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Setsuki Takeda

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Everything posted by Setsuki Takeda

  1. I have that same outhouse, the only problem is... TBF put the TP on backward! Every time I look inside I want to grab it and flip it around to hang the right way XD
  2. Currently missing most of the trees as I ran out of LI and had to pull them, this whole place will be nestled in a little forest from Studio Skye again when I buy some more land to increase the available capacity here.
  3. Yeah, but those cheap adult parcels share a region with a place like HBC... Constant region near capacity from AFKers. It may be adult, but when only Premium members can enter it through the additional slots after the region hits capacity its value decreases dramatically. As for me my spot is PG, but I have it in a M region, I don't want to have to police outfits (M allows public nudity, so guests don't need to check their outfits first, and I can swap clothes without retreating to a changing room to do it) like I need to ban people for rezzing adult poseballs on the ground level that has a family-friendly theme.
  4. There should be a new line of regions around *all* the mainland, add a few islands to rent but keep Linden protected water open for sailing, there' no reason I shouldn't be able to make it from Bellesaria to Blake Sea but it's just not possible due to "private property" that stretches right to the invisible wall in the water. People could also consider that they live in a shared world and make some allowances for travel... I have a private area on my own land, in a skybox at 2500m with an orb that only reaches 5m past the edge of the box, it offers privacy while not being a complete $^% to people using the road. I also have a visitor tracker, set to silent, so nobody gets the "Welcome to X, here's our NC and LM (Seriously, I'm already there, if I want a LM I'll take one) and a link to our group and may we show your profile picture on the visitor board?" The main parcel has a second orb, this one set to blacklist, that boots people to home instantly if they are on my list. That list includes griefers, stalkers, and anyone who has interrupted a GTFO run with their orbs and banlines. Everyone else is allowed, even in a private home, though if I'm there and someone is being creepy I may turn "safe" off and shoot them in the face XD
  5. Worth getting just for Astrid from Badwolf. Sadly the Cerberus & Insomnia Angel colab was released *before* the mod came to my body and, like most things, neither piece has been updated.
  6. /me looks at the page number. Noooooo! I missed the party 😢 It is no longer 1999.
  7. Sitting in my living room: Outside on the front porch:
  8. I really should go through and redeliver anything that I liked before I switched to Petite to see if there has been an update, the only one I have checked was my favorite jacket, but The Forge has *not* updated Ronin. Sadly my old face skins were the "Catwa" version, so now that I'm off Sophia and on to LeLUTKA Ceylon I highly doubt anything from there will fit, same for the Izzie's stuff I had to rebuy when moving to EvoX though they *had* Lele bersions when I bought them but I hadn't updated my head from the one that was gifted to me to the one I now use. The only problem is I buy a lot of stuff in-world for group discounts and store credit and many places use MD rather than CasperVend which works fine to sell something but is a royal pain to redeliver and I usually end up needing to contact a CSR or the owner because it fails more often than it sends.
  9. I'm waiting for them to let you pick a name... Give me the last name Mori and I'm filing my ticket and sending them $15. Until I can use my usual name rather than needing to pick one that just doesn't suck from a list that has things like fluffybutt and the eternal Morningstar I'll stick with the one I have.
  10. Yeah, I have reported a few ToS violations from land flippers in-world. The giant rotating particle spewing billboards that violate four or five rules get a click from me every time I see them and, as of yet, I've not seen one of those there more than two days after reporting them. For the most part my reports in SL are all the phishing links spammed to groups and people who think having an avatar of a realistic adult woman in a world of eight-foot-tall giants makes me part of their sick fantasies. I warn them, though, right in my "limits" pick I tell them if they even mention *that* subject I will AR them in a heartbeat... But I still get about one a week who tries.
  11. The only thing I've ARed for to date are the almost universally highly illegal pornographic links that show up at three in the morning sometimes. I'm a big girl, if it's not actually harmful I don't see the point in filing a report on it, nothing anyone says to me here actually harms me or my family so really is irrelevant. In general I find that it's when someone is being an *** to me that I get an AR for replying. I've come to consider anyone who is speaks in a way they'd likely be slapped for RL as fishing for a response so they can file an abuse report on others.
  12. I've had it happen a few times as well, and it is really noticeable when you fall asleep logged in with an IM open, I had cleared the notification when it showed up but it kept popping up in nearby and the open IM (which was one after another every time they logged in and out) after clearing my notice.
  13. Anyone who uses Voodoo pretty much falls into a "Trash taking itself out" category. It's nice to have poorly built laggy spam traps filter themselves out when you TP to a new LM.
  14. Well, now I feel stupid... The downside of staying logged in all the time XD
  15. I am, after moving to Premium +, very disappointed the group tier donation is still 1024 when we have 2048 to donate. I was hoping that I would be able to expand my group owned parcel from 1120 to 2252 sq m. The 10% is nice but, honestly, I care more about the land being group owned than 204 extra sq m and a few more LI to play with. With the tier not being able to be donated I am actually seriously thinking about the value of Premium + rather than making my alt Premium, saving $50 a year, and being able to donate the tier to the group rather than have to mess with the 1024 donation limit. I generally think that Premium + is a bit better for me, I'll probably use more than that in uploads over that time and was near my group limit even trying to keep them under control, but the land tier portion (which is a fair chunk of the value for all the premium packages) of the package loses value if I can't add it to my mainland and keep it group owned.
