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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Peeve: Not having a fast forward button at the actual meetings. Peeve2: Meetings that could have been an email/nap. Actually serious Peeve3 : Linden meetings being voice only is getting harder for me .. voice has never been easy being HOH, which is worse now than it's ever been. Their is no consistency between one speaker and the next. Some have voice processing (nvidia broadcast) which helps, some don't, some mumble, others inhale their microphone and a few people SHOUT ALL THE DAMN TIME. The worst part is .. it's harder to get the same engagement with staff if you're not speaking. They get a conversation, everyone else gets a one shot question.
  2. Many customers can share a single IPV4 address, it's not just collages and dorm rooms. it could easily be entire city blocks as ISPs share a limited number of IPV4 addresses between many customers each with there own unique IPV6. This is called CGN (Carrier-Grade NAT)
  3. I'm an ADHD baby, clutter is my life. It's also expensive in terms Li .. SL & RL ..
  4. If he cant enter the sim at all, then its not media stream related - that connection happens after a teleport completes. I'm not prepared to speculate further than I have.
  5. There is no direct way inside SL for a script or something to get your IP address. The only way it can be done is when you connect to an external media stream, such as parcel audio or a webpage on a prim, or by messing about with voice services in sneaky ways. Even then that requires some work to get that data from outside SL back into SL so a script can then deny you entry. There may be some region side magic that adds an IP ban when an avatar is banned entry, but you would have to ask the server Linden's about that and they might not tell you either way. The best course of action is to avoid the place entirely.
  6. and if they don't apply to the new profiles, can that be corrected so they actually do.
  7. It was always trivial stuff .. returned some random prims. blah blah blah. The only thing it really communicated was the whole operation was one person primarily engaged with other duties. How things work, how they should work, and how people expect them to work are very different things. I would argue that the privacy settings should extend to all your profile data everywhere you put it. It seems somewhat pointless to restrict method A of getting the data only to have method B without any restrictions.
  8. We had the police blotter, it was broadly useless and tended to reinforce the claim that abuse reports just went to /dev/null
  9. The JIRA is, sadly, the long grass where good intentions go to die. If you want to engage with LL on this issue then user groups is probably the best place too start.
  10. You will get a technical response saying that web profiles are considered depreciated. Thanks for reminding us to update our documentation, honestly no one here even knew we had any. Have a nice day.
  11. It actually never worked and only applied to web profiles .. which didn't see wide spread use as Firestorm refused to implement them, choosing instead to stick with the classic profile interface. So rather than extend the privacy options to the classic profile data, LL chose to do .. nothing .. in a "not our problem" sort of way. However, the Linden's own KB articles does state there is privacy control for your data, and that you and a lot of others are under the impression that those settings were actually being honored, is important. The expectation of privacy has been set, the ball dropped, and it's only becoming apparent to people now someone else picked the ball up and walked off with it.
  12. Except .. that doesn't do anything and doesn't prevent a bot from scraping it. Mine was friends only and was still indexed and displayed in full on the B site.
  13. Getting the rent price via a bot would be easy - the bot just requests the pay dialog.
  14. The value in your personal data is not your name, your phone number or credit card. It's the incidental details. Where you go, you interests and associations, purchases and participations. But not in isolation. Knowing about all of us .. well that is valuable. That's the kind of rich data set that has been literally keeping the internet's lights on since the start. Associate the SL dataset with a dataset from a more RL focus source and that is suddenly very exciting, even if the association is wrong or only demographically correct. That's the kind of dataset that's used to determine things that impact lives. Data privacy is one of the huge differences between US and EU law. That difference only exists because of intense corporate lobbying.
  15. They have been unequivocal that they aren't and don't and won't. But that's meaningless if they just don't actually care and anyone can just come harvest it with a minimum amount of effort. At that point I would rather they were selling it and using the income to offset region fees! In this matter thread locked posts are insufficient and do not constitute a clear clarification of policy.
  16. B could just have screwed up and broken the page accidentally or temporarily to avoid criticism. At this point I want a clear statement from @Linden Lab @Alexa Lindenand ideally, stated policy covering data scraping inside SL. What's considered public information and what isn't, and should that include profiles some warning be placed in the viewer on the 1st life tab to inform people.
  17. This is absolutely a privacy issue at heart. Even if, and I this is not my position at all, even if, profiles in SL were always 100% public domain. There as always been the expectation that they weren't. Failure to enforce is now a breach of trust. LL have been saying loudly for years that they don't sell our data. The implication being they see they value we place in our data and resect that. To allow wholesale scraping, they are in fact saying "we don't give a rats" about your data, or you, and maybe the only reason we made a point of saying we don't sell it is because we think it (and by extension you) is actually worthless. Just so were clear, when sites like facebook sell your data. They aren't selling just your name and phone number. They are selling everything else - the personally identifiable stuff tends to get stripped out by data brokers because it's junk. If a company wants your phone number there used to be a book for that.
  18. People have been explicitly poked about getting consent when making chat relays to external services, it might be "fine" now, but there was a time when it was very much not fine.
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