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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. In my area, it wasn't the people with money that were organizing to make deliveries. It was the local people who don't have a lot of money. They're the ones who supplied the services, not the rich. Services that are still in operation and likely will continue.
  2. The CC isn't in English. Why do they do that? Why do they keep making it impossible for people with hearing loss? *cries* Not your fault Orwar and I'm not blaming you. It's just decades of frustration. Even the one person that has lived with me the longest (over 20 years) will just suddenly (and rudely) start walking away from me when talking so I can't see his face. My initial inclination, after sitting here looking at this post for the past 10 minutes, was to delete it and move on. I'm posting it anyway because people need to be made aware when they do this kind of thing and do it repeatedly, they are damaging their relationship.
  3. I feel you. For over 3 years I've been trying to get my primary care physician to use one of the apps that translate speech into text since I can't read lips through masks. Next week I am looking for a new doctor. I'm really getting fed up with doctors making my health decisions for me when it isn't their decision!
  4. SL was attacked in November of 2006 by a worm that created self-replicating rings, similar to the ones from Sonic games. When users touched them, the rings multiplied, filling the grid with what LL called "grey goo." The service was closed briefly to clean up the rings and their nefarious code. https://www.theregister.com/2006/11/24/secondlife_greygoo_attack/ https://www.wired.com/2006/11/sonicstyle-grey/ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Grey_Goo Nefarious. Hmmm. *looks at @Madelaine McMasters and wonders* 😊
  5. Every time I get a craving for molasses I wish I had gotten this t-shirt: How can we have mo'lasses when we ain't had no'lasses.
  6. Have you gone to the website for help? http://www.singularityviewer.org/ Knowledge Base: http://www.singularityviewer.org/kb Issue Tracker (JIRA) https://singularityviewer.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SV/issues
  7. Aww. I'ma make a snarky kind of comment but I mean it in good humor. We don't need to log in either but we do need to breathe. 🤭 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0040897/
  8. I got a little bit of luck last night. His schedule changed so maybe I can log this account in before next week and make it halfway presentable. I know... keep on dreaming right? 😆
  9. This. Although my intent isn't aimed at photo backdrops, I do try to make things of photographable quality.
  10. I remember her saying something like that. I just didn't remember if she said 80s or 70s so I went with 70s. It was on the old SLU I think in that thread where she tried to defend her outdated scripting.
  11. Yes. I have heard Purple Moon is back. I haven't been inworld to check though.
  12. She disappeared about 5 years ago. I've always felt she disappeared because she passed away. She was in her 70s I think. Definitely not young.
  13. Yet somehow SL is for grownups and has been occupied by grownups since the beginning. Very poor choice in wording. Quite insulting really.
  14. Again, all of my accounts are basic so why do you want to force me out of SL? That is precisely what your suggestion would accomplish. Or is that why you avoided answering the question?
  15. I included your disclaimer for a reason. You may not know it, but you just described exactly what happened to Anne Rice when she stopped writing about vampires and started writing Christian novels instead. Most of her fans stopped reading her books. She did finally go back to writing vampire novels. She passed away last December at age 80.
  16. You know all those old worn out jeans you usually toss? Use the material from them and make yourself a new bag using the old hardware. You have the old bag to use as a pattern.
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