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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. There are videos of me on YouTube (alts) and to my knowledge no permission was ever necessary for them (I didn't take or post the footage). They've been up for years and are still there now.
  2. I can't speak for anyone else, but to me it was just a bit of interactive forum fun. I don't believe in any of this, but I've really liked Rat ever since she went to DJ an event, having thoroughly researched and considered it beforehand to give it her all...and it fell apart, so she logged off and Zoomed her grandma. I liked that very much.
  3. New measures being announced tomorrow. More local lockdowns. Alone on a small island in a pandemic with the Tories. No deal Brexit looming. Still better than Gor, I suppose.
  4. Alternative, dated, UK-centric punch line: goal posts.
  5. Yes, I've had this. The first couple of times I waited; the posts were not abusive and didn't break any rules that I knew of, so I was fairly confident they'd go up eventually. They never went live and I never heard anything, so on the one or two occasions it's happened since, I've just deleted it to a full stop and written a new post, making a guess at what set the alarm off the first time. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt. The real reason it annoys me is that the last time it happened, it was a post in which I was making fun of Gor. Something along the lines of "steady on old chum, I mean, we were fine with women being XXX and XXX and XXX, but dash it all, don't you think you've taken it a bit too far with the XXX, I mean if you carry on like this then you might get us into a bit of a sticky wicket and what a frightful bore that would be, what what" or words to that effect. It set off the alarm so I ended up writing something less sarcastic and less funny, which was no fun. Gor: repelling even the moderating algorithm.
  6. I may be mistaken, but I do seem to recall years ago knowing someone who got scammed, submitted an AR and got results. I guess you can try?
  7. I haven't got anywhere else to put this. I've been waiting for ages but I'll forget if I wait much longer. @Cindy Evanier, this one's for you.
  8. This is one reason why I dislike all these "full mesh or don't talk to me" and "full mesh or you aren't allowed here" people and places. Obviously people can talk to whom they want and make any rules they like for their regions. But if you remember what a learning curve it was even back in 2007 or earlier, and how much harder it is now with mesh, it's a shame that so many opportunities to bring people in to it organically, by welcoming and involving them, are being actively rejected. I still do maintain that a well-presented, later system avatar really isn't so hideous that it will destroy your immersion merely by landing eyes on it.
  9. Oh, she's a weak singer, I agree. (Has she fooled anyone on that?) But she's bloody good at changing her image and that much is entertaining. The pop industry isn't founded on the amazing range and technique of the singers, which is one reason why I love musical theatre. I don't know how fair it is to berate her for the conical bra stuff...that was a long time ago and I wouldn't say it's all she's ever had since 1987 or whenever. Sadly it's an industry where it's much harder for women than men to get a name for themselves, especially if they never capitalise on their sexuality or aren't uncommonly good-looking. Yet judged harder for it.
  10. I must respectfully disagree. Change is the only constant, we are all works in progress whatever age we are. I'm not actually a massive fan of her music...don't actively dislike it but it's far from my favourite. But I do like the fact that she tries new things, takes risks and hasn't spent 40 years being the same. It's fun wondering what she's going to do next.
  11. A very long time ago, while I was finding my feet in SL and roleplaying, I had an interaction in an Arabian Nights sim with a small group of people. I was winging it but getting very immersed, and it somehow came up that I might have undiscovered magical powers and be able to control the weather. So I gave it a go and lo and behold, it rained and shone as I commanded it. I didn't want to break the immersion by asking how it was working...in retrospect, I guess someone must have had a rain rezzer or something. But it left me feeling so happy that they'd gone to that trouble to give me a good RP experience and was the first time I really felt myself properly embodied in my role and in the fantasy world. I once complimented a total random on her beautiful outfit and asked where she got it. She not only told me but then gave one to me...it wasn't cheap by the standards of the day.
  12. Whatever you think of her music or her character, she's made a career of nigh on 40 years out of changing her image. Strike a pose!
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