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Everything posted by WillowTenage

  1. Yay! Thank you fairlyprincess, and moles
  2. Usually just for the extra 1024 land allocation, $300L a week, and on the occasion to make extra linden by playing paleo quest and linden realms. I also use them when setting up AV sitter for furniture that can sit more than one person.
  3. I found this one today It is called bladen cat, and was free This is now appropriately so, my fishing avatar. With that said, we now need fishing spots in our new continent.
  4. I think I am dying from an overdose of cuteness.. I just.. it is so cute! So much kitty cuteness , I.. <gasps for air, keels over>
  5. After reading this, I became a little concerned with my own script usage as I have everything on my property set to a rez box. What is the acceptable memory usage of a parcel, that will not lag out my neighbors? At this moment, with everything rezzed in my house and yard I am using 8096 kb under parcel script memory, with about 40 scripts running, am I being a bad neighbor?
  6. I'm always up for a fantasy setting, small medieval villages, the community areas could be towers, castles, and Inns. I know this would never happen, but a tree city would be pretty neat as well. Underground cavern homes, see, now my imagination is just running from me. But yeah, a medieval setting would be fun. Trailers would be neat, kind of a hobo town setup, perhaps there could be a train that runs through the area. . Urban areas sound ideal for 512 lots as there would not be very much yard.
  7. I love them, even though they are virtual pets, they really do add a rich dynamic to the world. She is a really pretty kittycat, my other one is full of spunk and rainbowed colored. Plus, she is very demanding, I swear every time I TP to her skybox (yes she and her brother have their own skybox) she demands to go out for a walk, to play with toys, and so on It is worth it though, she sometimes compliments my outfit 🤣😍 Edit: Here is my other cat adelbert with me watching the sunset by the docks
  8. Emmy wanted to go for a ride in the BMW, and explore the homes of Bellisseria She's going to leave a bunch of paw prints, if I do not abide by her will. So in the car she goes, yay Emmy! She didn't even give me time to put on a pair of shoes. Checking out all of the beautiful homes, all beautifully decorated. Emmy got a bit impatient, and wanted to go for a boat ride, I swear, I spoil this cat! Now she is just being reckless 😜 We ended at the Squishy pickle, for a few drinks. And that concludes, the story of our adventure for today
  9. This is easy, one of the homes in the mountains with a ton of privacy I'm jealous! I love what they did with their yard
  10. Le pickle, on a stick animated! Okay, enough of this, for some reason I find this absolutely hilarious, and completely goofy. I blame the squishy pickle for it all. .
  11. I'm practicing the ancient art of pickle meditation Delicious! Roasting pickles on an open fire And pickle aquatics This is what happens, when I don't get enough sleep and find free toys left out by the moles😜
  12. My room is finished now It is a mish mash of furniture, but I'm okay with that Now, off to distant lands to work on my houseboat! (Yeah, this doesn't belong here, but.. I am really happy with it so far, plus I don't have a houseboat on this continent, I want to join in on the houseboat fun ) I'll come back home, to finish my bathroom later.
  13. It's a party! woohoo! When I first showed up, it was mostly a bunch of hands, feet, boobs, and even some jaws displaying 🤣 It really didn't take very long for everything to render though, I was only there for about five minutes to take a few snapshots, and it was finished loading by the time I left
  14. I've just finished my living room I've started on my bedroom, and have the bathroom left to do. Now here is the best part of it all There is my yard, everything in it is mod/copy and set to a rezzer, so at the touch of a button.. I can change homes, and not have to move a thing So now, I have a multitude of houses I can decorate, whenever the desire strikes.. and it only takes a few seconds to do. Having multiple houses on one parcel, is really awesome! I think this may be my next project 😍
  15. Yay, this worked for me! Thank you Marianne, I usually spend a lot of time looking for the one object of a linkset that is preventing all of the others to be resized. This is going to save me a lot of time Now everything fits a lot better I actually have too much room in my kitchen now 🤣 I really can't thank you enough, this did the trick incredibly well. A thousand and one likes to your reply!
