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Setsuki Takeda

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Everything posted by Setsuki Takeda

  1. Yeah, Wanderlust is very hit or miss, but when it hits it tends to hit with five or six things all at once. I actually see what you mentioned for FLF on TSS, special edition color packs that I think are hideous, I've gone to TSS a few times and went in to look for the real item because I liked it but wouldn't take what was on sale for free.
  2. Except the ability to use scripted items like farms and breedables, or to put up a donation box (let alone a CasperVend system) on your build, or have a usable size parcel rather than the minscule jokes that Linden Homes are placed on... I'd really like to see a hybrid type, give us a decent "good neighbor" covenant that keeps people from building giant towers of sky-blue boxes from ground level to the build limit for people to slam into because they look *exactly* like SL sky and poorly configured orbs everywhere not only booting people who are passing by but often spamming NCs and LMs to the entie region but still gives you freedom to build what you want and have privacy outside of the "fly zone" and raod corridors. Sure, this can have you end up with neighbors you have to tell your guests to derender their particle bomb "clubs" that are always empty but never turned off, but I'll take that over not being able to have my vineyard up or a few breedables out. Beli is bad, for the terrible cookie-cutter homes (seriously, LL, colab with someone who makes a decent house. Get more options, for lower LI, with texturing that doesn't make me flinch) and excessively restictive covenant on what can be added to them, but it is good for at least informing people who live there that you can have your private space without being antagonistic to everyone that passes by. And, yes, before 76 people scream at me that "LAND OWNERS CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT!" I know this, I agree with this, but maybe a few of them might consider if they *should* rather than if they *can* do something. I have *zero* interest in your stack of cereal boxes and Ruckus couch unless you "protect" it so hard that it slapps me out of a helicopter when I'm so far away your whole "build" looks like a dot.
  3. Fly in Bellesaria? The covenant for the Linden Homes regions limits hostile actions by tennants, so you can fly over or boat through the entire space without running in to issues, and if you do you can AR them without them being a blatan violation of ToS like the orbs that spam the entire region even through they can only eject from their own parcel. Personally I'd love to see a new continent (since LL will never bother to fix the nearly twenty years of compounded mess that the Mainland has become) using a modified Bellesaria covenant that allows us to have commercial activity and more scripted stuff (like my vineyard or a reasonable level of breedables) than Bellesaria allows, as well as letting us get larger parcels than the Linden Homes come with. Maybe with a decent road network to begin with so you can drive as well as fly.
  4. You could try to educate people on orb zones, I tell everyone who kicks me out while flying nowhere near their actual builds that they can set a zone for an orb, mine does not eject people unless they are *in* my loft or on a specific blacklist. So far there are only 38 people in SL that get an instant trip home when entering my land, and all of them have earned it. The problem is that only decent orbs can seem to manage zones, they're not really the free option for the less inclined to spend L$, or the "I put this up a decade ago, left SL, but still blast people across the continent regularly even in my absence." types who have grandfathered land chock full of hideous prim castles nobody would even notice if it weren't for their orbs. Some of the cheap ones can do range, though, which usually allows flyers to be safe. It's not going to only cover the inside of your home like my CasperSafe orb does, but it won't slap someone out of their helicopter 750m away from your house. This can backfire, though... Some of them don't know that there are better ways, or don't know that *most* people have no interest in your parcel and only even take note of it when *you* force an interaction. Those are often more than willing to chat with you, talk about parcel security, and either adjust their timer or upgrade to a better system... The rest of the orbs are put up by incompotent, lazy, paranoid, extremely cheap people, though. Telling them in the nicest way possible that they can maintain their privacy without being a problem for everyone around them has even got a few to start spamming me with thier alts.
  5. Payment Info does help to weed out bots, but I have a few friends who don't have info on file, so I tend to just slap them home manually when they show up. I keep radar open, and I see who is on my land at all times, I will head over to people and greet them and if they are AFK or a bot I will immediatly eject them to "home" rather than just from my land as I do human annoyances. The downside to trying to herc bots off is that it increases the *really* annoying whole parcel whitelist orbs that attack flyers on the mainland, this is a major pet peeve of mine, flying slong at 750m up where I can't even see most of the stuff on the ground and getting instantly ejected to home by someone who wants to be left alone.
