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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. hi, sorry to disturb when I untick the option: Yes please. I like my legs. Floating torso avatars are creepy and press OK button then a message dialog pops up and goes: hhahaahahhahahahaha ! i thought was maybe a bug. So I try file a jira about it and when try to submit, it went: hahahaahahhhaa! as well so i dunno what to do now
  2. in the Linden viewer, a way to get information on what another avatar is wearing is to right-click on the object (body part, clothing, attachment), then from the menu pick Object Profile in the popup Object Profile it shows who is the Creator of the object we have clicked on, and the name of the object. On the Object Profile, click on the Creator name and it will show more information on the creator, including a link to the creator's Profile page. Where the creator will usually have information about their store
  3. the appeal process is here: Section 10 of the Linden Lab ToS https://www.lindenlab.com/tos#tos10 is a real world process to appeal a ban. We dispute Linden's justification for the ban Linden Lab is a real world entity (as are we) and Linden are bound by the dispute process laws of California. When we sign up to Second Life then we agree with the ToS, which binds us to the same real world dispute process
  4. i trust monsters more little demure innocent kind friendly never melting butter mouth human avatars are ebil !! totally untrustworthy !! and treacherous !! Particularly them ones that go even more pretendy when they pick a title like Girl Scout to go over their heads from all the choices they could have made if in your exploration of 3D virtual world and experiences and you end up sitting across a free-to-play table with some chips in front of you, and see this one across from you and they start making dainty little value bets into you then best to go very carefully if you a monster. The bets might be dainty but they are not always girl scout cookies for you to eat at your pleasure, ok !! i love to try sell dainty girl scout cookies to monsters. They are so trusting and lovable. Is lots of monsters just can't help themselves, and not just be happy to have a little snack of cookies. They, being big monsters are always hungry and just want to bite your whole arm off. I love you hungry monster !! please try to bite my whole arm off every time ok ps. I found this game on Steam about 3 days ago. I did the tutorial to see how the controls worked. I think I got some extra chips for doing the tut. After that I started with about 18,000 chips 26 hours of play later. I have a zillion new outfits that I bought in the shop from all the girl scout cookies I sold. I will go back and try sell some more girl scout cookies to big hungry trusting monsters maybe later on today, just so I can have 1 million bankroll just because 😸 pps. back in the early days of SL there were some poker rooms where could play for L$. Then the online gambling ban came and they all went away. Is still some free-to-play poker tables inworld, but I haven't seen any people playing on them. If anybody does have a free-to-play poker table in SL, then I be happy to come and try sell you some girl scout cookies 😺 edit add a little bit later on nom nom nom kehehehe 😺
  5. best to put in a Support Ticket given what is happening in your country right now, am pretty sure that Support Linden will make a big effort to help resolve it should it be an issue at their end also just say that if I ever end up in the same situation as you in the RL, then I would definitely want to be able to log in to my SL. To be able to get some sense, some comfort even, that beyond my own RL situation there is still a world of normalcy out there. And that while I can see and be part of normal then is still hope for me and my fellow country people i hope pray that what you are going thru right now will end. Today right now would be best
  6. a useful tool for helping with this (Linden viewer) is menu: Advanced \ Rendering Types by unticking different types they will not be rendered on our screen. The most useful for me when join/divide parcels are: Volume: which derenders all of the objects in the view Water: when we want to join/divide a water parcel
  7. i just mention that poses are one frame animations. Fluid poses are multi-frame animations to start and stop them requires the same code ps add; I would support Prof's suggestion about having a go at making animations (even single frame poses) with Qavimator. Is here: https://qavimator.bitbucket.io/ there is a 10L upload cost for each animation we do make, so we have to factor that into our budget
  8. ^^ this. dawgs! 😸 altho to be fair to Gavin, am pretty sure Gavin is some kind of cat avatar, as I remember (might of been a tiger, can't remember ) from last seeing them inworld. Which was ages ago, about 2010
