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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Well we can all laugh at these crazy Infowars links, but some people are taking them seriously. I don't agree with saying, "Oh, these people are so stupid, let them get infected if they're dumb enough to believe it!" That victim in the BBC article I linked to was probably a decent person who died because of stupid conspiracy theories. The only mystery to me is how this 'Covid is a hoax' theory has become so popular.
  2. This is tragic...obviously I don't know anything about the victim beyond the news report but if it's true, it's why some of us get so wound up by all this 'planned-emic' stuff: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-55843817
  3. It would be bad enough dying in RL, but imagine your family being told your cause of death was "teleporting into the sea"
  4. . @LunaThymeLuna your question BROKE THE DECK! It's gone mad on me...I cannot figure out how the card relates to your question AT ALL...have tried writing this 100 times and none of it makes sense... I think Lindal's advice is probably better in this case! (ETA again, it's The Empress if any of the tarot pros want a go at this?)
  5. There's a big article about that on Wikipedia...looks interesting...
  6. I think I read somewhere they're they're the animal responsible for most deaths in Africa
  7. I just sang to my deck "So come on and let me know...should Lindal stay or should she go?" I did it a bit differently this time: three cards...one for the situation behind the question - one for a possible outcome of STAYING - and one for a possible outcome of GOING: Card 1: TEN OF WANDS The man's got the most wands in the deck, but it's a bit of a strain! Maybe you're taking on too much at the moment, or feel like everything's an uphill struggle? Or maybe somebody who should be helping you isn't pulling their weight? This travelling wand salesman is holding the lot while his colleague runs on ahead light-handed! It might also mean you're not working as efficiently as you could, or are making your work harder than it needs to be? Either way, I think the card might be saying, put the wands down for a minute and catch your breath, there has to be an easier way! Card 2: (STAY) THE DEVIL Orwar's favourite! (just kidding!) This is actually quite interesting. It doesn't really mean 'evil' like serial killers or wasps, but is a bit bleak. It can mean addiction to physical pleasures, like drink and drugs, or becoming stuck in a routine, or only caring about material things. It can also mean negative thinking and paranoia, or being convinced that the world sucks and there's no point...but just because you think the worst is going to happen, it doesn't mean it will! It could maybe also mean feeling indebted to stay somewhere you don't want to be. The Devil's like a bad situation and his victims *appear* to be chained to him...but they seem more fed up than frightened! They could easily slip the chains over their heads if they wanted to! (they might need to remove the horns though?) Card 3: (GO) SEVEN OF WANDS The man's chucked his wands (ETA and has dyed his hair) and is setting off on a new course, with an easier to manage single wand...but the old wands, or old ways, are rising up to whack him! This card is about standing up for what you believe is right, or going with your gut instinct. BUT doing that might mean having to tell a few people 'no!' or making an effort to move on and not drift back to where you were. Going from one place in life to another isn't always easy, but IF you decide it's the best thing for you, there might be some obstacles to overcome. But the man isn't retreating...he's like "Oi! Back off! I've had enough!" Don't let the wands drive you back! 💪
  8. Featuring Liz Fraser from Cocteau Twins 💘
  9. I agree with Arielle that it's hard to TOTALLY leave out politics, as some people will want to vent about how badly governments are handling the situation. It makes no sense that the UK's in its third lockdown but it's taken all this time to finally restrict air flights (though is fine to fly to Ireland, which is now being really badly hit! ) And I think it's OK to call out politicians for breaking the rules they introduced, while others are following them... But all the stuff about Brexit, Donald Trump vs Joe Biden, vaccine conspiracies, etc, belongs in a separate thread, IMO.
  10. Totally want to be doing this if I make it to 70
  11. I can't remember now...which is crazy as the machine would also shout out its name and a URL every five minutes, lol.
  12. I remember the $2L trivia machine at Bear Infohub! The questions repeated, so I ended up knowing all these facts about baseball, which I've totally forgotten now... Some of the machine answers had typos too, so you had to type things like "Bill Clintorn" and people who were new who spelled it correctly would say "Hey, how did you get that one right??"
  13. Yes, I saw that earlier...was a couple of Infowars links from the same person who keeps spamming them.
  14. @Gage Wirefly @Claireschen Hesten It worked! I won't be putting them straight in the fridge from now on. Thanks! The Pet Peeve thread has actually changed my life
  15. No matter what I try, it keeps recommending me Thomas Sowell and Japanese 80s New Age albums.
  16. I don't think people should trust whatever the government says all the time, but I still don't understand how locking down the country or advising people to wear masks (it's not even a law) would benefit them? In the UK and USA, the governments originally said "Carry on as normal!" and only took any measures after the scientists and healthcare professionals nagged them. The UK government seems to change its mind on what to do every day, anyway... The UK lockdowns have been a joke, really, lots of people have ignored them (including someone in my family ) and there might be the odd arrest or fine, but they have barely been enforced. I don't understand how anyone can think they're being oppressed? I am in a 'mask minority' where I live... (ETA - I do think it was ridiculous that some people got fined for sunbathing in the park while still keeping a safe distance from others, or for driving to rural areas on their own, to go for a walk, where they wouldn't have contact with others. Some of those cases don't make any sense). But I agree with you that the media loves sensationalism for clicks and ad revenue, best to check lots of sources.
  17. I have moaned about this before, but Sainsbury's 'Ripe & Ready' avocados definitely aren't I have two in the fridge that say 'Best Before - 8 January' on the pack But they're like rocks...I check them every day, like I'm waiting for eggs to hatch
  18. No offence, but I don't think that's true. People of all ages and health are being hospitalised and dying. This is what I've never understood...WHY would they do that? Why would the media or government be obsessed with people wearing masks? What do they get out of it? I have been wearing a mask for 9-10 months when I go out now, it doesn't affect me, or humiliate me, or define me, or make me feel controlled...I don't wear it at home, or even think about it until I go out to buy essentials. It's a precaution, like putting on a seat belt in a car. I am not having a go at you, I just genuinely don't get all this fear about how it's some plot...is it so hard to accept that there's a dangerous new virus we need to adjust to, and we need to take some responsibility in our actions until we've got it under control?
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