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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. No, Velk, the problem is that, as usual, you blundered in asserting yourself as the wise and all-knowlegeable judge of everything - who's clever, what misogyny is (thank you for that, sir), what words are for - and missed every target. You noticed that she's clever, but you didn't realise that that's the point of what she's doing. She's a pink hearts girly girl who's playing GTA in lingerie, slinging putdowns at misogynists and letting them completely show themselves up while she gives not one cluck. She's confounding expectations that are rooted in misogynistic ideas about pink hearts girly girls. It's a send up of a sexist cliche, Velk, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's not something that requires 20 years in MI5 or whatever you did to pick up on. And by not realising the self-awareness, you fell into that cliche. Tbh, that wasn't a big deal, but going on to tell women that they're wrong about misogyny and you're right, even as you fell into a sexist cliche, was showing your bottom a bit. And if we're going to talk about reading the room... if you have to tell us how funny and cutting you were being, then chances are you didn't manage it.
  2. Just to remind you, ladies and gentlemen, this post was intended to establish the poster as someone who is qualified to make the judgement on whether or not someone comes across as clever, and on what constitutes misogyny. Even if you haven't had the pleasure of his previous gems to give it context, this stands alone.
  3. She acts very smart. There's just been an assumption for a long time that young women, especially pretty ones with brightly coloured hair and high voices, are stupid and vapid by default. Her generation is more switched on to this kind of misogyny and it's great to see it being torn asunder like the steaming pile of codswallop that it is.
  4. I know Maitimo's, but I spoiled St Ives so I'll stay quiet. Odaks' answer is probably more accurate anyway 🤣
  5. Haha! It's worth having a nicer starter av because it will be more enticing for newbies to stay, but what I mean is that it won't impress established people. They'll still think it's crap. Funnily enough, you might get more status now with a real 2006 Ruth because it proves how long you've been here and surely looks wonderfully ironic by now, as one of the forumites shows...
  6. I think that even if the initial avatar was better quality with a decent AO, it would still be seen as awful because everyone knows it's the free noob default.
  7. Why don't you want to talk? Are you a little hoarse?
  8. I genuinely can't understand what's going on or most of what anyone is saying, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. I like her.
  9. I'm sure she doesn't "represent" the yoof of today any more than any random pop star represented me back in the day, but it is relevant to see how a young person who was raised on the internet in a way the average SLer wasn't, reacts to it. Her style and mannerisms aren't really relevant. She's of a generation that grew up with tech. How does it look to someone who's more used to this than most of us were? I came to SL in my early 20s. If I were in my early 20s now, I'd have a different reaction to it. Honestly, I don't think it would keep me. And because this is a bugbear of mine: she's Gen Z. I'm a millennial. We're older than you think!
  10. It was a new one for me too. I think they may have taken a bit of artistic licence with the Shakespearean Insult Machine.
  11. Scylla, you should have told me you liked David Mitchell being literary.
  12. I love the fact that of all the things you could have had on for the top layer, it was the classic trench coat.
  13. Is this forum really so awful? I'm not denying anyone's feelings or experience, it's just striking to me that some people find it so unpleasant because it seems pretty tame and sanitised to me. Of course, if I'm on your ignore list then I'm making a right prat of myself.
  14. As no deal now looms closer and closer on top of this unbelievable squitstorm of incompetence, and Boris goes with the "do what I want or I'll punch myself in the face and turn Kent into a massive latrine" school of negotiation, I just can't bear to think what this green and pleasant land will look like a year from now. I can't remember ever being so worried. If I had dual nationality I'd be seriously considering emigration. Half of my European friends returned to their home countries ages ago because of this. I miss them and it's very much our loss. Eff it all.
  15. I'm not inworld very often at all. I can't offer the time commitment necessary these days to build up a social circle or do anything long term, so when I get in now, I just do one-offs that take advantage of the graphics. Safaris, funfairs, hang gliding, skiing. Soon it'll be winter wonderland time.
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