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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. True. I got hit on by a 19 yo and I thought that was creepy. I never think in that mindset so that's a good point!
  2. I blocked one of my alts. I still show up as online to her and if I have a message like the one below in "send a message to muted avatars" they get a that message every single time they IM me. If you have not checked it then no message is sent and they just think you are ignoring them. I am using Firestorm. It may act differently on other viewers. https://gyazo.com/297fb351f69f016dcaf000d545c4701c
  3. Agree. It would be nice to have some adult activity time without having to adjust each pose as you go. Even saving all poses rarely works and you have to start all over the next time. I guess you could call that "foreplay" LOL
  4. I guess if there was such a stigma surrounding adult activities the porn industry, Adult toy stores, Lovense and other sexual things on the internet wouldn't be bought/used by millions of people. I would love to see better animations for adult activities, however it doesn't even have to be marketed that way. Improving the animations benefits everyone whether you are into adult activities or not. If you are the type that doesn't want to see that stuff there are ways you can prevent it. I actually have never seen sexual activities in Second Life unless I go looking for it. This is probably an unpopular opinion from reading the responses but I don't see any reason why the age for adult is 18+. I think anyone over the age of 16 should have free reign over their account. Of course it's there for a reason that I don't care to investigate but most 16-18 year old's are engaging in some type of sexual activity in RL. If they are not it's a choice they made for themselves.
  5. That's cool! Where in Second Life is this? I know a couple of people who would love to go to this.
  6. Do you think that retirees just do whatever they want to do unless it's during their naptime? I know a lot of retirees that are busier than they were when they were working. Also, not all retiree's have "naptime". A lot of assumptions there.
  7. I think this is a good idea as long as mentors are only showing how to use the tools available in Second Life. How to open a box, add an attachment and how do they work. How to use the website and search for places to go. This might be showing people how to teleport by TPing to Linden owned lands. Any "tours" of interesting destinations should be left out but shown how to find them in the destination guide. I think how to use the viewers and website would help with retention. Anything other than showing someone how to navigate and where to find information beyond basic controls IMO will be a disaster and will lead to favoritism. As far as paying them or compensation, if you don't give them something for their time it will become a revolving door. Give them a free premium membership for their time and effort.
  8. You realize that my comment was directed at the other people posting about religion and not aimed at you at all. If you have read the post and didn't have a knee jerk reaction you may have seen that. It was more in reply to the poster that insinuated all priests must be put in the same stereotypical class that they are all predators not unlike what some members of the LGBTQIA+ community experience. Apparently though "I have issues"
  9. When someone uses a peeves thread to post passive aggressive comments to someone from another thread I feel I should call that out. If posted in that thread it would have been deleted so people hide themselves and comment in this thread. I didn't want to feel left out so I posted too.
  10. Peeve: When someone complains abut "off-topic" posts yet litters EVERY thread multiple times with jokes, rather than participate in the actual topic only to bring attention to themselves.
  11. I find it interesting that some on this forum have no problem belittling people's belief's of a God, higher power or whatever, yet demand acceptance of their sexual orientation, gender identify or LGBTQIA+ status with no questions asked. Just an observation.
  12. I assume you mean L$36,500 not L$365,000 which is about $15,000 US
  13. I don't see why. That's the whole point of Second Life is to be who you want to be. Unless you actually did these things in real life I doubt the police would be searching to investigate pretend accounts and checking to see if it was real.
  14. OH I don't think Alice looks good at all. That may just be me but I can't imagine that it would be received very well in the general pubic. Maybe for RPing certain situations but I mean Jennifer Aniston is 54 and she doesn't look old like this. There are many beautiful women that are in the 50-60 aga range that don't look like this. If I wanted reality I'd look in the mirror, lol. To me this looks more elderly grandma than mature.
  15. The part that you are not getting is that if someone has their settings set as "general, moderate" they shouldn't be running into anything adult or that implicates it. Saying "leave if you are offended" is not the point here at all. Even if you advertise say a dog or cat adult sim and put pictures of cute puppies/kittens on the sign, I would assume that the SLUR would be named an appropriate adult name or they won't be getting much business. There are some people that don't want anything to with adult activities and LL protects that right by having rules as to what is allowed in each rating. Trying to find a way around the rules and posting about it should be a TOS violation.
  16. I thought the set up fee included the first month. Even if it didn't include the first month, the homestead price would only be $258. Not sure where you are getting $500
  17. Would you be ok with someone from LL coming to your parcel and deeming it garbage and that it should be removed? As long as they are paying for the land they have every right to put what they want on that land, whether people think it's ugly or not.
  18. That would be the only downside is if people can't get redeliveries. Maybe they can figure out a way to keep the item in the database and if you have it in your "orders" you can still click redelivery.
  19. Well, it bothered you enough to submit an Abuse Report. Of course people bring their RL baggage in here. It's a social platform.
  20. Does the law differentiate between adult sites using real people or adult sites in general? Curious as SL doesn't use real people, they are cartoon versions of people.
  21. Seeing that 1L is .004 of a penny, I see that as a gift. The 50L is .20 I'm perfectly ok with it. I've gotten a lot of nice things for 50L and if one or two end up being duds then that's fine. I get that people have a choice on how to spend their money but the less work the creator does the less money it should cost, imo. Start adding demo's and the price might go up. If you don't want cheap stuff, don't buy it (as you've stated here you won't)
  22. Isn't this more promoting your business rather than an employment opportunity?
  23. @benchthisYou do realize this is a resident to resident forum right. If you really have an issue with this (and your other thread about ratings) then submit a support ticket or a JIRA. Your paranoid posts about children being able to access x-rated content or participate in activities you deem unacceptable will most likely fall on deaf ears in the forum. Your constant use of "underage minors" that need to be protected is something that LL is responsible for. If they aren't concerned about it then neither should you be concerned. They do have a staff of lawyers that make sure what they are doing falls within the laws.
  24. gee, I wish I could watch p*** but I have to have a credit card to see it on the internet. OH! no I don't. I don't even have to put my DOB to get past the adult screen any longer or I can just lie. Anyone can see some pretty disturbing things on the internet, should they want to. Do you think that the types of people that do this kind of thing are only doing it out in the open? What about IM's. If someone wants to do something badly enough they will find a way. Do you think everything is roses and butterflies outside of SL? I would bet you a year's salary that there are parents that will make their child an avatar and vet they are 18 when they might be 12. Stop expecting gaming platforms to protect children to the extent that you are proposing. Put the responsibility where it should be. The adults who should be monitoring their child's internet use.
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