  16. I have finally updated my kitchen, although it was not easy to fit everything in place. I used Maya's Eliza Kitchen, which is a great bargain on the market place. Unfortunately, it wouldn't fit in quite right so I had to move things around a bit. Eventually I got it all in place, although I can't figure out how to resize the counters or cabinets, so they are a bit high. It was designed for a larger room, I had to take the counter which is now on the left, and move it from the oven and connect it to the fridge. I also needed to put a prim at the end, because that end of the counter was not meant to be exposed. I lost two of my windows in the process, but I think it looks a lot better than my previous kitchen, and it has a bunch of cool animations which all seem to work still. Now I need to get rid of those curtains, and find something more appropriate. I probably will take out the window by the corner as well, I don't think there is very much I can do with it, unless I figure out how to resize the kitchen. It has a much higher LI than my prim possible kitchen, but it is modify/copy, so I can use it in my rezzer, so that when I do want to have my skybox it can easily be removed and then replaced. Now I have three other rooms to update
  17. There used to be a preview for all of the homes and houseboats, but it seems to be unavailable now. I can still see it on my map, but can't teleport to it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/24 Edit: Since that does not seem to be working, the next best thing to do is head over to the squishy pickle to have a look at other people's houseboats, you can go there via this link: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aweigh/23/254/26
  18. I'm in Storybrook, and it is, awesome! I love the show "Once upon a time", so too does someone else. The attention to detail here is fantastic, this group has really done such an awesome job. I mean, look, comets are shooting through the sky! Gah!! This is spectacular! I looked around for the diner, but couldn't find it The place is really huge, I'm sure it is there somewhere. My Internet connection is a bit off today, so it made it difficult. What I did get to experience was awesome though.
  19. This is really amazing, I love it when I stumble upon places like this
  20. You have to remember you still have 1024sqm of land allocation, which can be spent elsewhere, and you also are getting $300L a week. Although, if they really want to reduce the prices of premium membership I surely will not complain
  21. I've finished adding the dock, now I have the complete setup. And one last animated picture, sorry for hogging the thread - I promise next time I post here will be non houseboat related
  22. I'm still working on my houseboat, the curves are such a pain! I've done a little to the upper floor, there is still a lot to do. Here is my bathroom, nothing really spectacular, but I'm happy with it so far. I really need to move the toilet out of the wall though, it seems as though my houseboat has gone through some sort of Philadelphia experiment scenario 🤣 I'll add the lid while I'm at it, and of course, toilet paper. I'm trying to spend as few linden as possible, and push my LI as far as I can get it. I still have 197 left, and I've also added the doors, put in a rudimentary kitchen, added some furniture on the first floor, plus I have moved my two kitty cats here and all of their goodies in a skybox 4000 meters above I still have to add animations to the bathroom, and bedroom, I would like to get the shower to actually have particles come from the nozzles and for the bathtub to fill. On the first floor, I have to add some trim work, and find some furniture that works with the layout. Right now, it needs a lot of work. I still want to add a dock, and a few goodies in the water. A view from the outside, I've been trying to get all of the prims to line up correctly. I fixed the roof a little, so it doesn't look as wonky. Here is the back, I've added a really cool swing bed, and another functional ladder that goes to the roof Eventually, I would like to add a couple of beach towels up there so I can gaze at the stars. I think I might put the dock in tomorrow, finish the bedroom and bathroom, and perhaps put in a few plants, and some decorations.
  23. All of this premium houseboat stuff has had me excited, so I decided to create my own houseboat So, for the past couple of hours I've been trying to build one. So far it has a LI of 34, but I still need to put in doors, and it is not furnished. It is all prims, besides the railing which I got on the market place for 10L, I had a prim railing but I like this one more. It is only about 10x26 but it is still very roomy inside, and I have a lot of my land left over.
  24. My willpower is weak, I purchased my third premium account. and the property next to the 512 parcel I bought a few days ago. It was just too tempting, 900L a week, and another 1024sqm of land holdings. No more though! Any of you that have more than one property in Bellerisa have nothing to feel guilty about, you are paying for your premium accounts. When the 512s are released in Bellerisa , I'm grabbing one for my first alt, and dropping the old linden home.
  25. Woot! Congrats Louminca, welcome to the neighborhood.
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