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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. So you are accusing me of sexism, back it up with a quote or explain to the forum you were mistaken. Typical of you to aim for tarring the poster with some undeserved epithet rather than engaging with the argument but then its what the forum has come to expect from you
  2. If my post is passed by a moderator then no it wasnt over the top. I consider anyone who gets upset at my posts which are fairly moderate too thin skinned for their own good.
  3. At the end of the day offence is not given it is taken, some choose to take offence easily, some hardly take offence at all. I don't see it as my job to moderate what I say because someone with a thin skin might take offence, that is totally their problem. The only one who can say I pushed it too far is a moderator. If you find this forum frequently offend you then maybe the old adage "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" applies because most here aren't going to play by lowest common denominator rules about what is offensive
  4. I didnt say they werent sold on mp hence why I said "I don't think most breedables get listed on the market usually" Please note the bolded word which implies that they can be but most seem to be sold elsewhere
  5. Most breedables I have seen (note my knowledge is second hand from friends picked up in passing) seem to have stores or auctions dedicated to selling them in second life where afficianado's can go browse. Find those areas for your kitty cat things. I don't think breedables get listed on mp usually
  6. SL will undoubtedly outlive Sansar, opensim and hi fi have been around quite a while and have failed to gain traction. The labs won't be closing down SL anytime soon as it still makes them a lot of money. The only thing that does as Sansar is a bottomless pit of money sucking
  7. Because frankly when someone comes out with stupid idea's if you humour them in the least they will just keep coming back with more of the same. It is better by far to bring that to a halt from the outset. Any hint of kindness or taking it in the least seriously will be treated as an affirmation of the idea and before you know it we have people deciding pi is equal to 4 to make the calculations easier or making declarations that the rules of their country overrule the rules of mathematics. Both the sets of people only grew up to be able to do so because people were kind when they had stupid idea's as children rather than withering and smiting them with a righteous scorning
  8. This only becomes a problem if you start to believe it. A fool becomes wise when he recognises his ignorance and a wise man becomes a fool when he recognises his wisdom
  9. hmmm this sounds a lot like one of those creation myths from heathen faiths, you should run it past certain forum posters maybe they will form a cult around your birth
  10. To me at least stupidity implies the intelligence to know better but not applying it. Therefore calling someone stupid is not labelling them as below the line on the intelligence bell curve its kicking them for having sufficient intelligence to know better but not applying it. I also agree with Maddy that those below the bell midpoint often make up for it by being happy people, I certainly wouldn't use the epithet stupid to them
  11. Perhaps stop believing your sl experience is the same as for the rest of us. You also claimed you never meet genuinely new people too I use voice more than 50% of the time and also meet new to sl people all the time. Maybe you need to expand your horizons
  12. You are mistaking stupidity for intelligence here Scylla. Lots of extremely intelligent people are frighteningly stupid. They are the people who do things because they can instead of asking if they should. What you are describing is the mentally below average and no they shouldn't be mocked for it. Those that should know better but can't see beyond "I want" are the terminally stupid. It is not a judgement on their intelligence but their wisdom or complete lack of it
  13. There are people here who make suggestions, they do not bother to consider the implications of what they suggest and the fact that the likely effect would be to kill sl. I consider those people terminally stupid it is all "I want this and damn the consequences". It is the very definition of terminally stupid. To give an example I have seen here in the last couple of days the suggestion that tier for a sim should be reduced to 30$
  14. if a person makes posts which always require the scorn icon then i see no reason why it is harassment to give it to them. Having said that it only counts as not harassment if you scorn them for what they say and not just because its them.
  15. I think you mischaracterise people here, its not that people want to keep it exclusive, it is rather that people wish to keep SL somewhere that they want to hang out. History is littered with companies in the computer entertainment industry that have changed their product in the pursuit of new users only to find that the new users either don't turn up or don't stay. The changes however do have enough impact that existing users no longer feel it is a product that they like so the net result is they leave and they are not replaced with new users. Two examples spring to mind the most famous being starwars galaxies and the NGE, also to an extent world of warcraft where they changed the game in pursuit of the more casual gamer during wrath of the lich king expansion and the new gamers did come stayed a couple of months but a lot of long time users when meh this isnt the game we loved anymore. In the two examples I cite the only thing the users that dropped lost was the time they had invested. In SL however many long term users have not only the time they invested but inventories that cost them 100's of thousands of lindens. Of course they are wary of large scale changes and what it will do to alter their experience in sl. They also have the history of the labs to see where time and again the labs have shown they have little insight into their user base with changes they have made in SL. Nor have they shown they understand how to attract a new demographic, you only need to look at Sansar for proof of that. I would love to see SL grow in population, I would not however love to see SL throw away its existing user base to pursue a promised land of new users which either never turn up or are merely as ephemeral as may flies
  16. hmmm Linden labs are estimated to make 3.7 million dollars a month off of tier currently taking the grandfathered tier rate of 195 an dropping it to the 30 you propose would therefore drop their revenue to around 570k now assuming that most of that 3.7 million is for paying for bandwidth, server maintenance and salaries with say 20% left over for profit (I suspect the profit is less than this but lets be generous) that leaves them with a short fall of 2.4 million a month just to keep things going with no profit. Which users do you propose to charge more so you can have cheap land? and how many of those users do you think might quit? figures for profit from here http://www.gridsurvey.com/
  17. Sorry I disagree, what other people think of the various ideas is very much pertinent information for the Lindens to digest else how will they know how some will receive any idea's acted upon. As to drama seekers look in a mirror. You came up with the thread claiming that the sky is falling and sl must change. A lot of us actually think the problem isnt sl so much as the lack of a decent way of helping newcomers get over the learning curve.
  18. Maybe its because we think your suggestions are just a bit crap? just a thought
  19. Every older generation claims that. It has nothing to do with it. Previous generations havent been trying to claim the right to safe spaces to protect themselves from hearing or seeing anything they disagree with. Yes it is a generalisation its true and not all are like that however when universities around the western world are getting their student bodies voting to ban things like...clapping...wearing various pieces of clothing like sombrero's etc in case student's get "triggered" then sorry yes that generation has issues. When they hit the real world how do you think a demand that people don't clap is going to go down? We do a disservice to them by pandering to them rather than giving them a good slap and saying get a grip
  20. euw just no, millenials are a dead end in human evolution, snowflakes and victims...people who regard applause as triggering. The best thing you can do with most millenials is take them out back and put them down humanely. They are unfitted for life and bound to spend their time on earth whinging about everything. The sooner we get away from that the better for my species
  21. This is actually my second turn at sl, first time I went to the starter area and started doing the tutorials and got so frustrated with them I quit. I came back maybe 4 years later and skipped them and got taught by people I met. It wasn't a maturity thing as the percentage of my life between the two attempts was small. It was merely that (and apologies to any lindens reading) a good example of why the labs shouldnt be let out near users. They patently aimed at the lowest common denominator rather than allowing you to skip to a level that you felt might actually be useful. As I remember I quit after getting frustrated on the "this is how you fly tutorial" having already spent about 30 minutes in game and still being on the "this is how you move around I just went enough already you are wasting my time I figured this out 29 minutes ago
  22. One other thing you can do as you say they are visiting your friends land is to set the land to group member only access and then only those you invite can go there. Depending on what you are doing with the land this might be a bad or good idea.
  23. Yes you can lead a horse to water. However it is at least something some would read and once set up it requires little maintenance. If it only makes a handful a month stick around its a gain in my view and its at least non intrusive unlike and requires little work on the labs part
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