  6. Blocking sadly does not seem to work with many of these, I still get a dozen or so a week after blocking them all, log in to have 3 NCs pop up on my screen. The same with poorly configured orbs. They tend to spam NCs and LMs. Had a friend's neighbor who set up a "free security" orb from the MP, didn't configure the range properly, and even after blocking the orb and the player it was four days before LL came by and returned their spammer that you couldn't enter her parcel without getting a new LM and NC thrown at you every ten seconds. For some reason blocking them is able to silence the text sent, but does *not* block objects being throw at you by them.
  7. I think I've picked up two things, ever, at TSS. HW gets me, bad, so does Wanderlust Weekend, and a few things from FLF. TSS just always seemed mediocre repeats of stripped down items I had no interest even if they were *giving* me the fatpack for free.
  8. I do know people who maintain small parcels that use them for roads, to supplement the woefully inadequate Linden Road network, connecting player cities and RP areas to the Linden Roads. So not all uses of small parcels are malicious or spammy, some are beneficial to the community as a whole, but with them "lowering the bar" on land ownership there has been a LOT of new spam all at once as soon as Plus became a thing. I did get the giant rotating glwing particle spewing sign in from on my home returned, but they put up a "tower" in its place, still fullbright and with their hideously bad pyramid scheme land baron "retal agent" spam on it, but now it's a "building" so it's not technically violating the terms of service. It wouldn't bother me so much, but I am really OCD, I've had Ice from DFS out after a conversation to remove fullbright from some of the farm items since I have everything set up to work with point and projector lighting for "shared environment" there. Then you peek out the back of the stable and *BOOM!* your eyes start to bleed. I would like to see an option to block ALL rezzed object by an owner, it's not like any of the people who do this are actually residents of SL. I don't even mind the ones that look like they fit, there's one across the road that is a billboard styled like RL ones, with point lighting along the bottom glowing up onto the board, but with falloff set so it's not lighting up my home. I blacklist it because I hate the cycling collection of ads rather than a static one, it distracts me every time it changes, but I don't report them and grumble about how the people rezzing them deserve to be nuked from orbit.
  9. Try a spell HUD, I have one somewhere that causes an explosion around me and pushes all physical objects if you can rez the expanding circle of fire. That may let you stand in the middle of the mess and blast it all off into somewhere that *does* return objects. I've not set my lands to auto-return, but I have various people who are allowed to build here, so I just check the object list and return objects that should not be here and ban if they are repeat rezzes or something ridiculoous like the 500 LI skybox that showed up over the square once.
  10. Well, Plus has been a *wonderful* thing for the Mainland. Spend a few bucks on a trash account, get 32 16m2 parcels to throw up roating glowing garbage on every roadside across the mainland. LL needs to stop letting people maintain microparcels. Period. If you can't even put a %^$&ing tree on it it needs to be reclaimed by "Governer Linden."
  11. This one has me so puzzled that I completely forgot the other points you made, and I just read them.
  12. No, I have one right next to me, actually. It does sense people, and give region reports to the owners, they contacted me to ask how I felt about it being by my porperty. They do have functions, and work, just not much left for them to tie into with the game dead. The giant billboards all along the roads I've had zapped by LL, and a lot of land baron signs trying to rent empty parcels, the ASR Memorial Obelisk I see as no different from the spaceport in the next region over that I can see from my vineyard. Honestly, as out of place as it looks, I prefer it to the "Live, Laugh, Love" type who moved in just past it and immediately slapped up banlines and an orb that 0 second ejects to home anyone who flies over it (only reason i knew I had a neighbor, or saw the cheap collection of bad mesh vomited out by the road, is that I was flying to a heliport south of me and got kicked back to home when I flew over at 750m.) to protect her cheap prefab that looks like it was built from discarded cereal boxes and a privacy screen of hideous 2D "trees" all around the parcel. But then my main complaint about mainland has always been the abuse of orbs, that they can whole parcel eject everyone (No issue with blacklist ejections, if you add people who are an issue and need to stay off your land it is done with names of people who are a problem not random passersby, or orbs set to a radius or zone around your actual home, that doesn't kick people a km away from anything) even at flying height when you can't even see their universally terrible "builds" from there. It's the benefits of mainland that is also the curse, though. I can have my vineyard, put up a vechicle rezzer so people can borrow a semi to do GTFO runs, or rez a weather system to make it rain in the woods which a lot of places with a covenant forbid. Same thing lets people do things I find to be antisocial and completely abhorrent, though. In Belliisaria I can't even put out a donation box, let alone rez an affiliate vendor when someone asks where to get something. Here I can. I just have to put up with things I hate since SL isn't PvP and I can't launch nukes at Brittney over there.
