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Everything posted by Odaks

  1. There does appear to be a script overload problem that's appeared relatively recently. Surely, suddenly, our script usage hasn't rocketed up, has it? Many people, including myself, think that it didn't used to be this bad, and that there does seem to be a mysterious problem that's crept in. This has been thrashed out in a number of other threads quite recently; it looks like a widespread problem, not just confined to Bellisaria.
  2. Maybe the OP hasn't travelled enough. Houseboats can vary widely in style.
  3. Massage parlour, escort agency............ once the foot is in the door, who knows what might follow?
  4. So do I!! Especially as things tend to go a bit darker on my graphics setup, with advanced lighting on, I was going for a nice, light airy decor. That navy texturing looks almost black to me, and completely ruins what I am hoping to achieve. I'll still stick with that model, but I really shouldn't have waste precious LI to do it though?
  5. Thanks for that. I wonder why they fixed the texture of what is a quite large section of the interior walls?
  6. I absolutely agree. Of course that isn't advertising, just to be wearing an item, or having an item in your home. That is why I used (and made bold) the word "deliberate".
  7. From the Cambridge Dictionary: B2 the activities involved in buying and selling things From Collins Dictionary: Commerce is the activities and procedures involved in buying and selling things. From Oxford Dictionary: The activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale Just saying, that's all.
  8. Yes, me too. I've also got the debug script, accidentally left in the walls by the Moles during testing. There is an updated version of the house boats being sent to the controllers soon, which will not have the script in it. I wonder if it will fix the wall texture problem, too? We'll see. I'm set on using the Windlass model; it suits best for how I want it to be. I've already added one modification to it and so far, so good. 😊
  9. "Commerce" is actually a rather all-embracing word, covering the activities involved with the process of buying and selling. I would bet my bottom dollar that the lawyers , in a court of law, would have no difficulty whatsoever establishing that "commerce" includes advertising of a deliberate nature.
  10. I very nearly got caught out by that. I couldn't see the new homes, refreshed a couple of time, then suddenly noticed the little down arrow at the top of the listing. Bingo! There they were; just made it in the nick of time, too By the way, this wasn't the "show more homes" drop-down, just to be clear. It was an almost invisible top bar above the "old" homes.
  11. within 24 hours soon!! Its official, from the Update Post
  12. and not one called "suewncomming", immediately to its left?
  13. You're right, @Marianne Little. Its official!
  14. I'd really like to think your theory is right! But the Moles seem to be taking pleasure in misleading us..... But, let's face it, what fun this has been! I bet none of us have this much "paying attention" for years?
  15. They had names before and they moved them, didn't they? Haven't they just changed the names?
  16. If it does, I suspect it will always remain Pickle Island to us - even if it never even materialises at the end of the day. Who could possibly ever forget all those long hours of gazing fondly at the map, F5 in hand?
  17. I stole the emergency floats off a helicopter and stuck the bike on top. I'm not riding in that chopper over water any more, though - not with sim crossings still being a bit iffy at times!
  18. If I'm lucky enough to get a houseboat, it looks like it might a sea-locked one. A nifty modifications to the bike, and I'm ready for that 😉
  19. I hope you haven't resurrected Time and Motion studies. My Granddad used to moan about those; swearing blind it was just a way to make people work faster!
  20. Well, they were clever enough to have jumped on a new Linden Home in the first round of releases, and smart enough to set up a security orb over their parcel, but not aware at all of what they were buying into? Maybe the "polite message" pointing out the requirements should be a rather more pointed one. I daren't give an example one because the Mods would take it down! But, sadly, you're probably right. They just don't know.
  21. I've cycled nearly all the way around the occupied regions of Bellisaria now, and never experienced such low fps, and I'm in the UK which causes typically 170 - 180ms ping time too. Maybe you have network or client side lag? Had quite a few sim crossing crashes though! That's a different story.
  22. Great! Thanks for that. All that might be required now is an initial IM to the offending person, saying something like:- Hi [P-lonker Resident}, I'm very sorry to disturb you, but I'm apologising for accidentally hitting your parcel today. Unfortunately, your security system caused me a lot of problems which it shouldn't have done. You may not be aware of the new security rules so I'm sending you a summary by notecard, and you might like to take a look at [Patch's Post] and the Covenant of your parcel. Now that the Covenant is fully updated, a notecard might not required at all: just the reference to the Covenant.
  23. I realise that you might not want to stick your neck out quite this far, but would you consider sharing the wording of your polite notecard with us, please? It strikes me that it would be a very good thing if we were all saying the same thing, should it happen to us.
  24. Yes, you're correct - its a 256 x 256 private region, presumably upgraded to 30,000.
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