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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. it doesn't hurt to play/practice/ safely. I would put in a Support Ticket myself if this same situation Is not so much about the buyer's behaviour. Is all about the money in your account. You want to be able to keep it. And if that turns out to not be the case, then would want to get the land back i may have caused a tempest in posting what I have, and your situation turns out to be a big fuss about nothing. Which is actually the preferred outcome - a big fuss about nothing
  2. yes there is this. Whats the long term sustainability number of people currently playing Game of Homes on multiple accounts? i think Linden will/should/hopefully be tracking the numbers and the types of players and arrive at some total number of new Homes (bearing in mind also how many people are still in old Linden Homes and are yet to transfer to Belli). Linden don't want to end up with a vast new landmass which ends up half empty should interest in the Game of Homes wane just add. Game of Homes is not a bad thing in itself. Is a form of up-selling to an existing customer base. Revenue growth doesn't always have to come from user numbers growth
  3. yes this is true i was a bit too hasty with my testing. Is working as expected this morning
  4. check the runtime value: llOwnerSay( (string)j ) ; edit: i had a quick look into llGet... PRIM_SIT_TARGET i might be wrong but it seems Get isn't implemented. Seems to always returns ZERO_ values, at least when do it the wiki documented way if this is not wrong then you going to have manage the sit targets yourself crossed out bit is wrong. See below
  5. if the demand for Linden Homes keeps up as it has been then that whole area north could fill up with homes. The north and east side of Rosebud Hill region shows that estate is incomplete. Same all the way along the north regions west to Newbank region so I think just have to be patient and hope the demand for homes continues. As if/when so then am pretty sure Linden will put in the joining water regions alongside
  6. we get null values when our indexes are pointing beyond the range of the set. Start with checking the value of "j"
  7. i hunted thru my posts as I did comment on some of the posts about this, and say to the OPs to file a Support Ticket all the threads and posts about this have been taken down by Linden. Which they do when is a security matter and if the OP is a victim of the same security matter then this thread probably get taken down as well on the second. Is possible for our L$ balance to go negative. The most common is when our account is contributing costs to a group, and we never log in for some time. Can log in and find we have negative L$ altho in cases where Recovery Linden gets involved they often exercise discretion, depending on the circumstances edit more for completenees on one of the posts the person included a screenshot of their transaction history. One day they had 4 thousand something L$. Next day they had L$0. The whole lot was reclaimed by Recovery Linden. And the person was wondering why. So tell them to file a Support TIcket to find out why
  8. we can anchor the root prim on one region and have the linked prims positioned some way into our other region the linked prims will be phantom on the other region tho (no physics shape). Which is generally ok for things like trees, bushes, plants and water prims. Which we often set to phantom anyways it can also work ok with things like large rock and waterfall formations. Link a multi-prim rock/water formation across the region boundary. And then use some less amount of prims from the target region to create a physics shape under the formation
  9. suggest you be careful and not commit the L$ to another purchase for a wee while, and wait and see if Recovery Linden reclaims the L$ there has been some people coming on the forums recently, asking why Recovery Linden has been taking L$ back out of their accounts i dunno exactly the details of the whys, but if this is a 2 day old account then the account could be a part of a bot program with a bunch of stolen credit card numbers doing stuff for the lolz if Linden do take the L$ back then you should be able to file a Support Ticket to get the parcel back. Could also file a Support Ticket now and say what has happened, so is a written record, should it all go wrong for you later on
  10. this is true where I live. Is a majoritarian english-speaking country. where the common understanding of the word offender, is a person charged by the police with an offence against the law and is also commonly understood that when I am offended by what someone else says or does then they are not an offender if what they said or did is not illegal which can sometimes lead to funny conversations because of accent. Like person: Hey! I take offence to that !! other person: Why ever would you just take a fence, should take the gate as well !! person: waht !! other person: kehehehe ! chill my friend
  11. people do some strange things with their land sometimes i never took any photo of it at the time, but I was going up Route 10 a while ago. There was a 512m parcel next to the road. It had banlines up. And on top of the banline box the owner had put a 16x32 grass texture prim with a chair on top. And nothing on the parcel below the grass prim inside the banline box i admit it did make me laugh a little bit. You weirdo you !!