  9. is possible to do this with a single prim and one script in a previous life I made a similar thing for a friend's castle that had a court dance ballroom. People click the ballroom floor and sit and they join in and do the court dances with everyone else. Sadly I don't have that script any more and the friend is long gone from SL also however what I did do since I come back to SL, was post an example of the basics of doing the one prim one script method. Is here: the idea is that instead of say 40 scripts sending one message on each animation change to 40 viewers, then 1 script sends 40 messages in sequence to 40 viewers with 1 script sequencing then internet packet lag can cause a viewer ripple effect on the line of dancers. With the standard 1 script per dancer method then the packets can sometimes arrive out of our expected dancer change order, so you can get people being moved out of order, which can look a bit chaotic sometimes the example script just shows the basics of doing this. So you have to add in your dance sequences (that you doing already in your multi-prim sit model). Instead of moving prims, we move avatars as linked prims a issue with this for you could be that the avatars are confined to a 64 meter diameter wide dance floor. (max link distance from center of the dance floor prim) is 32 meters
  10. the standard way to do this is set the sit target for a link prim https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlLinkSitTarget get the key of the avatar sitting on the link sit target https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAvatarOnLinkSitTarget
  11. i have a sentiment for Jeogeot there are quite a few regions on Jeogeot which have the names of places in my real world. I can relate to that in a sentimental way i like to go down there and get on my motorbike now and again, and putter along on the Wellington Road / Route 10 loop, just to see what changes might have happened since the time before. I have lived on different parcels along those roads at different times. I don't live down there at the moment tho
  12. this idea is potentially possible recently Linden added a new function: llOpenFloater. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlOpenFloater is restricted to Linden/LDPW use. Is not available for residents to use it can be used tho to make a more rich content HUD. Quartz Mole mentioned in another thread that they were using llOpenFloater in some of their work. But I dunno anymore than that
  13. Experiences are enabled by scripting. Some quick examples Bump sit. When we walk into a couch (bump it with our avatar) then an experience script can sit our avatar on the couch Touch wear. We touch a drink on a tray of drinks. The script auto-attaches the drink to our hand. We don't get the system dialog asking for permission to attach. We already gave permission for the script to do this when we joined the Experience a more complete example. The lady in the boat at Half Hitch go to Half Hitch region thru the New Starter Destination Guide. On arrival, a popup HUD of boat choices, pick one from the HUD. Boat is rezzed, person auto-sat on the boat. Next popup: Would you like to change your outfit? If Yes then pick one from the HUD. When picked then the script changes the avatar's current outfit to the picked outfit some of the LDPW Moles have quite extensive expertise in creating Experiences. The Portal Park inworld, is a fairly comprehensive example of how Experiences work
  14. sorry about the burble. When I start thinking about how stuff could be done, I burble a lot. i have sometimes started a post with what I think is a good idea. Burble burble burble. And sometimes by the end I have contradicted myself and what I thought was a good idea turned out to not be such a good idea after all getting back to your point tho. I am not really sure how portals and the destination guide can work together. The destination guide is more of a HUD. And as a HUD it works quite well for the task - pick a destination and go certainly tho, I agree, more Experience enabled activity can be done at the curated destinations. Am pretty sure the LPDW would love to do this kind of thing as well in more earnest. Time and budget restraints usually the issue, not so much a lack of desire to do it. Same in many other companies and yes as well. I am into pipe dreams also. Always trying to push the limits of my current level of imagination
  15. also about IMVU there are two inventory views. A simplified version included in the main program, and a more comprehensive standalone version dedicated solely to managing inventory i think would be great if we had the same in SL might be able to solve the glyph issue as well more easily. In SL Inventory Explorer there could be a preview pane (a modest rendering of the inventory object). Press Make Glyph button and it takes a picture of the preview pane, which is then associated with the object
