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Setsuki Takeda

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Everything posted by Setsuki Takeda

  1. Just remember that if you actually go places you need to see them to have any chance (with them off you can slam into them in the middle of a sim, not just on region crossings where loading is slow and response time is cut significantly) of not slamming into nothing.
  2. Pretty different based on time, and *specific* job, anywhere from a cartoon train conductor to coveralls and wellies, though the Steve Irvin look would probably the easiest to recognize no matter where or when your brain resides.
  3. At least since I switched to EvoX I'm not randomly sticking my tongue out at people after disabling the animation in the Catwa HUD... Oh, and sometimes that one would get stuck, so my tongue would be out and just flapping in front of me refusing to go back into my head.
  4. Relative, of course, I mean to us here this universe is Prime but to another we are the mirror.
  5. I think I'll stick to riding my Teeglepet, or be the horse myself, thank you. I do have a demoness, a tsuchigumo, a kitsune (which is kinda WoD themed with her five forms following their shifting table), working on a gorgon, have a minotaur too, and planning a dragon of both the anthro and feral variety, plus I'm considering how to make a phoenix that doesn't look silly... Honestly I want to create a ton of youkai avatars, of all sorts, though I'll do a more commonly known European monster as well if I find an avatar I like or can mod one to look good.
  6. New kimono, not exactly what I was looking for, but it is passable. As with most of my shots lately it's taken at my place, the tea room and the shrine in back behind my garden, but they *are* fitting places for the outfit.
  7. There's a mode where you can crank up the settings for a photo, right? If I turn the graphics up enough to get a good shot I am running at about 2 FPS, which is not okay to actually use SL, but I can deal with it for a few minutes while I'm lining up a picture and getting the lighting just right. I just need a button to click to set a preset graphics level that's good for taking pictures, then drop back down to no reflections or shadows with a lower LoD to actually have a useable framerate.
  8. Personally I think that usually means "We are too lazy to optimize the sim and reduce lag, so we blame avatars who visit, and try to pretend we don't suck at building." It makes sense on a racing sim or something where every little bit affects performance, but a club? Hey! Look at all these particle effects, strobe lights, laser shows, autoplaying videos, ads everywhere, escort boards with animations and links to summon the little AFK toy-bot, and hearts being spammed from tip jars at anyone who donates! It's your V Bento and scripted hair that makes the place lag, though!
  9. Coat? Check. Bag? Check. Sword? Probably don't allow it in the museum... /me slips it into her coat anyway.
  10. I've been to a few tourist destinations in SL that I had visited RL and, after seeing the real thing, even the best virtual version seems a pale imitation. They're great for people who will never go, but pretty poor at reliving the past, and not really inspiring enough to prompt a real trip across the globe to visit them in person... Unless travel costs drop a *massive* amount with some new technology in the future. Even then it will be more to my taste to go down the road (or sea, in that case) to the town (or island) most people have never heard of rather than the tourist trap. Fewer crowds, more local things and less "attraction" elements, a much lower price on everything from food to your room.
  11. Flipping around between Emilie Autumn, Hayley Jane, Aurora, Tori Amos, Abney Park, The Hu, Within Temptation, Yousei Teikoku, Myth & Roid... With the occasional Bikini Kill moment tossed in for good measure. Right at this very moment? I'm listening to my laptop fans sounding like they're about to burst from my kotatsu and head straight for low Earth orbit.
  12. It's frustrating trying to sail around the south end of Satori, LL sold the whole sims on the water right up to the edge, so while there are nice sections of waterways people have made when renting out the beach parcels behind them you'll eventually run into "X & Y's house!" with a whitelist ban line or a 0 second orb or something else. They made the mistake of *not* keeping a protected coastline on the mainland, which wouldn't keep them from selling the beaches to just have a chunk of it along the outside that isn't for sale, most of them have huge chunks of empty land toward the interior and the owned parcels are crowded along the coast blocking the ability to sail from Bellesaria up to Blake Sea when if they were all just moved in my 10-20m you could fit pretty much any boat (maybe not one of those BBX floating sims, but any actual boat that doesn't look like it should have Disney on Ice taking place on the deck) through all the way.
