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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. I sense a disturbance in the positivity force, though I see nothing...
  2. What? You're in like half of them! Oh, crap... we weren't supposed to tell you about the Peeping Tom...
  3. Give me a shout inworld if you'd like an invitation to the group! Just a warning to anyone who wants to join, though. As much as it is a safe and positive haven for all who join is, it IS extremely sexual in some of our Discord channels. Thar be dirty pics! As long as people are chill with that, we're good! Another thing I'm loving about Bellisseria - people also seems to be very respectful of other's privacy and desire for solitude. I'm working from home today, and while I'm buried in spreadsheets on one screen, on the other I'm sitting on my boat with my auto-response on, watching the boats and work off in the distance, listening to the waves crashing, and relaxing. It's not quite the same was working from the seaside, but it's as close as I'm going to get in Kentucky!
  4. My 2 cents on politics on Bellisseria... It's going to be divisive no matter how we try to get out in front of it. We're gearing up for what is going to be a hugely contentious election season in the US. We're already seeing some trollish activity in Belli involving politics designed solely to stir the argument soup. If there are any political events at the fairgrounds, I worry less about the event and more about the potential for trollish behavior in the water surrounding it. Residents on every side will yell about their 1st amendment rights which do not actually apply in SL at all. I don't know... where is the line? What types of events are okay and what aren't? Pride may be contentious in other countries, but LL is based in the US where Pride has most definitely, and thankfully, crossed into the mainstream. See? I'm already justifying the events I agree with in my head. Thankfully, it's up to LL to make those hard decisions and not us... lol! I feel certain that there will be discussions at the Lab surrounding these types of things. It would be awesome if residents could just be wise enough to keep their politics private but we already have a group claiming to be a registered PAC. That ship has sailed. It's a proverbial pickle.
  5. Yeah, okay... this one hit my right in the feels and I might be crying a few (happy) tears. We all came to SL for in infinite number of reasons, all uniquely ours, but then we find others that we just... god, relate to so much, and it really is something magical... it’s more than pixels or avatars are houses. It’s the people... these wonderful humans we’re sharing this place with. It’s coming together in Bellisseria where we are each building homes, and extending our circles of other humans, as big or as small as we want, all intersecting, and entwining, and helping us enrich everything we came to SL looking for. It’s extraordinary. These aren’t houses or boats - they’re homes and it is a true community. We’re having some growing pains, but at the heart of it, well... that’s it. There’s heart. Thank YOU, Lyrical, for opening YOUR heart in such a beautiful way. Your name suits you well. ❤️❤️❤️
  6. I'm putting the little thank you emoji on all these answers but that's not quite good enough! THANK YOU to everyone sharing stories about the magic of Bellisseria! I'm honored and proud to be your neighbor! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  7. Go ahead! Isn't that part of the beauty of SL? I can just rezz another one!
  8. Absolutely! Diversity and inclusion is the name of our game! No one has to do anything they aren't comfy with and no one pushes anyone to do anything at all ever.
  9. Hahahaha... yes, that's just @Fritigern Gothly out delivering some freight! Mine is right under the lighthouse... says Boaty McBoatface on the side!
  10. You are completely perfect exactly the way you are! 😘
  11. squishes you tight... Sorry that your return after taking a few days away hasn't been so nice. You are awesome and loved here, dearly, and absolutely one of my very most favorite posters. Please don't ever stop being YOU. You are a forum treasure! ❤️❤️❤️
  12. I think there is definitely an AM and a PM Bellisseria, especially with it being populated by people from all over the world. And that's another thing I love - my neighbors are from all over the place! So awesome to get to meet them all! Not sure about other Discord servers, but mine has been 100% text based so far. We have a couple voice channels but I don't think anyone has ever used them. I hate wearing my headset... lol!
  13. I'll send you an invite. I had to pull back on having it open to all due to the content and trollish trolls trolling! Trust is also a big deal for us... we share a lot. 😋
  14. We are irreverent and ridiculous. Sarcasm is an art form. We have furries, goreans, every flavor of LGBTQ, BDSM, straight, vanilla, butter pecan... the one thing we have in common is having utterly filthy mouths and minds and absolute respect for each other and our differences as well. So yeah... lol! 😝
  15. Okay, let's give this a try! We need an injection of joy around these parts! Bellisserians, how has your (Second)life changed since you landed on Bellisseria? Is it what you were expecting? What brings you happiness when you look around? I'll start, and it's pretty simple. An incredible group of new neighbors and friends. I was lucky enough to get my home in the first hour or so with absolutely no idea what I was getting into. I just saw "houseboat" and thought it sounded cool. I was absolutely gobsmacked by how beautiful it was - and full of excited, happy people! The large resident groups sprung up almost immediately, and they're great, but they weren't exactly what I was looking for so I made my own resident group. It is far, far smaller (102 as of today!), and certainly more niche than the big ones, but wow... what an amazing group of people it's brought into my world! Hilarious, intelligent, supportive, diverse... I could brag on my peeps for hours. We spend the day and night in our own little Discord server sharing everything from recipes to... well, dirty things because we're a rather salacious group as well. This kind of closeness and support and respect is something I haven't seen a lot of previously in SL. I can be sitting on my deck, and have a neighbor stop in for a chat. People on boats waving. And this little group of awesomeness that has turned into something far more than I ever imagined. How about you? How has our SL changed since you got your house or boat?
  16. I was under the impression it was because it was in the issue of the Bellisserian newspaper that was released today, but it's been brought to my attention now that that is a make believe newspaper so now I'm not sure. Hey @Patch Linden - Can you drop a little knowledge bomb on our heads? Is that the official site for reserving the fairgrounds?
  17. My little forum vacation was under the extreme urging of the lovely Lindens. So much urging that... yeah. A nice little three day sit in the corner to think about my behavior. I was a wee bit sad that it didn't come with an actual spanking, but I survived! They were correct in having me sit out for a bit. I needed some away time to enjoy other things. My new motto is to allow the unhappy people to be unhappy - they already are even without my help! I'm generally a Pollyanna that prefers to focus on the good things in the world. Negative energy feeds on itself and grows. I'd rather focus on the wonderful community we're building and our beloved Lindens and Moles that have given us these great homes filled with great new friends! ❤️
  18. Manufactured drama... that's the key element. 😉
  19. I'm crazy excited to see what @Owl Dragonash is going to bring to our happy little fairgrounds! I know it will be something amazing! 😍
  20. I had a wee timeout. Much deserved, and much needed. And now I'm just a happy little ray of sunshine! 🌞 Missed you, though! Was hard not to be able to see anything happening here!
  21. Not to put a damper on anyone's excitement, but I also don't want to see anyone be terribly let down when/if four regions aren't released today. I also don't know how to quote something from one thread into another so here is my lame attempt at posting @Quartz Mole's response about seeing Moles and assuming region's are ready for release:
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