  16. from Inara Pey's summary of the 2021 CCUG meeting week #46. https://modemworld.me/2021/11/19/2021-ccug-meeting-week-46-summary-graphics-work/ edit: just add some more about what Linden are thinking. From the 2022 TPVD Week #11 meeting so the big issue about Vulkan for Linden isn't so much just about Apple. Is also about Windows and lots of residents who are still using Potato brand PCs
  17. i said "one of the options that Linden was exploring for Apple Mac was a OpenGL-like wrapper for Metal as a higher-level API. Is a number of projects already going down this path. Like MoltenGL for example" then you said MoltenVK so I say again. a OpenGL-like wrapper for Metal as a higher-level API. Referencing MoltenGL as an example of a project going down the path of an OpenGL-like wrapper APIs that interface between a application code base and multiple OSes is a pretty standard industry practice. Another example of this is the Lazarus Pascal project. Develop your program in the Lazarus IDE, coding it up in Pascal language . Pick the target OS - Android, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, iOS or Windows. Press Compile and done like
  18. yes I understand about trying to do a File Explorer-like within the viewer. I was more thinking about a independent standalone program solely for this one purpose altho if we ever got something like this then if it never came with a Preview display then people would say: How come I can't preview my avatar and my clothes on my avatar. I would like to be able to see them because I don't want to delete the wrong stuff by mistake. Same with my furniture, plants, houses, vehicles, etc
  19. i like to be fair to Linden as best I can. The Linden viewer is quantums better today than it was 19 years ago, 10 years ago and last year. In the beginning there was zero context sensitive help built into the viewer. Today the viewer is overflowing with help info that explains every aspect of the viewer. We just have to care enough to read it some inworld things as well are better today than they have ever been. Back in the beginning days new premiums got a empty First Land parcel and a good luck with that. Today new Premium gets a nice little home in a curated setting making stuff has always been hard to learn in any free-form setting. Open up GIMP, Photoshop, Blender, Maya, is all hard. Banging prims together inworld, texturing them, scripting them, animating them. This is hard as well to learn. Is hard because is largely because SL is a free-form expression canvas. Unlike say Minecraft or the easy to use closed-form character outfitter in games like say the free-to-play Prominence Poker which I just found on Steam a couple of days ago in the closed form inventory system, which are typically surfaced as paged and tiled glyphs, then we restricted to just a few dozen, sometimes a few 100s inventory items. As this UX style doesn't scale well into the 1000s and 10s of 1000s would be nice tho if we could have an inventory display more similar to Windows File Explorer. I sometimes wonder if we could have just that. Like log in just to our inventory (and nothing else) using a Linden Inventory Explorer program, with all the capabilities that these kinds of programs have. I would like this myself
  20. with portals a way it could be done is to use them to provide a LDPW-curated experience for new signs one portal leads to another set of portals which lead to a set of generally related experiences LDPW has already made this distribution system and it works quite well. There is a portal at the new signup's Home which goes to The Portal Park - which is a hub for LDPW-curated games. Access to each different game is thru another portal. (I would change the name of this to Games Hub) taking this method further say we made a Home & Garden portal at the new signups Home place. Where could this lead too? It could lead to the Home & Garden Hub. And the portals there are named Newbrooke, Fantassaria, etc. Go thru the portal and placed at the respective community centers. Person turns up. Oooh! cafe! ooh! cakes. Click. Experience auto-wear and nom nom. Ooh! look, a bicycle. Wonder if it goes. Click. It does! I am on it. Cool! Then have a bit of a ride or walk round, and go past all these little homes and gardens. And then maybe start to think, I could quite like to get me one of these another portal could be The Seaside. The Seaside Hub could lead to Surf N' Sand, Boating, Fishing, etc. Pick Boating and end up in a refurbished region in the Blake Sea, like Half Hitch fro example. On arrival the HUD auto-attaches and get prompted to Pick a boat. Like a yatch, motorboat, jetski, etc. Boat is rezzed and we sitting on it. Then get prompted, Want to change to a more appropriate outfit? Like say we started with the lady avatar with the little dog in our purse. So we think yeah! Am bit overdressed to go boating. Click Yes and we now wearing a nice top, mid-calf boating pants and a nice pair of boating shoes. We still got on our hat and sunnies and our little dog. Who by now we calling Rufus. Then off we go in our boat as best we can. And