  13. The only shapes I have bought were pregnancy ones, which are now useless since I switched to an EvoX head and wearing a Catwa shape makes me look like Big Bird on meth, I generally start with the shape that came with a head or skin and then modify it until I like how it looks on me. Right now I'm wearing a skin that the style card showed on a male (LeLUTKA Eon) head/body, but it looks *really* good on LeLUTKA Ceylon with my own shape that was based off an anime-looking "Japanese" avatar I bought on a whim since it was just 300 L$ and then never touched again until I found that the shape from it was actually really nice with only minor adjustments.
  14. Well, at least she didn't shoot 500m straight up in the air *past* the platform, which is what happens with that slide on occasion.
  15. Garbriel for anyone... Plus they have a chunk of decent freebies, and some 1 L$ stuff in the back. The only thing I wish is that they'd release the old gachas in copy versions, and add more "Petite" options to their yukatas, but that second part wouldn't affect a guy. Contraption gets the same nod, if you're either a well "endowed" woman or totally flat woman/man, they have so many great things I'm tempted to buy the "Flat" version of Lara just to wear them since there is almost nothing rigged petite in the store. And don't forget upstairs, through the wardrobe up front, they have a sci-fi section that is at least as nice as their steampunk stuff.
  16. Well, with all the talk of male alts, I guess I'll add a shot of him as well. Definitely not as well done as me, but I put some decent work into him one day, then I tried doing RPs with him but kept messing up with pronouns so he's mostly just an exploration alt since nobody bothers him when he's driving or wandering around. I think he needs a hairbase, though... Look at that forehead XD
  17. Not clothes, but the "Boss" boards (I think they have surf ones, I know they have windsurfing and kite ones) at Dutch Harbor (The Mesh Shop and Bandit) are nice, and mod... Though getting them to fit *me* is a royal pain my male alt is 6'2" rather than 5'4" so he doesn't need to fight with AVSitter and multiple edits followed by script resets to ride the windsurfing board.
  18. My male avatar is usually in riding leathers (with or without a bandana to cover his face) and the stirrup boots, but I don't really log in to him aside from driving around Linden Roads, so he doesn't use the other outfits I made for him as much. He also has a formal suit with broughs and a nice little pocket square peeking out of the jacket, some slightly baggy swim trunks (with no shirt to show off both his fuzziness and ink) but I've not found beach shoes/sandals that look decent on Gianni like the KC ones I have do on Maitreya, as well as jeans and a t-shirt with boots that vaguely resemble Docs.
  19. Yes, they are ears, but not of the furry variety. This outfit has a kitsune mask pulled to the back of my head, so the ears tend to peek over the top of my head
  20. Yeah, my response to "Where are you from?" is "Southern Satori." If they're looking for time zones I'll tell them freely I'm in SLT, but not *where* in SLT. I will speak about RL, but situationally, not specifically. General things about the region, like weather or how terrible the local school district is, but the more information some people get out of you the more they press to get more and it starts to get *reaaaly* creepy fast.
  21. Honestly I usually gut the "adult" portions of skyboxes, the only one I would consider keeping intact is if I had AFKers (which I don't) the "red light" rooms that have scripted avatar reset to dancing in the window rather than humping air would have a benefit. Generally the "furnished" prefabs are far inferior to empty ones and decent furniture. I'd say to go look at some prefab shop like DaD and then get the couches/dance poles/etc from other places. Lalou, Debauchery, USDesigns (probably the best animated dance pole I've found, with decent mocap dances that match the pole and even have smooth transitions between animations, and it comes with a dance version plus a "gangbang" edition plus a third RLV option with a matching chair and a lighted floor and smoke machine which are optional parts not linked to it) and stuff like that.
  22. They tend to poke through things... I don't care how much nicer they look, I'll take a BoM nipple that actually fits under my clothes over the Maitreya HD nipples, the same thing for their fingernails that don't alpha properly and never quite line up with gloves and shoes/stockings.
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