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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I had no idea what this was so I Googled it. I thought it sounded utterly bizarre until I got about two thirds of the way down and there was mention of what Counsellor Deanna Troi said about it. You could have kept me going for ages.
  2. I remember watching Troy (oh Lord) with a friend who was a real Classics buff. Oh my, it was like watching hospital dramas with a doctor ("That's a child's X-ray! And it's upside down!"). Best part was Brad Pitt Achilles introducing Patroclus as his cousin or whatever. Steam started coming out of her ears. This is pretty much the extent of my Classics education. I think it's rather comprehensive.
  3. I speak no Latin at all...my understanding was that they are real Latin words but gibberish in translation...but if the poem is read aloud, it sounds like a silly rhyme in English about Caesar having jam for tea, Brutus eating something less pleasant, and both of them getting upset stomachs. Happy to be corrected, I've never had a Latin lesson.
  4. I've actually never had a Latin lesson in my life. It showed when we were studying Old English at uni; the students who had learned Latin picked it up much more quickly than those of us who hadn't. I know the rhyme is gibberish in translation. There's always the old "Latin's a dead language / As dead as dead can be / It killed the Ancient Romans / And now it's killing me."
  5. Caesar ad sum iam forte, Brutus et dederat, Caesar sic in omnibus Brutus sic in at.
  6. _(,__ __), (_,d888888888b,d888888888b d888888888888/888888888888b_) (_8888888P'""'`Y8Y`'""'"Y88888b Y8888P.-' ` '-.Y8888b_) ,_Y88P (_(_( )_)_) d88Y_, Y88b, (o ) (o ) d8888P `Y888 '-' '-' `88Y` ,d/O\ c /O\b, \_/'.,______w______,.'\_/
  7. If it's a Coldplay concert, I think that's considered to be a form of euthanasia.
  8. Can the chips run SL? If so, I struggle to see the downside. Absolutely immersive virtual reality on all senses. I'll be all over Gor with fart gas.
  9. Ratbert once told Dogbert not to insult his intelligence. Dogbert replied that he could never insult Ratbert's intelligence and Ratbert decided to leave it "while there's still some ambiguity". I've stolen that from Dogbert a few times in RL when I get the feed line.
  10. Well, clearly someone else didn't. Conversations on here aren't private between two people. Unless you take it to PM, you're involving everyone and inviting responses. That's the nature of an open forum.
  11. My grandfather broke 100. He was very happily married for well over 50 of those years. He used to tell people the secret of a happy marriage was to have a good sex life. We used to go out for dinner regularly together and I couldn't figure out why I kept getting dirty looks until I overheard someone mutter "young enough to be his granddaughter". I was mortified, he was delighted. Thereafter, whenever we entered a restaurant, he'd tell the waiter and the people at the next table, "She's my granddaughter, not my lover. I'm not that lucky."
  12. I usually post on my phone while I have a cat on my head, so I may get an honourable mention. I've made a lot of crafts from salt dough (I'm not a hoarder but I bake a lot so I've always got plenty of flour and yeast...that was lucky). And also from toilet rolls, because I happened to have enough of those too...I just always buy them in bulk because they won't go off and they'll always be used. And egg boxes. Mr Maker has been our friend...
  13. I don't think this is your call to make. ETA: On reflection, I guess you meant that you would not intentionally marginalise people with disabilities.
  14. Well yes. I should have been clearer that I'm talking about the times when it's obvious from the context that it's just lazy shorthand for "I fart in your general direction". They should really start responding by saying that, I'll always appreciate it. Think it was Spike Milligan who wanted "I told you I was ill" on his gravestone. I'll take anything apart from "She Meant Well".
  15. I'm relatively new here (under two years). It's always been around as long as I've known but it's generally employed by the same few people. When you regularly get a laugh response to something that clearly isn't humorous and you always know without looking who it is, that's a fair indication that they're overusing it. I do think it can have a place when used judiciously, but as a go-to response whenever you don't like something, it's a bit lazy and wears thin.
  16. Also known as the "scorn laugh". I think it can have a place, but yes, it does get massively overused.
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