say to Rufus to not get too excited, because you might fall in the water and get eaten!! by that shark that just swam under our boat curated experiences. Train stations, airports, with trains and planes that go somewhere. Like for example Hau Koda Airport. there are no planes. Why cannot there be an airport with planes? Go into the terminal and the annnoucer says. Plane to Somewhere Else is now boarding at Gate 1. And we think cool! Go out thru Gate 1 onto the tarmac. Is a plane. How do we get inside it? I wil try walking up the stairs. And when we do then is bump sit - we kinda already know about bumping into objects in other games. Bump and voila! We sitting in the plane. Then it says: Want to be the pretendy pilot? Click Yes and we now wearing a pilot outfit and sitting in the pilot's seat. Still with Rufus in our little bag as we become quite attached to him by now. And off we go to Somewhere Else. Same with trains, trams, buses and horses even. All of this kinds of vehicles following predefined paths. And to make this all happen then there is already a system that does pre-defined paths, the pod system (which Linden can come to some compensatory arrangement if they haven't already) for me the thing is how to keep new people moving? And in moving then teach them stuff. Like showing/giving them outfits. For example say they went to the Surf N' Sand. Popup outfit HUD. One piece bathing suit, two piece bathing suit, or top and shorts. then the HUD goes: What color would you like? And the person goes: I will like the yellow one please. Click. We just taught the person how clothing texture change-out HUDs work i saw the Linden advert a while ago now for more LPDW hires, where new starter avatar skills were mentioned. I dunno exactly what Linden meant by this. I just like to think it may be something like what I have been chatting about here
  21. i agree i am not a fan of devices that send new sign ups to random places - not the same as the last. For sure portals are cool. But I am not sure the cool factor outweighs getting sent to some random place - not the same as the last. For new people I think consistency is pretty important. Click this and get this. Click it again and get the same result the Destinations guide shows some description about a destination before we click the Teleport button, and the same thing will happen when we click the same thing a second time
  22. i read on Inara Pey's blog in one of the user group meeting summaries (which one exactly I can't remember now) that one of the options that Linden was exploring for Apple Mac was a OpenGL-like wrapper for Metal as a higher-level API. Is a number of projects already going down this path. Like MoltenGL for example would make some kind of sense this, at least to think about
  23. i don't think that SL residents any more or less smarter than users of other games. The issue for new signups I think, and which I also think you are getting at, is as it has always been new signups, number one question asked is: How do I play this game ? This was the number one question (in its various forms) on the new resident islands back in the day, and is still the number one question asked today the problem is that there is no one answer. There is a multiple of answers, all of them correct in the general case. Yet they can all be wrong also, as is dependent on the individual. Which is hard. As when we do stand on the welcome islands (as I have done in the past) we basically have to guess which answer is going to be most helpful to that individual person asking the worst answer (even tho is correct in the general sense) is: Well, SL is not a game, is a virtual world experience this is the worst answer as the person didn't ask whether or not SL is a game. They asked: How do I play ? to answer this question we have to tease out of them what other games they already now how to play, and then point them toward some place inworld which they will find similar-ish, at least conceptually which today goes: Top your screen: menu World \ Destinations. Have a look thru the categories for the one closest to what you just been taking about. Click on it, then click the Teleport button and it will take you there. And if you get stuck then press the Home button on the toolbar top your screen and it will bring you back here, your Home place pretty much every time when new signups know to do this, then thats what they do. Pick a Destination and woosh! Which is what you want them to do. Go out into the big world and discover things for themselves. Because this is how this game is played if it was me, the Boss of SL (not that I am, just if I was). I would tell my staff that I want the Destinations window automagically opened when a new signup arrives at their Home Social Island. Because I want my new sign ups to immediately start playing my game. I do not want them wandering around their Home island, wondering how to start playing my game
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