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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. I've filed ONE AR in the whole time I've been here and honestly it takes a lot of time. I actually wouldn't have filed it if I had known at the time how to set land permissions and block anyone from my land that didn't have PIOF. I also don't know anyone that has ever filed an AR. I'm sure you are being sarcastic but in case you are not. Go ahead. I have plenty of things to keep me busy besides SL. It won't be a huge loss. Oh, wait you don't have to report it because It's right here on the forum for everyone to see.
  2. Why not? How popular is The Sims franchise where it's YOU ALONE playing? Why do you think that Second Life - Your World means it has to be with other people? Do you really think popular, busy creators come on Second Life to be social? I love to decorate here. See what I can do with little prims or a whole bunch of prims. It's much more realistic than The Sims. I also like photography even though I'm not very good at it. That also can be an "alone" activity. Shhh..sometimes I even watch pron on my in-world TV since they blocked it in my state. That I definitely do ALONE. So many more examples but I'll leave you with those.
  3. Here you have a decision to make then. Sell now and hope that you get a good price or break even. Wait and see what happens possibly taking a loss or tanking your investment completely. They are not even 5% close to releasing the app in my opinion. Hard to tell how far the mobile app has to go. When I logged in on my iPad Pro running OS 17.x my avatar didn't even render. I had to keep signing in and out six times just to get it to rezz the body. No clothes, no hair, just a body with holes in it. The movement is so sensitive you are running all over the place. I can't tell if it is a bug or if that is what is expected at this point. It's about as good as Luminya is at this point. I fiddled with the settings trying multiple graphic and LOD settings and didn't see much change. Maybe it works better on an actual mobile device and not a tablet. In that case it's basically useless to me.
  4. Boy this has been taken to a higher level than I thought possible.
  5. OH well now I'm way confused. Why would he be writing a report about the SL economy if he knows nothing about it. Would SL merchants really take it seriously and/or read it?
  6. Not bad. You and Arielle should have fun there. It wont be hard to find each other since you will be one of the few there. One grid has about 5,300 users, another about 4,500 users. All the rest have less than 2,000 with most less than 1000 per grid. This means that even if you travel to other grids you most *will* likely will see the same people over and over and over and over. Good luck and keep in touch!
  7. Up to now we haven't really heard a lot from the people that actually own or admitted to owning adult regions. How do you think the new TOS changes prohibiting child avatars will affect you moving forward. Pick one and explain your choice if you like but it is not required. A - I am happy there are now rules banning child avatars from adult land. B - I am not bothered by it one way or the other. C - I am upset I can no longer allow child avatars on my land. This isn't a thread to discuss who is or isn't a child avatar. We've had enough of those already.
  8. and we found out 18 hours ago. You are late to the party.
  9. Well why not have another thread with us speculating with no real information until it dissolves in people arguing as to why it should be that way. Have at it!
  10. Like Real Life. I'd like to see some youtube videos with the person demoing the item and reviewing them that way. That's usually how I buy stuff in Real life by watching others use it.
  11. Not all apps have ads. I play lots of games on my IPad that have no ads that are free to play.
  12. I agree. Which makes me think that if you use the mobile app you will need to make an account for it that can't link to your PC account. They are allowing us to use our accounts now to test but my guess is they will wipe it before putting it out for final release.
  13. LOL, my avatar looks 17? If I could have looked like that at 17 I'd have gotten into a lot more bars.
  14. Did you want us to comment on how that looks like an underage avatar?
  15. I really don't even know why you haven't left yet then. OH yeah, because you aren't afraid of getting banned and are not going to do anything to change so you don't get banned. However everyone else should be shaking in their boots. You are just providing a PSA right?
  16. This is exactly what they are doing. Unless someone can point me to a product that says you will be compensated for a good review. I haven't seen it.
  17. What does this have to do with ANYTHING on this thread? You use this as proof that people think short person = children? Who in the hockey sticks allows anyone to treat them this way in SL and then continues to allow them to be around them? Also, you do realize that 90% of things that were posted on VS are lies correct? Sounds like you spent a whole lot of time over there, which TBH is not surprising. This whole thread has opened up my eyes and I will be reevaluating my practice to "turn the other cheek" and not AR people for doing something wrong. I mean since everyone has been saying that this will cause a lot of AR's when no one said it, I might as well. See you around the grid.
  18. No, I think she believes it. I mean the argument that too many people have the same story it must be true doesn't really convince me. Lots of people have seen the Virgin Mary too but I don't believe that either
  19. OH...get the smelling salts out. Dramatic enough? You have no idea what started all of this. That's speculation. The same as the title of this OP. If you are not involved in age-play then how would you even know how prevalent it is in SL? There very well could have been a sting operation going on that we don't even know about. You know with REAL law enforcement. 75% of people aren't even going to read the TOS to know about the changes so I highly doubt that there will be an uptick of AR's due to the changes. You can whine about child avatars being banned from A-rated regions all you want BUT it's not changing. It doesn't matter what the reason for it is. Rules suck don't they?
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