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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I mean if this person is uploading a substantial amount, such as that. I don't see how it would hurt them at all. And this whole fee thing is doing jack crap to me. However, the exchange fees and exchange rate is doing more to me then a simple 9.99 on Linden purchases.
  2. Yeah armour like that is pretty hard to find, especially when all the armor out there for women is like scant and very revealing. How will that protect you?
  3. I am currently watching people taking down those phone scammers.
  4. Shower, I can't stand baths. You are sitting in your own freakin germs. I mean sure you could have a shower before, but still no. Then you are just wasting water, and water costs money on ones electricity bill. Lol
  5. Canada is in a third wave and Ontario is under another lockdown. I am not a social person, but this is driving me insane.
  6. I have been talking a lot about volumetric parcelling. I think it would be the next best thing that LL could do. Especially if you have multiple properties on one parcel.
  7. But the problem I have with Gamification, is this. People are just gonna log into SL to essentially "achievement hunt" That and you basically turned SL into a mobile format of game, that has all those systems.
  8. Yes but the thing is, that your idea is like our parents telling us we need to go outside, or we need to socialize, and them going. If you do this, I will give you 20 bucks. Same with this idea, if you go and do this, I will give you free stuff just for doing it. I feel like people shouldn't be made to feel like to do any of that. And that we promote natural healthy and positive interactions, without the need for an incentive.
  9. If you need an incentive to log in. Then do you really want to be on SL in the first place? I think this is the worst idea ever. I mean like cmon, people log in cause they want to login. Not cause they are incentivized to. That is basically stating I don't want to login, but if you give me free stuff when I continually login. Then I will.
  10. I am trans, and some of my things I think yeah I would be called phobic of some sort. But with some of the stuff I seen and how preposterous it sounds, I usually wind up biting my tongue cause of it. I'm like no need to get hated on for having my own opinion.
  11. It's also shooting up in Canada, we are on our 3rd wave now.
  12. I totally agree with you, and with a bit more research. You will find that in 2009, was the last time that someone actually patented a virus. In a biomedical lab in England, but they had patented a strain of the avian flu that affected livestock. So yeah, I don't get how these people believe this rubbish.
  13. I don't think that many people know this, but since SARS in 2003. They actually banned the patenting of viruses. So yeah, the whole bill gates stuff, is a load of rubbish.
  14. Okies, I got rid of the glasses and I absolutely love the look guys
  15. I totally updated my look and I think I am as cute as a button.
  16. Franchising is more like those stores that sell their vendor boards, and you make a tiny profit off of a sale.
  17. I mean there is a huge list of banned games on Twitch, Yandere Simulator and Second Life are on there. And they are on their for good reasons. That being said, you can still use YouTube, as SL is not banned on YouTube.
  18. I am just gonna come out and say it, SL and RL are way too hypersexualized. To the point that it's more of a trend then a movement or even liberating.
  19. I have not heard of regions doing that either in a while. So there must be more, than what she is actually telling.
  20. Well Vampires are not a race, so that wouldn't be racism. But I mean it would be discrimination alright, I mean if someone has a problem with your lifestyle, but I can see why. I get the annoyance, but as someone else said. Just create an alt, and just gift your main the stuff.
  21. I get your sentiments, but we are all not Americans here. Not trying to argue, merely trying to give a bit of incite here.
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