not just equality, but equity, when it comes to pizza toppings. No one has to put pineapple on their pizza. Sometimes I don't even want pineapple on my pizza, but as a pizza-eater, that is my personal decision and no one has any business trying to take that choice from me. Any event held at the Fairgrounds has to be open to the public. If the NPP holds an event there, I will be there in opposition, same as when they show up in my city, and I will be vocal because I passionately believe in Pineapple on Pizza. All that to say that I think maybe, in an effort to keep the peace, political events should not be allowed at the Fairgrounds.
  19. I cannot stop laughing at your attempts to pull off the Great Flamingo Caper of 2019! Just wait until Fred and Ethel start spitting at you! Of course they have names!
  20. Yeah... you're going to have to come back around and make that gyazo...
  21. I am a stereotypical by-the-book introvert. I'm often quiet in the evenings after work because I'm recharging from dealing with real live people for eight hours. I'm much more sociable on weekends when I'm all refreshed and recharged! Please never, ever take my silence as anything more than me hiding in my little quiet head space! I always try to remember to set my auto-response, but I often forget!
  22. I can't find one! @Teager, I think you need to make one!
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