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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Once I worked out that the lyrics were "I'm an edgelord, I'm so edgy", I realised it was meant to be self aware. So I guess that means the artist realises it's a load of cack and it's all ironic (there isn't actually anything remotely edgy in the video), which I suppose should make it drop off the scale of crapness and reappear on the other end as ironic brilliance. No band ever made cartoons of themselves better than Gorillaz, and nobody reinvents themselves better than Madonna.
  2. I went on several People's Vote marches against Brexit (and to think we thought it couldn't get any worse back then), and there were a great many signs along the lines of "Down With This Sort Of Thing", "I'm Really Quite Cross" and "This Is All Terribly Upsetting". The ones protesting Trump's state visit were sublime. I had a montage somewhere but I can't find it now. "Trump Would Make Tea Like This", "Dear Queen, Don't Give Him The Nice Biscuits" and "We Don't Like You Very Much".
  3. Discovering the real lyrics inspired me to watch various renditions of it. I never knew that about Roseanne Barr. Or Fergie, but I've always found her and her voice annoying anyway.
  4. So...today I discovered that the second line of The Star Spangled Banner is not "what so proudly we held at the twilight's last glimmer", but "what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming". I didn't know enough of the lyrics to realise that "glimmer" wouldn't rhyme as required. I wonder how you'd get "strimmer" into the words if you needed to make it rhyme that way. It's not a tune that lends itself to the subject of weekend gardening. Sorry, Americans, we don't hear it much over here and I don't think many of us know much of it past the first line. It's much better than our national anthem. What a load of rubbish that is.
  5. I'd find it hard to muddle words when singing. I have a southern standard accent and it doesn't really lend itself to slurring or messing up words. Except for when I'm drunk, obviously.
  6. Is that related to this phenomenon? When I close my eyes and try to block my mind so I'm not thinking of either word, I get "brainstorm".
  7. The lyrics I found when I looked them up weren't obscene at all, just about sailing a ship and missing a girl. But I found an article saying that the Kingsmen had recorded it with bad technique (instruments loud, singer not close enough to the mic), resulting in the absolute gibberish I heard in that one, and since then many people had heard much dirtier words in it. But surely the Kingsmen would have performed it live sometimes, they couldn't keep that up? I didn't spend too long on it, tbf.
  8. Ok, so ironically, I can't quite tell all the words from the Sondra Prill video I posted upthread, which is itself a gloriously dreadful rendition of Janet Jackson's Nasty Boys, with one particularly badly mistaken line about gentlemen and not being turned on. I think she might be singing "I'm not a fool" instead of "I'm not a prude". And I haven't the foggiest what she's screaming when she gets to the bit that would normally be "It's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty". Prill did a few of these and they're all wonderful. It's a shame she was too early for YouTube, though I guess public access TV was the equivalent back then. I'd be a dedicated follower.
  9. Yeah, or possibly sharing food. I think Musical Youth did a more family-friendly version of an original where the line was "what do you do when you got no green/herb". I might be wrong.
  10. My understanding is that it's either a drug reference, or a dutchie is also a sort of pot used for cooking, so it's about sharing either food or substances.
  11. I'd never really thought about it. Richard Berry is quite clear. The Kingsmen, can't understand a word. "Louie Louie, oh, reggaeton...?" Was he drunk? The real lyrics look pretty tame. Google suggests it's people hearing other things in the incomprehensible Kingsmen version...?
  12. Madonna, La Isla Bonita. I spent a long time thinking the line was "young girl with eyes like pesetas", which isn't so silly when you consider the peseta was the currency of Spain when that song came out. I thought she was saying that the girl's eyes were bright and sparkling like the coins of her motherland. Apparently it's common to mishear Michael Stipes as singing "Calling Jamaica" instead of "Call me when you try to wake her". Which also makes sense because I love REM, but that line has never scanned properly.
  13. It was quite a head spinner to realise I hadn't ever misheard any of the lyrics to I Am The Walrus.
  14. "A bathtub of gentlemen only turns me off." (Should be: "Better be a gentleman or else you'll turn me off.")
  15. I don't know if you knew this person in SL or RL, Gopi...as you're posting about her here, I'm going to assume SL, and that she was mentally haggard. Obviously this post will read differently if I'm wrong. She's a person, Gopi...SL really isn't the real world and truly living as a woman is much more complex and multifaceted, and frequently rather boring, than anyone could ever really experience via a digital computer world. Same for men too, I'm very sure. Doing the school run and the weekly shop are main realities of life for many women (some men too, of course, but mostly women). Women as a class still overwhelmingly take on more of the domestic gruntwork in reality, even if they work full time. And despite how often you'll see it fetishised in SL, it doesn't turn many women on in RL from what I've seen. It isn't all long hair and pretty clothes. Many women couldn't care less about those and anyway, they don't make you a woman. Men can have them too. I like you very very much, Gopi, I really do. I think you have a huge heart. But women are just people and in reality, despite often being shoehorned into a single stereotype, we are just as messy, contradictory, flawed and changeable as anyone else. It's never a good idea to hinge yourself on one aspect of someone, although sadly within SL, that's very easy to do. Look after yourself.
  16. I was heavily pregnant over Halloween. Put devil horns and a lot of fake blood over the bump. Women thought it was hilarious, men recoiled. I would have expected it to be the other way round.
  17. Wrist watch also needs to be two words.
  18. "Home schooling? Sure! How hard can it be?" <<two weeks later>> "If the scientists don't find a vaccine soon, THE PARENTS WILL!!!"
  19. I'm treating these as a Covid caption competition. "This is so the best part of having to work from home."
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