  13. There's a market between the absolute cheapskates renting "50 L$ multi-scene: spots in massive towers stretching from land to build limit and actual land owners. Those who do not have a membership can't own and not all want to live in a private sim with no connection to the world. If you have quality mesh and nice furnishings it is possible to rent to people on the mainland. I had a treehouse village for a while, with vardos areound the campfire, and I was thinking of adding hobbit holes in the back. It was nicely landscaped, low on the lag, and had no massive neon eyesores near it but was still roadside so they could rez a vehicle or mount and go explore. The city had small rentals over the shops, and a TP door on the back wall to a skybox "bedroom" for more "adult" activities. People loved them, but I offered options with high-end furniture and custom mods of things to fit types of decor rather than just rezzing the same Ruckus couch in every room like many places do. Honestly, though, not much makes money in SL. Tier is insanely expensive, and most users are incrediby cheap, so when you build something it's best to never count on even coming close to breaking even. I'm pretty sure most of the huge 50 L$ rental spots are old accounts that have the grandfathered pricing, even with so many packed on top of each other it would be hard to make money off them with tier being what it is today, let alone leave SL for years at a time and have scripts maintain it for absentee landlords.
  14. Report, always report, I have had six of them that were visible from my parcel removed by LL since I joined. Check the ToS on ads and, if they break this, file a report. Most have been gone within two days of submitting the report. One thing I do wish they had was a "Block Maker" and "Block Owner" option so I could simply block one of them with an extra little kick to normal derendering like the one directly across from my driveway that is not a blatant violation of six rles and have it take every spammy glowing giant particle spewing rotating monstrosity across the grid along with it.
  15. When I had the town set up here there was a space station above it, I had a scripted shuttle to fly over the town letting people get a look at it and then hit the jump gate up to the station. I love for things to be "walkable" and not use teleports that aren't tied to the landscape extensively. My area was M, and I used experience teleports in the rentals to move people to their own private "bedroom" that has restricted access to do things not allowed in public on M regions, aside from that doorway on the back wall of the rentals any place you went I thought *needed* to allow you to arrive in a realistic manner.
  16. If you use Firestorm it allows you to log in at "Favorite" LMs as well as home and last location, this has let me get around that issue the *MANY* times it has happened this last week or so.
  17. I have found that jeans from Blueberry always look terrible, but I love their tops and skirts. Usually end up sticking to Justice or Mug for the pants, most of the time they fit well with Blueberry tops both in fit and style. Actually got one from FLF (Well, 450 L$ Friday if you want the color options XD) the other day that I love, though I can't remember the name of the place for the life of me.
  18. My region just went down for a restart, when it came back up rezzing is working again, hopefully this means it is fixed permanently and will spread to other affected regions.
  19. Well, I was AFK in my living room and the region went down booting me offline, came back just now and I *can* rez again. Hopefully this is fixed and not just a temporary moment of functionality like I've seen reported on other threads when regions are reset.
  20. Good to know, he was giving me Clippy vibes, or maybe Cortana now... Would you like help setting up Sticky Keys? No, $^#&it! I was running!
  21. My region, Weinlos, is doing the same thing. It does *NOT* have a GTFO hub in it since I closed mine in February, I own all the roadside so it's GTFO-Free unless I put my gas station back up. I submitted a ticket, and was linked to this thread when I posted asking if this was happening to anyone else. I thought parcel issue at first but I tried rezzing in the Linden Public Works rez zone and got the same error.
  22. I just got tossed off my land the other day by the rolling restarts and, when I came back, all attempts to rez give a "Region Full" error both on my parcel (with 10x the LI that I was rezzing open) and at the Linden Public Works rez zone down on the road. Submitted a ticket on it, which hopefully gets answered in less than the normal two weeks for support tickets, but I was wondering if others have had mainland regions just stop allowing rezzing completely in the last week or so as this latest server version rolled out. Also... Premium Plus Live Chat is most definitely *NOT* live XD Let me send a trigger to restart the region, but backed out since it broke when they forced it to restart recently so is "too soon" for a bot to handle, then started sending links about region rollback instead of staying on topic about server issues.
  23. I don't know where you are but I'm going to find you and I'm going to scan you. Love the snakebites, and that's a nice septum ring, too. Used to have a similar set but it doesn't work on an EvoX head.
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