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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I think that's fantastic! When Lindens see me, they usually run away, but I'm sure that's because they're all just really busy all the time.
  2. Noooooo, we're correcting someone's misbegotten notion concerning territorial imperatives on a discussion forum, and how more than one person is allowed to have an opinion in each thread. More on-topic, LL cares about SL. In my opinion. I have seen more proof of this than I have of anyone's claims of population shrinkage and dyingness, and I tend to form opinions based on what I actually observe, not what I imagine in response to whatever I don't like. I feel many users lack the imagination and stubbornness to work around adjusting to what SL is like. From day one, I was prepared to pretend around anything that was glitchy, because I understood that SL isn't like everything else out there. It has to do things differently to be what it is, and so it's not going to be the same as anything else out there that I've done. It's not some 10-gig MMO that you download and then everything's there, for one. It's a full-featured digital creation sandbox with multiple toolkits, and the social platform aspect sort of naturally goes along with it, because even creative people like to be social sometimes. Anything else that SL is, well, that all came later, so it's been added on. And since people aren't going to do a complete overhaul of an entire online world every time they add something new, well, bugs creep in. Things happen that nobody knows how to work around yet. It can take time. Being HUMAN, and understanding just how little most people actually feel they should have to do each day, and how low most people set the bar for their own accomplishments, and how high they set it for anyone who has something they want, well, I take it all into consideration, and adjust my expectations. I'm as patient as a rock, and as stubborn as a mule. When I was new, I was running SL on a netbook (remember those) with 2 gigs of RAM, on an operating system that was less than 300MB, and crashing every three minutes. Anime avatars all looked like broken doll avatars. Expensive mesh heads looked like something from a nightmare, and the sickly yellow skin made me cringe. I could have said eww, and walked away, but something about SL made me hang on and keep trying and keep learning and now it's my favorite pastime. You will either still be here years down the road or you won't, but ultimately it's going to depend on whether you care about Second Life, not whether anyone else cares. As in any relationship, when people start complaining that the other person doesn't care enough, they're just looking for conflict, for an excuse to be negative while blaming someone else for the behavior. And how much should the other person care, when all you have to say to them is "you're not good enough for me"? Got issues? File a ticket.
  3. I'm not complaining at all, I'm enjoying this wonderful community. If anyone doesn't like it, they can go in-world themselves. If a user can post just to do the old "SL is dying because it doesn't please me" rant, I can post in response to it. This is a forum, not a blog. Expect others to have opinions other than yours, as well. The "SL is dying because it doesn't please me" rant is one of the most offensive things I see here, as if people are wishing it would die so they can log out, because THEY have issues that SL can't fix, and they won't deal with them. So, let's go off about how tormented we are by a piece of software we claim to hate, and then wish for its demise by claiming it's dying, in the hopes everyone else will leave. It's disgusting, and that's my opinion, and I'm sharing it. I hope it helps. If you would like to kick and scream some more, go ahead. If not, great. But I'm not going to watch someone throw a tantrum without at least making some little bit of fun of it. Sorry.
  4. I'm sure anyone who thinks SL is dooky can easily find far better things to spend their time on. I mean, if everything else out there is just so much better, and SL is just so dern bad, makes me wonder why people waste time sticking around and complaining. When you come up with something better, let us know. I mean, it's all such simple stuff, and all. Anyone could do it, right? I mean, come on, it's not rocket science.
  5. Delight of the Day: Making my first 1000L$ sale on the MP. \o/ < I am succeeding~!
  6. Who wouldn't tremble in fear if they saw this? People see me and run away all the time. This is how I know I fit in around the place.
  7. Watch me scare this monster. He's gonna scream when he sees my fake vampire bat.
  8. So THAT'S where Boy George got that part of his look!
  9. If a black Cessna Skymaster 337 with the tail number N101BL shows up, my best advice is to get the heck out of there, and fast. Do NOT let him sucker you into washing his plane. And drop any investigative reporting, too. He hates that stuff.
  10. You KNOW it. If it's being broadcast, you can bet your second life it's been scripted. Trust me on this, I've worked in entertainment. It's ALL scripted. Even the unscripted stuff. Oh, and I had considered making a thread asking this in the Adult section, I'm just a tad leery of hanging out in there, and I didn't see too many topics along the lines of what can be found in the Your Avatar section. It was simply a matter of asking in the place where I know I can get answers, because so many of the regulars in this section have so much experience with all of this stuff.
  11. Checking my home, to make sure nobody's squatting the place. I swear, if I find someone in my casket, sleeping on my bones, I'mma report their butt.
  12. Another swarm of giant chickens, just what we needed. My work is never done.
  13. I think that kind of potential for personal growth and change, and the organic way relationships with people and places can form, is part of why I still do SL, and still enjoy it. This is, literally, the longest I've ever participated in any online community without getting sick of it and finding something else. It's why I keep telling people who are frustrated with SL to be more patient, and learn to have some fun, not just pursue their personal goals. You don't dance to get to the end, you dance to enjoy it. If you're enjoying yourself, everything else unfolds naturally, and is more, well, real. Also, pic time again.
  14. I think that's pretty much it. Some people aren't looking to build any lasting things in SL, and just wander around amusing themselves. Even groups of SL friends sometimes wander around the same way, just acting like tourists, and not caring if they ever get to come back, as long as they had fun. It's not necessarily "trolling" in the sense of breaking the TOS or harrassing people outright, but more of an attitude of "IDGAF", like teenagers at the mall with no money, and nothing to do. There are entire sims owned by people who have the IDGAF attitude. I was thinking about this the other day, trying to widen my brain to the fact that there are so many different perspectives in SL, and so many different uses to which it's put by the different people who use it. Some are social, some anti-social, some asocial, and you never know until you find out. A perfectly good conversation can turn into a loathesome event, depending on the stranger you just met and decided to try talking to. Or, what seems like a big risk of getting bullied or trolled can turn out to be awesome fun and great chat. You really never know when you're out there in the wild. Adult places that want repeat traffic and actually are trying to build communities and clientele are going to be far less tolerant of wandering self-amusers, just out of the necessity of providing the sort of atmosphere conducive to what they're there for.
  15. Hi! I'm a zombie named Billy I was killed a couple of days ago And I've been on the air for a couple of days I keep my own video blog About how bad everything is here in general About how disgusting partially I even came up with the name: "Survival With Me Come On" I am surrounded by scopes, there are a lot of flashes around me And this is by no means a photographer shooting from a tower I really want to talk to someone who is still breathing. You don't have to be afraid of me, hear me I'm half-dead, short-lived, it's so hard for me I wander around the yards, I eat anything, I don't know why Periodically drank, sometimes brawled, did not return home From now on and forever, now I'm an antihero, I don't know why When I was alive, I was a cool guy, I hung out for 8 days, not weeks On Tuesdays and Sundays, rock 'n' roll was played in the garage I knew perfectly well about morality, my mother had no money I always helped her as much as I could, with a couple of friends That fateful Monday when I was bitten I wasn't in the mood, but it's okay now I'm a zombie named Billy, I was killed a couple of days ago And I've been on the air for a couple of days, running my video blog I'm half-dead, short-lived, it's so hard for me I wander around the yards, I eat anything, I don't know why Periodically drank, sometimes brawled, did not return home From now on and forever, now I'm an antihero, I don't know why I'm a zombie named Billy, named Billy, named Understand me A zombie named Billy, named Billy, named, understand me Do not judge me for my appearance And for my food needs Everything is the same with us as with people, only it's hard to talk I'm a zombie named Billy, Named Billy, Named Understand me A zombie named Billy, Named Billy, Named Understand me
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