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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Nice of you to turn up, Boris. I don't know what took so long. I know it's Halloween, but none of you lot needed costumes.
  2. That's a typo, the artist's stage name is Hildegard von Blingin, and it's a play on a real name. I looked her up when I first discovered the genre and was wondering who she was and how authentic it was as a realistic medieval sound. Found this. https://medium.com/the-gleaming-sword/hildegard-von-blingin-cornelius-link-and-the-rise-of-bardcore-9ce00a745933 I think I also read elsewhere that she claimed to be 28, can't remember where she's said to be from but it was somewhere on mainland Europe. I wasn't hugely surprised to discover it's unlikely to be quite what people really were listening to in medieval times, but I still enjoyed it. I had a collection of original lute music years ago. I don't have any skills in sound production, so I can't say anything about that. I did think she sounded genuine, but I don't have a trained ear for voice morphers so I'm probably quite easy to fool on those.
  3. I discovered Bardcore, and this lady, a few months ago, and yes, her voice is so beautiful.
  4. It's worth checking out songs by MisCast, which likes to take well-known musical theatre numbers and switch round the genders, among other things. This is a few years old, but I love love love it. Joshua Colley (Angelica) is coming on in leaps and bounds with his training, since obviously his voice has broken since he did this. He's on YouTube and is just so talented. ETA: God I forgot how cute Peggy is too. All of them are great.
  5. If they've got good technique I love them both. I have favourite male singers and favourite female ones, but I couldn't tell you which one I prefer. I don't know how well Only Fools and Horses is known outside of the UK...I'm guessing it's pretty culture-specific, but if you know it, hopefully this will make your day.
  6. It might add value to a Skoda. (Sorry, I just love Skoda jokes. I also love Skoda drivers. I was in a terrible traffic jam once and a car managed to pass me very slowly...and the people inside leaned out and shouted, "Haha, we overtook you and we're in a Skoda!") ETA: Obviously, though, nothing is greater than a Reliant Robin. There's one not too far from where I live and it always makes my day when I see it out and about.
  7. I would say we're quite good at dealing with rain, but actually we're not.
  8. And to think the "this man's father is my father's son" riddle was confusing!
  9. To be fair, most parts of Britain really don't get heavy snow often enough for it to be worth the expense and hassle of snow tyres and so on. If we did, I expect we'd be a little bit more prepared for it. But we do like things to be a bit rubbish in general, so maybe not. I'm glad when the clocks go back, as I'd rather have my extra light in the morning.
  10. Oh...One Cut of the Dead. Actually a hilarious comedy, but works as a Halloween film if you want to get in the mood but would rather have a (very big, long) laugh instead.
  11. Oh, and The Fly. I'm glad I saw it once but I'll never watch it again. Another one that's not for pregnant women.
  12. I was going to suggest this one. So glad I watched it before I was pregnant. I read the book too and after I had my son, I was very struck by how much the author, a man, seemed to have such an understanding of that side of pregnancy in which everyone else knows what's best for you. I'd like to add It Follows, famous for having almost no jump scares but it's absolutely terrifying and very unsettling for various spoiler reasons that I won't mention. And Get Out. I don't like slashers or gorefests, but I do love a good psychological or supernatural horror. And if you want black comedy horror, is anything better than Little Shop of Horrors and The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
  13. I'm absolutely sure that if you saw a smart young man being subversive, you'd fail to grasp the point just as spectacularly.
  14. My father's son is me (well it would be if I were a man with no siblings). So it reads that this man's father is me. But it sounds weirdly complicated!
  15. You're right. I'm annoyed because I said "send up", but I think I meant "subversion". I hope the point is still clear.
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