  16. If it works like an EvoX there is a separate texture or BoM layer for the ears, which is nice since I use Swallow Gauged ears, it lets me just *not* use the EvoX ear BoM and put on the one for Swallow instead so there are no weird errors from overlap.
  17. Group Creation Free Reduced! Umm... How about a real useful group edit and delete option? How many dead groups from closed shops, clubs, and land managers are floating around SL? They say that if you only have one member it will be deleted, but I have an alt set aside to hold dead groups they are the only member of... There are still six groups that they admin from places that closed *at least* six months ago. 100 L$ isn't bad for creating a group, and is probably too low for all the super frivolous ones added by anyone for any reason taking up names and cluttering search results, letting us edit dead groups would be far better than making them cheaper.
  18. I use them for in-world discounts, most of the chats are blocked, too many "Is a CSR on?" at 2am when the member list is visible and they could just check the #^$% titles...
  19. If you use bento "bits" tails pretty much need to be animesh because they attach to the same "bone" and a tail will deform if you have *other parts* that are also bento. Yeah, I love the ability to create what I want, from Zen gardens to Shinto shrines to a nice little well appointed home with a yard. I don't even mind the spaceport across the street, though the giant cube of double-sided privacy screens on the rental place is hideous (from both sides, amazing people pay to be inside a "forest" and "beach" that ugly) to look at. It would be nice to dispose of all the air-clutter with minimum build height for skyboxes, have a zone there (say 500-1500, nobody's private stuff needs to be in that area, you ground build is below it - well out of chat range so nobody is listening to your private conversations that high up - and any reasonably placed skyboxes are above it) where you can fly and the security orbs and ban lines won't bounce you or give you a zero second TP home, the thing that makes the mainland great to be able to build whatever you like also makes it a terrible place to explore... Not to mention every tiny little almost identical deserted strip club along the Linden Road spams you with landmarks and notecards since they all seem to set their "greeter" to include drivers.
  20. 0 second whitelist security orbs, ban lines, low hanging skyboxes, various hideous prim builds that glow and have textures straight out of a mid-90s free screensaver program within draw distance... Maybe if Mainland had a "don't be a terrible person" covenant it would count, but for space to build in an area where there are *some* standards it would be beneficial... Though we need a hybrid type area that allows us to have a small (limits make sense, I mean no mega-malls floating over a neighborhood full of empty homes, but a few vendors can have their place) shop and still be held to basic standards of being neighborly and at least pretending to match an area theme. AFAIK you can't even rez a donation box there if you keep a public area for anyone to use. The worst thing I've seen (or rather heard) in Linden Home areas are people who don't understand how (or just don't care) to make that stupid YouTube "tv" that only manages to spam ads 24/7 keep the ear shattering noise on their own parcels. Well, that and random guys who walk up onto your porch and start spamming any HUD they can access, but that's pretty universal anywhere the public has access to.
  21. Increased included tier, more stipend, extra groups for all those premium discounts that all need their own group to use... Yeah, I think that's enough for the upgrade. Another nice bonus, though it's very vague at this time, is reduced cost to change your name. I'm waiting to see if they *ever* add the last name I want but, if they do, I'd *really* like them to not ask me to pay $40 on top of premium for a name I've been waiting to see pop up. The only annoying thing is I'm going to need to try and upgrade near my due date since there's no little box to click and say "Next time I pay charge me for Premium Plus." Another benefit is the ability choose your Linden Home, I own mainland so I will probably *not* get a Linden Home, but with things like the "Rail access" homes where I'm twenty regions from the nearest rez area would be really nice to be able to pick one of the *many* empty homes in the areas near actual content in community areas.
  22. You can reset skeleton and animation, which makes it look good for you, but a lot of times SL does not immediately update this for the people around you. When I switch between anthro or feral avatars and human bodies I usually do the reset so I look right to me and then slap the home button followed by back to return where I was and let the act of leaving and reentering a sim force the refresh on others so I don't look like I just fell out of Beetlejuice.
  23. I have one called "The One Ring" that acts as a relay, or as a controller, attach it to you and it controls you or put it on the HUD and it controls others. It works out rather well because my elf is one of my "adult" avatars and the Tolkien style ring looks really good on her... Though people have a hard time realizing what it is.
  24. Because having a private region would kinda defeat the purpose of roads now, wouldn't it? I had one, got sick of my beautiful network of roads not going anywhere, aside from letting the scripted public transit system move people around the sim... The "cheapskate" line is a dig at how all the banline and zero second orb (which is worse, at least you have a chance to bounce off a banline, a TP Home orb with no warning is absolutely malicious and should only ever be used with blacklisted avatars on an open parcel) people respond with an indignant reply about how they pay for this 512 parcel (Umm, that's half the premium freebie, kids.) and if you want land without banlines you should buy your own! I *did* have my own, half a region after I moved from my private server, though when lockdown ended everyone left so paying tier on a ghost town (no matter how nice it was or how many great facilities were there) was a waste of resources. Now I only have an 1120 left with a little area for my DFS plants on the ground by my tent and a skybox with my "adult" stuff floating up there well out of flight range so if I turn on the lockdown mode for the loft orb it won't kick people from the ground, though I kept the road access and disposed of the interior land so I own the best portion of the region.
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