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Max Quirky

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Everything posted by Max Quirky

  1. I have not resorted to using any search engine to lookup anything mentioned in this thread and so I'd like to make a suggestion. Please do not only use acronyms - use the full name of something then put the acronym in brackets and then feel free to use the acronym in that text from then on. I have no idea what you mean by ALS and I am sure many other are in the same boat.
  2. Do not try another viewer. Stop trying to log on. Have patience and wait for the ticket to be picked up and actioned. Edited as you just updated (above). Once you regain control ensure you enable MFA
  3. I think Elon has more important financial woes to concentrate on at the moment.
  4. An app running on a physical device you need to have access to is far more secure than a text message or email
  5. You may wish to remove the names of other avatars from that chat log you posted. Except for the purpose of reporting abuse or any violation of policies to Linden Lab, the remote monitoring, posting or sharing of conversations without a participant’s consent are prohibited.
  6. I see what you say about limiting access to details on the account page of the site but (as far as I am aware) a successful phishing attack would enable someone to logon to the viewer, purchase L$ then transfer those L$ to others without any form of MFA intervention. This could result in a loss of up to $1,999 per account. That's what I am on about being protected against in addition to any mostly redacted information on the website itself.
  7. I can see the issue that those with VPNs would face but SL accounts are targetted for phishing scams and some people fall for them. Having the 2FA before the logon is permitted protects the account and the access to payment systems which could otherwise be used. Yes making it optional would be wise 1) I want to secure my accound and do not mind 2FA 2) I do not want to secure my account But the default should to be secure and those who wish to opt out do so at their own risk. Many online games do not permit such opting out though and ask for 2FA each time a new device of IP is noticed or even on each logon for some games. This 2FA should never be seen as a nusiance - it's there to protect you from your account being stolen and with the best will in the world nobody cen be 100% sure they will never have an account hijacked. As SL permits someone to purchase up to $1999 worth of L$ I'd rather have access to that ability protected behind 2FA so that someone does not gain access somehow and then launder it through multiple alts, stores, MP etc.
  8. Sending out an email after the event is a bit pointless.... If a logon is attempted from a new computer (or IP address) then it should trigger a 2FA before it is allowed access.
  9. This is a known bug and a fix that LL put into their viewer has been included into the build for the next release of Firestorm according to their JIRA. Currently Firestorm never requests access to the mic and so it never appears in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Microphone The current LL viewer has the fix now if voice is essential and I am sure Firestorm will release the update soon though I have no idea how long that will actually be.
  10. I get woken up about each 3 hours at night and spend all day looking after someone with Alzheimer's so SL is sort of an escape from a more stressful life than anyone who has not been a 24h carer can possibly comprehend.
  11. If you need one day to purchase or take part in over inflated cost things to show someone you care about them when you have 363 or 364 other days (depending on the year in question) then something is wrong. Singles can simply rejoice in the fact that they are not buying into the gravy train that the commercial interests have made this (and every other event) into.
  12. So you will never buy another computer game as the only way news of them gets is through ads or influencers being given a "free" copy for a "review". You will never buy any more clothing or items you see in a film or on TV that the manufacturer either gave to the production company or paid for them to be seen?
  13. Laws vary from country to control (and possible states even if in the USA). However for anyone in the UK it is really quite simple to legally play live or recorded music to an audience - https://www.gov.uk/licence-to-play-live-or-recorded-music
  14. The fact that you know in advance what you will be purchasing means that it is permitted. Though the chances are a great many people would just rather merchants put everything on sale on regular vendors and allowed people to buy what they wanted instead of feeding L$ into a machine buying what they do not want in the vain hope what they do want will be available for purchase - in that was it is still a bit of a gamble as they gamble on what will become available to be purchased. However, currently that is all well within the rules.
  15. The world at large is waking up to the fact that you are the product if you use any of Metas platforms - some are not so keen on having every aspect of their digital life (and geotracking) recorded, digested and then sold by Meta. Also, their stock price was probably inflated anyway due to the Metaverse hype - bubbles burst but not all bursts destroy.
  16. I'd assume an update of the drivers from AMD probably solved the issue.
  17. It is not possible to set up a group with exactly the same name but you can set one up with something similar and that is perfectly fine and within the rules as long as there is no evidence that they created the group to harass or abuse people to the detriment of the original group - in which case file an AR with the evidence. Group tags can be anything you want and there are no controls over duplicates - again same with the group name if you have evidence that they created and use the tag to harass or abuse people to the detriment of the original group tag - file an AR with the evidence. Also consider banning that group from all land owned by the original group
  18. Blocking in most other platforms (online mmos I mean) result in the person blocking not hearing not being able to be contacted privately by the person being blocked. SL actually takes that a step further by making the person blocked a meaningless speck on the screen. In no game (that I am aware of) does blocking result in the person blocked being unable to hear or see the person who blocked them. I would not what that in SL as blocking simply needs to shut up and remove the person being blocked from my mind - I can continue to look amazing and as a result annoy them because they are insanely jealous. There is also a privacy issue to consider here - some people may block certain people not because they have had any interactions with them but simply because they never want to (you can tell the types from the profiles). If you blocked them and all of a sudden you became unable to be rendered by them then it clearly indicate you blocked them and you have given up the secret ability to block with we now have.
  19. Remember that SL is based on west coast USA times also
  20. That's actually an embedded web profile in the Firestorm legacy profile - it just takes the web profile page and (after a delay) displays it. I am not sure how many actually make use of that tab.
  21. The "homepage" field is only visible to those who have web profiles enabled - that's probably limited to only those who use the official LL viewer as just about every third party viewer uses the much faster "legacy" profiles. Even LL have a test client in which they are testing reverting back to these much faster (and hence better) profiles. If you want to have a link to your Flickr account you would probably do better by putting the link at the bottom of your "Biography" as that way it is visible to anyone in SL and not just those who use web profiles (which honestly is not the majority).
  22. What I do not understand is why people even have "show look at" enabled? Who cares whether someone is looking at you? Enabling the look at stuff just encourages paranoia.
  23. Yes ban lines of any type are not possible on the newer style Linden Homes and that is why it is not possible to set them in the access tab. You can still ban avatars and use security orbs providing that they adhere to the covenant for the land. Copied from the Second Like Wiki...... *Linden Homes do not have the ability to set your parcel access to group access only (which creates ban lines for everyone else). You can still eject and manually ban people by name in the parcel access settings in About Land options. *Security devices are only allowed if they comply with the following restrictions: -Minimum of 15 seconds warning time (no shorter) -Eject from parcel only (not teleport them home) -Effective range cannot include the airspace between 400m and 2000m (to allow for people to fly overhead but not in the airspace where skyboxes are allowed) -Does not add names of ejected persons to the parcel ban list automatically
  24. Oh dear that's asking a lot for some
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