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Everything posted by WillowTenage

  1. I'm so happy you got it, but sad for Moodylin too, I wish her luck in her endeavor!
  2. Yep, I just teleported to my old linden home and back
  3. It is still just sitting there, no one has claimed it, and it is not listed. MoodyLin never got it, but no one else has taken it either. I am standing in the plot right now. I'm wondering if she got the same error message I did, when I got my first house, and it is in a queue right now for her. That seems to be what had happened to me the first time, I received a message on the site when I selected my house, and it did not register me as the owner. A few hours later, while refreshing the page and seeing the same old houses in the listing, it eventually showed that I owned a newer house.
  4. That is really weird, I released it a while ago and Moody had no luck, I just went back to the land and it is still showing as no one owning it. On the site, it is not popping up as being listed.. The last time I abandoned a new house, someone else plopped in like that second.
  5. ookies, my alt is at the plot http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Templeby/141/81/28 I'll let you know when I release. I tried to send you a tell in game, but I haven't a clue how to do that without being able to click on the person
  6. If Adeon doesn't answer in another half an hour, I'll inform you when I am releasing it. I wish I could just transfer it, that would make this a whole lot easier.
  7. Have you had any luck yet? I'm going to abandon the lot, if you would like I can let you know when I abandon it so you have a better chance of taking it.
  8. I just got another one on my alt, this is the second time in the past 24 hours. I just refresh the page where you go to get them, usually it displays the older homes but occasionally a newer home will pop up. Just keep that page open, refresh it every once in a while, and in a few hours you will probably get one. Just rush through the process of getting it, my land holding name is "jkjk;lkl;jk;ljk;l" or something like that They get swooped up pretty quickly, so don't take your time registering it. In the meantime, just hangout on the forums
  9. I have 194 left I'm using older furniture in my ground house, it doesn't compare to the newer stuff, but I still like it and it looks superior to the furniture I create using prims in world. My house is fully furnished now, but I have done no landscaping. I do have a second house I built above it, which is also furnished mostly with stuff I created myself in world, so it is pretty blocky and older looking, although I do have a a few trees and grass in my skybox. It is probably like stepping back into 2012 SL , I really just love creating my own furniture, homes, and well everything in SL, I really wish there were more tools available to us. This house is mostly my space to play around with, a sandbox all of my own. I will eventually set up a rez box, so I can have multiple skyboxes, I think I might also set one at the ground level to landscape a little here and there, for holidays, and just when I feel like having a pool. When houseboats become available, I'll grab one with my alt and try to decorate it with nicer furniture and make it look up to date. Below are a few pictures of my skybox, and the reason why I have so many prims left to play with.
  10. On my alt, I was given another house.. even though I had not been approved for it in my previous attempt hours ago. Hours ago, I saw a newer home available, and I registered for it, but the site gave me an error message, and I was not approved for it. Throughout the day, I have refreshed the linden home's page, and it showed all of the old ones I could choose, but this last time upon refreshing the web page to search for a new home it displayed that I do have a newly designed home even though I did not request for it. I teleported there, and the house was missing. There was someone in the road , right next to the house, I presume they had abandoned the lot because the house was missing. The message I received when trying to click on the mailbox was "Traditional Mailbox 5.2: You need to be a Premium Member and own the plot here as your Linden Home to use the menu." I was registered as the land owner, and I am a premium member, so I'm not sure why it gave me that error message. I abandoned the plot, and shortly after another person plopped in and they were having the same issue. My guess, is that the mailbox is not recognizing you as the owner of the plot. When you click on the mailbox, do you get the same error message that I did, in your chat box?
  11. There will be more shortly, be sure to follow this thread and receive emails You may be lucky, by refreshing the selection page for getting your linden home. For right now, it is just showing the older homes, but I refreshed it a few minutes ago and saw the newer house there, a boathouse may show up as well because people abandon them. Good luck ✨
  12. I've noticed a lot of people still in the older homes, I considered it as well because my home in Meadowbrook was more spacious inside. But, being able to have a skybox is what ultimately pushed me to abandon my old home, along with twice the prim count. I really wish I could have kept both, I grew attached to my old home, I did all sorts of modifications to it including a pool. It would be really cool if they allowed us to keep the old house models, to put on a skybox. Right now I have two homes, the new linden home that I have furnished, and then a second home on the skybox 2200 feet above it
  13. Phew, finally done. I put up a few curtains, pictures, plants, candles, and my home is finished It is really basic, not up to standards with newer furniture, but it is functional. No landscaping was performed, as to save as many prims as possible. So, I have used a total of 32 prim, plus an additional 26 for my kittycats Which leaves me with plenty to create multiple skyboxes, that I can spawn whenever the desire hits..
  14. Thanks for sharing that, it is a bummer for sure, but I don't want to cause that sort of harassment to people. That is how I feel too, I thought the bees would be a better alternative for when I want privacy - and they would be more entertaining as well. If they are going to cross out of my parcel or cause disruption to vehicle owners I'm not going to place it in my yard either.
  15. Even my kittycats are enjoying their new home ❤️😺 They approve of your handiwork Lindenites.
  16. Even though I had used my ban line recently, for a few hours, I am not opposed to seeing them removed. I am happier to see security orbs are going to give people time to fly through parcels, I wish that were to become universal because compared to banlines, zero second security orbs are impossible to avoid at any altitude. Now, for my question to all of you veteran SL members. I saw this pretty funny security item on the market place, it is not a security orb, rather it is a beehive that will spawn bees and push people around. I think it is hilarious, but I can have a warped sense of humor at times. Do you think this is an acceptable way to secure my property, when I want some privacy, or is it taking things too far? Also, do you know if this would damage other people's vehicles, or cause problems for them? While I find it funny, I don't want to cause other people problems while they are just exploring the area on their vehicles.
  17. I would be happy with rez zones, especially around the docks in the rivers. A gathering area would be pretty nice, a place to dance, socialize, perhaps play a few games that can be accessed by everyone. Also some sandboxes, that do not intrude on other people's views. That is assuming the older premium membership sandboxes are removed, I'm fine with just using those if they keep them.
  18. Do you know if there are going to be different themed areas, like there were for the original linden homes?
  19. Okay, I'm just about done 31 prims used for slight renovations, and furniture, now most of my rooms are completed. I'll hang some pictures later, I can probably put ten of them in my home with only using a few prims. I'm happiest so far with my kitchen, I modified the windows so on the outside it looks like the shades are half closed, on the inside I added a few strips of white wood that are invisible on all other sides besides the one facing the kitchen. I'm not sure if I am going to do any landscaping though, if I do that I'm going to try to do so with nicer looking items and those tend to eat up the prim count.
  20. I'm really enjoying all of these pictures, you all have a fantastic eye and capture the landscape so perfectly.
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