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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. And yet, after flouncing yesterday and swearing you would never come back to the forums, all the while loudly claiming you were run off the forum by everyone else, here you are again. Just what SL needed. Another Emily. 🙄
  2. So long and thanks for all the fish? Sorry. I have no idea who you are/were. I've been in SL off and on since 2004. Nothing wrong with that.
  3. Good. Then we can link back to this thread as needed. 😊
  4. Yeah, locking is good enough. It needs to be preserved for posterity if no other reason.
  5. The only one doing any trolling here is you. You keep throwing bait out and you expect people to not take it? Same MO as another person who got themselves banned from the platform for harassing people about 2 years ago. You're heading the same direction.
  6. ikr The one that does it to me has been blocked for months yet they still continue thinking it bothers me.
  7. It's all in the cereal. I put the spoon first.
  8. They beat the heck out of having to go to a chiropractor twice a year!
  9. Hanging in my Teeter helps with the gravity. Not so much the uplift.
  10. Oh really? The only things I have hanging are my boobs.
  11. It's a newspaper so you must mean me! How dare you! Well! I never!
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