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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Rule 1. Listen to your users, don't just hear what they say. You must also exercise caution when attempting to implement userbase wants. Needs don't really enter the picture since no one needs to play games online or create your own 3 dimensional space online. Rule 2. Will [whatever changes] benefit the majority of your users? 50.001% doesn't count. 75% is a bare minimum. If it doesn't benefit enough of the users/userbase, it's a no go. The list goes on and on. Doing the right thing for the userbase isn't an easy thing to determine and the balance is even harder to maintain.
  2. I hope you are right. As we all know, stuff happens and things change.
  3. I noticed you included Active Worlds. AW is not a game either. It is Second Life's predecessor. Yes, I was a citizen there for many years and hosted my own worlds and object paths. Oooookaaaayyy, I admit it. I've been active on virtual world platforms for well over 20 years. Probably closer to 25. Of them all, SL still comes out on top, the sex stuff aside. You're going to find sex of one kind or another in every virtual world that comes into existence. Everywhere you go, someone, somehow, will find a way because, well, humans. As for MMO games, when I can afford one, I look mainly for the ones that can be played offline/single/co-op, and there isn't a lot of "blood, gore and guts". These days that seems to mean survival games like Planet Nomads, Empyrion, Subnautica, etc.
  4. I made it as far as the last question on the first page. If I select only one option you aren't getting the full picture since I have been in SL over 16 years and also have played MMOs like Star Trek Online, Neverwinter Nights and other MMOs that were not listed. That question needs to have the option to select more than one. One questionnaire incomplete. ETA: Extrude posted an image of the question I am referring to.
  5. WE all know what assuming things does. Please stop assuming I don't know the history of SL when I've been here for over 16 years.
  6. lmao My point went way over your head. A rhetorical question is not a statement of fact. I've been in SL since 2004 and have watched (and supported) SL as it grew even through the rough spots so you can stop making erroneous assumptions.
  7. Linden Research dba Linden Lab. dba = doing business as I only mention it because it does make a difference, legally speaking.
  8. Ah a glimmer of hope. Please, don't let us down Ebbe. I haven't been defending you against the RL SO for nothing all these years. Don't make me a liar. SL is much more preferable to MMO games since SL is not a game but a creative platform with the ability to socialize as a huge plus.
  9. The original was "tempest in a tea pot" but I suppose a tea cup is a sufficient substitute. 😁
  10. Sansar was born under Rod Humble's tutelage. Ebbe "inherited" it and ran with it. Now I'm wondering if Tilia was actually created with this acquisition in mind. A preparation for an expected future (now past) transaction. The end is nigh?
  11. A "fixer upper" company that uses substandard materials and cheap labor to maximize profits applies to more than just houses.
  12. They used to have the best breakfast chops you could sink your teeth into. Good times.
  13. That's going to take a willow switch to the bare legs. Never get g'grama mad. Yeowie! It only takes once. << >> >.<
  14. I wonder how soon they'll be shutting the grid down forever. That's what usually happens as the result of an "acquisition". It's allowed to run for a few months then BAM! gone for good. Just when I start thinking things can't get any worse. 😢
  15. With the logins being shut down earlier due to issues on the grid, it seems to have had an effect on the forum as well since I'm pretty sure LL hosts the forum (software) themselves on their own server (hardware). While the forum doesn't always "crash" when the grid goes into muscle spasms, that doesn't mean the server it is on isn't affected as well. There have been other "odd" things to happen on the forum to others today. I think that means we aren't alone. 🙃
  16. I don't think there are any. SL is a "closed garden" and LL has never even hinted at anything like discrete event simulation software being compatible. Only person I can think of who may know for certain would be @Oz Linden, Director of Second Life Engineering .
  17. lol No door knobs. They are sliding doors. You put the cam in the wrong house! 😜
  18. lol... The thing behind me is a closet... with the doors closed. Nothing in it but paper and other office supplies and my Christmas decorations. Oh and a couple of these: No, not the guy, the flute! Although if I found him in there...
  19. Peeve: Two nights in a row of fireworks going off so close to my house that I haven't been able to get to sleep at a decent hour. From 9 pm on until 2 and 3 am two nights in a row is too damn much. And it won't end tonight. Some will still be shooting the damn things off for weeks to come and then it will start all over again with the next holiday. I used to love fireworks. Now I hate them because people are so inconsiderate. It's hard enough getting a decent night's sleep once in a while as it is. 🤬
  20. ok Where's that hidden cam? I'ma find it. One way or another. lol
  21. Asking for forgiveness isn't the same thing as apologizing in my book. It is possible to forgive without receiving an apology. It's not possible to accept an apology without getting one first.
  22. @Lindal Kidd The old newspaper joke. What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper. An old variation: What is black and white and read (red) all over? A skunk with diaper rash. Yeah I know. Kinda lame but cute!
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