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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Order it! Looks supercool! Order it @JanuarySwan!!
  2. OK this is killing me, I've been biting my tongue Can I ask just out of curiosity...what are you thinking of getting?
  3. As long as it's not punk! That would be REALLY sad! Oh...
  4. I think I remember the conversation you're talking about, a few of us in this thread said we were unsure if we'd be first in line for the vaccine as it had been produced so quickly. But I don't remember it being political, it was when the vaccine was first announced. I've since realised that if I don't have it, I'm just going to spend forever risking ending up on a ventilator. Anyway I'm way down the queue, I doubt I'll get the chance before summer. I don't think anyone minds if people worry about the vaccine because they think it might be underdeveloped or ineffective. It's just bananas if someone refuses it because they think it's part of a UN plot to wipe out half the world's population, or because some politician was trying to act tough.
  5. Also @Qie Niangao @LittleMe Jewell that is just one of three vaccines, is that right (I think)? And there will be new ones too.
  6. He was very positive! He said "Watchful, vibrant and profound, the work of manoji Yachvili exudes empathy in her momentous first Seaclaid show." But then he got very drunk so I had to call him an Uber!
  7. Sending you lucky charms☘️ ❤️ I am also on edge every time I go out. Went to the supermarket first thing this morning, they now have rails up at the entrance and somebody checking that everyone has a mask on. I thought, why couldn't you have done this last March?
  8. Went back to Manoji's gallery! But she wasn't there 😐 BUT I did meet an art critic who gave me a beer 😍
  9. I had this on SL viewer and Firestorm viewer a few times over Xmas...seemed to resolve for me after logging in and out a few times, though. Still having problems having to tick maturity settings every time I log in, and friend requests/acceptances going missing when one of us is offline, though...
  10. I wouldn't just try the recommended streams...you can search for genres you're into.
  11. Do you read music sites, blogs, etc? It's hard to recommend any particular one as I don't know what kind of style you're into. But you can get tips about new releases to check out through those, or find stuff that's similar to what you like, and they often have YT links.
  12. A live walking tour of Manhattan (he did Queens yesterday)
  13. So is offering friendship seen as bad etiquette if you meet someone for the first time? I just see it as a way of saying 'let's stay in touch'. Personally I don't care if people see I'm online. I find it useful sometimes. Like, the other night when I went to Manoji's gallery... if I'd seen someone online who I knew likes art, I might've sent a TP or LM. And when I was hosting in clubs, it meant if another host dropped out at the last minute, the club owner could see I was online and ask me if I could fill in. Maybe I'm lucky, I've not had people go mad if I don't reply straight away. Some people on my list might have been people I met in a sandbox in 2012 and haven't spoken to since - but WHAT IF they win the lottery and decide to share it with everyone on their SL friends list? 💲😻
  14. How rude...hope he had a lumpy bed Next time, say "How do you know it makes an ass of you and me? I bet you just assumed that!"
  15. Wow...all this time and I didn't even know there was a difference between the friends list and contact cards. I thought contact cards just appeared in the folder automatically after you friended someone or accepted friendship. I don't even know HOW to send a separate contact card request... Now wondering how many people on my list thought "We've only just met...why is she offering friendship already?"
  16. Bandcamp's the best IMO - have discovered so much through there. If you're after indie or alternative music, I think you could pick up loads of tunes there My personal favourite free MP3 site is this one - it's not all current but is mostly alternative. The person who does it posts a song and a picture every day: https://www.nevver.com/
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