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Katherine Heartsong

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Everything posted by Katherine Heartsong

  1. I just went all in with a female body (Lara) that is properly proportioned (artist's guides for an idealized female, so proper leg and torso lengths, as one example) and a female head. It's because I play fully female as Katherine, despite my RL sex not matching that. That said, Leltuka makes a nice gender neutral head in their Evo line called River, you might want to look at.
  2. I meant to imply something on the scale of, and abilities we have within, SL. Anyone contributing, designing, selling, building, etc. I apologize if that was not understood. Sims 4 quality + SL's openness. Not just EA making "packs" of things ... open.
  3. I suspect the issue with many of these efforts will be where they draw the line at PG rated content (let alone anything remotely adult). EA has the technical ability to make something like Sims 5 open and massively multiplayer, and would most likely make huge bucks doing so, but unless it's on a friends only spaces/small scale (think Animal Crossing meets the Sims), then they have to deal with all of the insane adult drama that comes with anyone being able to be on the platform/in the metaspace. And there is no way EA wants to moderate and deal with the headaches caused by many of the typical wing nuts inhabiting and griefing online spaces in their own, loving ways. And we know, SLex in all it's wild and wicked forms, is still a big draw here, and I suspect without freedom to play in whatever ways we (legally) want to online as adults (Roblox being an exception based on the demographics), EA won't want this. Yet. Never say never. In SL? I just want a simple, foolproof, no HUD needed way to hug another avatar!!!
  4. Nope, it's not! I have so much Apple Falls stuff, for example, in my inventory I could literally be their second off-site warehouse outlet store.
  5. Is there a specific thing? I'm in love with my Avi-Glam stuff, but are there stores/eyes that work for males, specifically Lelutka male heads like Alain? Or will any mesh eyes work and just adjust for size, position, etc? A better search would have helped .. found lots.
  6. Anyone recommend a store that sells larger, pre-made garden/manicured forest landscaping that covers 1/4 sim (128x128)? Something like Two Moon or Evergreen but on a larger scale? There was one guy with a walled English style garden but only 32x32 in size and that's way too small. Or am I not searching for the right thing? I found Somber Designs Haunted Isle prefab terrain that's a 1/4 sim in size, but not the right theme at all. Suggestions? Should I looking at prefab terrains?
  7. I'm with Tess. RL artist here, painting and drawing for many many decades. There are tons of resources online that show correctly proportioned male and female bodies using the "8 head height idealized" human figures, as well as 7-1/2 and 7 head ones. 8-head refers to the basic proportions of an idealized shape ... you basically use your head height from top of head to chin, and then that same height seven more times under that to get your height (for a total of eight heads high). They also show off the widths of key parts of your body in head heights. At certain points, you have key parts of your body (male and female differ slightly) and you can use these key points as reference to create a better looking (more proportional figure) in SL; e.g., bottom of breasts, nipple, navel, hips, midpoint, knees, elbows, shoulder height, etc. These proportion charts are also available in a few stores, including my own MP store where I have one for male and female, with the male also having an ideal female line indicated, and it's resized to have the two of them aligned correctly. I set my figures at a slightly taller than artist standard 6' for females, and 6'3-1/2" for males. They're also set to be phantom so you can slide your figure into them during adjustments.
  8. I think that's why I may have set my FS frame limit to 60 back before my 3070 card ... but it never got there. It's broken in FS in some way, because where I was getting 30 max in places (never to the 60 I set), the minute I turned that frame limit off it hit 150 fps. If FS's frame limit check had been working, I should have been consistently at 60 all the time in that spot, unless I don't understand what the limiter is supposed to do.
  9. Interesting idea. It'd be cool to see a few stores in SL cater to that market, much as there are a number of really good ones IRL that cut and design their women's clothing items to better fit a man's shape.* *Err, a friend told me, yeah, mhmm
  10. Noob me, 11 years ago, would say, "Are you still having trouble getting that to run well?" and shake her head.
  11. Is that you peeping into my window, Caroline?
  12. I am so freaked out that 7' seems to be normal here. Land of giants as @ValKalAstra said! Katherine is a tall female by RL standards at 5'11" (178cm). My male avatar (and yes, gosh, I do have an alt that matches my RL gender) is set in SL to be 6'3" (190cm or so), so three inches taller than I am in RL. And he feels dwarfed by almost every other avatar. I did spot a real cutie at Franks the other night with an avatar maybe 5'3" and she stood out because of that. I liked the look a lot, though. To shy to say hi though.
  13. When I was younger we didn't have a TV in the house, and I listened to the last Leafs Stanely Cup win on the radio like almost everyone else did in town.
  14. I've noticed this happening recently too, in the past month, I'd say. Usually at places like Foxxies or Franks as I pan around looking around the dance floor at people.
  15. Fixed ... thank you to the amazing Candide!!! Found out that checking Limit Frame Rate (and even setting it to 60) is broken. Turned that off an now getting 150fps in the spot I was getting 35 in. THANK YOU SWEET CANDIDE!!!
  16. I also just am on the Moon Beach sim, standing right where Chic was (she's beside me, in fact, with a new bob haircut that looks fab) with about the same view. 35 frames per sec. I honestly don't know whether to cry or scream. (Will try Candide's suggestion ... turned off avatars, no change to fps ... TY Candide for your help!)
  17. I went to Gooseberry Willows at lunch. Stood right on the road next to the little docks with the fire pit and chairs, looking out over that and the canal. Same settings as you, same Windows build, 32GB RAM, except for my higher screen resolution and using the EEP version of FS. Mid-day setting. Frame rate was a mere 25.Turned up to 256m draw distance and frame rate 17. I am doing something terribly wrong, apparently. I have never seen decent frame rates, except in the most isolated and empty flat sims and in the middle of Blake looking out over water. ps. I also have a 1000 Mb/sec pipe and download stuff so fast it's frightening.
  18. I want to know how many pixels you're pushing, Chic, and where, in the sweet love of anything you can get 400fps. I've got a 10700 i7 and 3070 with the latest drivers in my recent PC, and can hope for maybe 70-75 fps max in low lag/uncrowded spots, and down into the low 20s in place like Foxxies. I hit the teens when Fogbound Blues is crowded. Granted, I am pushing Ultra 4K (at 3840x2160 pixels) at a 60Hz refresh (so am not going to actually see/render anything above 60fps anyway), and have my graphics set to one notch below Ultra and a 256m draw distance. Latest Firestorm build. But how are you hitting 400? That sounds crazy to me. Please IM me in game and TP me to this 400 fps land of yours so I can test as well.
  19. Did not know something like that existed. Good to know.
  20. I'd love to wear Legacy cause the shape rocks for my look, but not at the triangle count they're currently sporting. Plus, having to connect to an external server for the HUD? No thanks. Kahlene I'd be okay with except for their outrageous hips and butt, I have never been able to make a slim Kahlene. One I am watching is Star Mesh once they get a slim shape in and some of their planned accessories done, but will need to look at triangle count. It's outrageous some of the counts, compared to something like all of my TWI animals meshes that are sooo much lower.
  21. 5'11" (178cm). Tall for a female (not in SL though).
  22. As mentioned, those are the first things to do .. turn off any Animation Overrides you are running, then fiddle with hover height. The next thing is to click on the thing you are trying to sit on and adjust the positions and save them. When I go dancing at Foxxies or Frankies, I always remind myself to turn off my AOs before clicking on the dance orbs.
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