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Everything posted by Odaks

  1. Granted, but you walk into the edge of a door while using it, causing the best part of $1000-worth of damage to the headset and a bonus skull fracture. I wish our hospitals' Accident & Emergency Departments weren't so swamped by people having silly accidents.
  2. Granted! Poof! Balance 0..... But you undo all my good work, in a matter of hours, due to the New Year's Sales. I wish I could remember my cards' pin numbers correctly.
  3. I see you've posted this in the Server topic too. This is the better place for this query - the Server topic should be reserved for server matters only, i.e. stuff at Linden Lab's side of things. I reproduce my reply here. Hopefully we can keep it here now. Help us out by copy/pasting all the information shown in your viewer's top bar - Help -> About Firestorm (or whatever viewer it is) - Info tab, back into a posting here. (There should be something similar in all the different viewers.) Something in that heap of information might just point to a problem. Its a good start, whatever! Edited 18 minutes ago by Odaks
  4. Granted, but that's the end of all future significant surprises 😭 I wish I hadn't forgotten my husbands birthday last year...
  5. In Firestorm, its definitely Ctrl_Shift_H to teleport Home.
  6. Like you, I had quite a few "..cannot log in until..." situations in the past, but haven't had any for ages now. I worried that I must have done something wrong, and was being sin-binned for a penalty of sorts! Then somebody said, "Oh, that...it happens all the time. Just ignore it; you'll be able to log in pretty soon". I usually could log back in pretty quickly afterwards, too. Maybe sometimes I was simply logging back in too quickly (after a crash), before things had sorted themselves out on the server.
  7. I remember coming across quite a few ghosts in the early days of Bellisseria. I liked to think they were Mole ghosts, lurking to ensure that nobody defaced their handiwork.
  8. You want to try a demo on in the store, in front of everybody? Simple! Just put the demo on, then take the original outfit off. Unless you're already out of attachments points (and probably lagging everyones' viewers with your high complexity), this really is too easy:)
  9. Granted! Unfortunately, the world's banking infrastructure has collapsed overnight. Only the Bank of Jim's Apple Store remains solvent, and businesses are showing a great reluctance to sell their shares for (chocolate covered) peanuts, causing further mayhem on the stock markets. The NYSE have engaged a well-known firm of private detectives to hunt down the cause of all this.... I damn well wish that I didn't hate sugar! (Just checked my facts - its "Jim's Apple Farm". Google it if you've never heard of it!)
  10. Granted! But now you'll never experience the thrill of not knowing what's coming next. I wish I had a way to stop Marut knowing what I'm going to type next... (Beaten by gnat's whisker! - over to you, @Lindal Kidd!)
  11. Yes, exactly that, but its stupidly over-zealous to chop bits out of the middle of perfectly acceptable words, or off the front or back!
  12. That is correct. I don't understand why VAT gets charged on monthly and quarterly plans, and not on the annual plan. There again, I don't understand how home taxation gets to be applied for the purchase of of a USA product that gets used on a USA server. Next time I hire a car in the States, for use on USA roads, will I be charged home taxation on that, too? The application of VAT in these circumstances certainly discriminates against European citizens! I'd best not derail this thread over this though!
  13. I couldn't find the extracted word in the serious dictionaries, but, in the less formal ones, the extracted letters, used as a separate word, are shown to be offensive to certain communities. (I'll never be able to tell you what a lovely place exists at UK postcode DN15 6PY , that's for sure 🤐)
  14. IT DOES!!!! (The correct spelling, for the benefit of the super-curious, is g-o-b-b-l-e-d-e-g-o-o-k)
  15. Let us see if the content blocker plucks parts of perfectly correct and acceptable words out of a link:- https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gobblede*****
  16. It seems, therefore, that we won't find out what Premium-Plus will offer until after 2nd January (when the -10% offer ends)?
  17. This seems very likely to be the case. I did the extra year's renewal, too, and don't get this reduction offered.
  18. I'm puzzled, too. Half Hitch (51, 35, 30) is in open sea, and not a rezzable spot. The rez zones at Half Hitch Harbour are:- To the south of the pier at (132, 39, 22) *To the north of the pier at (109, 49, 22) *To the north of the pier at (95, 127, 21) Your avatar needs to be IN the rez zone. For the two marked with an asterisk, you can stand on the very edge of the upturned ramps, at the ends of the stub piers, and be in the rez zone. The other one needs you to jump in the water, or hover over it! Make sure your minimap is showing parcel boundaries (right-click the face of the minimap --> Show --> Parcel boundaries) and you will be able to see the rez zone (and the rez zones mentioned by @Alyona Su in the NE of every Blake Sea region).
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