  12. i haven't looked into their Terms of Service recently, but am pretty sure these platforms specifically preclude sexualised activity as a condition of use. Whereas Second Life does not
  13. if I ever (meaning never just if) I wanted to stream my adult activities (like never just if) on SL then I would get an account on Live Jasmine. Then in my jasmine boudoir I would log in to my SL boudoir (dual screen) which would be set up kinda the same with a kinda the same avatar as me then i get my SL boudoir companion to log into jasmine as well. I know right !! Then I will make heaps of money from all the people engaging on jasmine. And when they want to be the SL companion, then I will get even more heaps of money off them 😸
  14. edit: what Rolig said below llDetectedType(0) & AGENT is better than what i said heh... edit add: I will put back what I said, as it does a check to see if the agent is still present on the region. Causes of not present can include: agent crash on collision, object too close to region border, etc integer isAgent = (llAgentSize(llDetectedKey(0)) != ZERO_VECTOR); Rolig's shows the standard way to check for a detected agent tho
  15. perhaps not. We can pick any first name we want. Linden have shown they are capable of governing freeform firstname choices. I am not sure freeform lastnames would add any extra substantial burden to governance
  16. am pretty sure this will never happen. Adult content and activity on the platform is a significant revenue earner for Linden. Linden will not give up a large portion of its earnings on a hope that this may or may not result in even larger earnings from non-adult activity
  17. i had a read like a lot of other papers on this topic, this paper shows that the authors/contributors are into promoting the utopian idea of the sovereign individual. Basically that the sovereignty of the individual is in some way supreme to that of the collective which is fine as an idea, but is an idea that is largely imaginary. Imaginary in the sense that the collective allows the individual to indulge themselves in the idea. Which the collective does actually do, at least in collectives/nation states that are founded on democracy the main thread in the paper is this promotional argument that the metaverse will be a way to realise individual sovereignty in a way that Internet 1.0/2.0 did not. This I think is imaginary thinking at best, cynical thinking at worst. Internet 1.0/2.0 had the same imagined utopian ideal as well. And yet it never happened, and is not going happen either with the metaverse we will still end up with what we have now. On the one end, nation states that can and do easily set up great firewalls. At the opposite end, nation states that allow great latitude to individuals to pursue self-determination. Yet when so then the mass of individuals flock to the collectives of walled gardens that operate within the strictures of the nation state/collective one of the paper's contributors did mention this natural human behaviour - the tendency of humans to herd together. Their mention was that individuals often get mentally/emotionally overwhelmed when faced with too many choices. When so then the mass of people tend to pick the choice that everyone else does and I didn't see anything in the paper that would counter-balance this. What I mostly read was, how as investors we can financially exploit the human tendency to form collectives, while using the language of individual sovereignty
  18. Linden/Tilia does not accept any kind of crypto currency
  19. yes it is. But if we want to transact internationally then we have to do it the way our bank can handle it in my own case, I belong to a little bank, it is a co-operative owned by us the account holders. No bank outside of my country will deal directly with us, we are too small for them to bother with, So my bank is a client bank of a big international bank which has a branch in my country. When I transfer money or receive money from overseas it passes thru the big bank who then passes it my bank (their client bank) so is all pretty seamless when I do this. And because of this client bank arrangement then when I want to pay something in a foreign currency then I pay in my local currency and the big international bank does the currency exchange and my bank deducts the money and the exchange fee from my account as I mention tho already, talk to your bank. If they can't do it for you then look to open an account with a branch of a big international bank in your country
  20. usually with groups then we set up the Officer role for most every Group Abilities, except for those abilities we want to not let them have. Like sell the land, create roles, accounting, etc, those we want to preserve to ourselves as owner anyone else can also be invited to join the group, in the Everyone role, with minimal abilities invite your partner to be an Officer
  21. neither paypal nor skrill deal directly in the Rupiah best to talk to your bank about setting up a USD-denominated bank account, then use this USD-denominated account to set up a Paypal account. You could also arrange thru your bank to obtain a Visa credit card denominated in USD. Normally when we transfer our local currency into our USD account, the bank does so at their current foreign exchange rate (Forex) best to talk to your bank about all this first tho, and not just rely on my advice
  22. i haven't been by there since ages so i went again just before. The playground is still there by the station, same the olde style orange grove trees nearby. Which is pretty nice of the people who have supported these for all of the years they have i went down the line to Purple railway station as well. The ferry still runs across the sea from Purple train station to Cecropia Ocean Terminal where can catch the train there as well to go further north was a whole trip down memory lane for me. So thanks
  23. Linden have a rule that prevents us from using the Linden platform (Second Life) to sell products that are not able to be displayed in the viewer inworld i think that to do what you want, you would have to make a MOAP player that can play your video (link to your own website) and sell the MOAP player for some amount of L$
  24. possibly media-on-a-prim is a web browser on a prim within SL, and all of the standard web controls on the MOAP prim surface function the same as expected in a web browser you would have to test it out tho, as I am not sure if the YouTube signin function will work thru MOAP
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