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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. And would Social Security payments be taxed as well? Because if so, you just put me on the streets. That is not an exaggeration. The main reason I don't live alone is because I can't afford to on a fixed income. Tax it and I can no longer pay my rent. One size does NOT fit all.
  2. Where I live, I'm on a digital antenna that hangs in the window and I get 20 - 30 channels off it. I'm 30 miles away from Portland. Great reception in winter. Not so much in summer/warmer weather. It depends on how far away you are from the broadcast towers and what interferes with the digital signal between the tower and your tv. We need a bigger antenna.
  3. Sometimes it's entertaining just to sit back and watch the argument going in circles.
  4. You (general) can't do the research yourself? Or are you afraid doing it yourself will actually show you what you don't want to admit is reality? I'd call it laziness if not paranoia.
  5. Furniture sets for wheel house https://www.homedit.com/furniture-on-wheels/
  6. Nah. You're too busy setting everyone in SL on fire. You would think by now people would know better than to sign a contract with Dad.
  7. Mae West in My Little Chickadee with W. C. Fields. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Chickadee
  8. It always puts me in mind of that old college cheer from back in my father's college days, sometime in the 40s. And wouldn't you know it, I found it on YouTube, except they are using "lean" instead of "swing". Never thought I'd hear it again. lol
  9. https://www.baking-forums.com/threads/are-you-an-early-morning-or-late-night-baker.963/ Pretty much exactly what is says. Baked at night. 😁 *runs then ducks
  10. I'm glad I have avoided those kinds of social medias as well. Forums are about as good as it's going to get for me.
  11. These people left Twitter after Elon Musk's bid on the platform (nbcnews.com)
  12. Until someone starts digging into financials in South Africa, we only have his word for it. I'm not going to take his word for it just because he is rich or claims to be a self-made man. There are millions of self-made men in the US. They've been coming here from other countries for centuries. Not all of them good people. His word isn't good enough.
  13. If I were the Christian god, I'd wipe humanity from the face of the planet and be done with it.
  14. I don't think that will go over too well considering there are all kinds of "fatpacks" out there. Second Life Marketplace - ZimberLab by Doctor Zimberman Second Life Marketplace - www.studio-skye.com by Alex Bader Not counting texture packs, furniture packs and all kinds of things. And all for your own personal use.
  15. I was the same way. I realized it was useless early on to remain silent. I've been trying to make myself heard ever since. It's like they are the ones who are deaf, you know?
  16. The app I'm talking about is a phone app that came highly recommended for nurses by a nurse in the UK on Twitter. I'm not talking about using one for social media. I'm talking about using one right there in the exam room with the nurse and doctor. They have keyboards and monitors in every exam room so why not use an app that can be displayed on the monitor? It's not like you're in another building or city or country. You're in the same room wearing masks because it is a medical setting and, in the US, or at least in my state masks are mandatory in a medical setting. What that means is, I have no frakking clue as to about half of what my doctor has said to me in the past 2 years. It gets too old and tedious to have to ask someone to repeat what they have said half a dozen times and still not be able to understand every word. And no, hearing aids won't help. I'm screwed. Story of my life. 🥴
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