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Everything posted by cunomar

  1. Nothing needs to change other than how it is presented . Is there a participant in this conversation who doesn't know how to remove the direction control huds from their screen? So present the new participant with the very easiest way to do things and they might hang around long enough to delve deeper . Its human nature to make things more complicated than they need to be and a quick grasp of the basics opens the door to years of learning .
  2. Look at my original post , all the controls anyone might need are on the screen in front of me and NOBODY could fail to understand them at a glance . For a new user with no experience that means lesson 1 done and dusted in one second flat and we can move onto something more interesting like finding your way back to the place you just left . While basic and simple necessity works interest grows and learning is interesting . Indeed SL had me triple my budget when it came time for a new laptop . "Basic" for those of you so digitally smart you need help going to the toilet , actually means why press 10 buttons when you can press 1 to achieve the same thing .
  3. Then i will copy your childish arrogance by sarcastically suggesting that if you can't fit a new clutch to your vehicle then you should be banned from using all motor transport forever . A 90 year old is a child when they encounter snow for the very first time at the age of 90 . There are many other firsts that don't relate to age .
  4. All very good . But you describe possibilities not basics . If a kid wants lego and you instead provide a learn architecture book .................................
  5. Whats intuitive ? I have no former experience of computers so without help or suggestion this is how my firestorm viewer looks all the time . https://gyazo.com/63cc4aed09f131e19de1aebfb6609a8c Sometimes i use the keypads arrow keys but mostly i use the onscreen controls via my laptops touchpad .
  6. Thread jack perhaps but this conversation takes me back to the first injustice that provoked my temper in sl . She was a 2m tall dolly parton , but on learning she made her own skin and was very proud of her achievement, "staff" decided she must change her skin or be banned because it made her look too young . Ultimately i think she deleted her account . Aside from the financial cost i reckon it must take a lot of time and dedication to build a populated and successful sim , and i'm sure the managing of it can be exhausting . So sooner or later owners will reach out seeking someone to trust with a view to lighten the load . The ability to boot and ban rights are a wet dream to wannabe dictators who put no effort into creating the success they are set to destroy . And all they have to do is win the owners trust .
  7. Your reaction to having your height questioned likely plays a large part in this . Plenty just can't help digging when they find another's sore point . To provoke any sort of negative emotional reaction is their idea of fun . The smallest adult i know in sl is very chill about it and never seems to have any trouble in adult zones . I call her midget . Curiosity and the fact i really don't care where i might get banned from had me make my avatar as small as hers (5ft 5" male in a very short skirt hiding nothing) . To my surprise i didn't get a single negative comment . SL is a very small place though and i think most have accepted that any reaction elicited from me is unlikely to be a fun one .
  8. When i was new to SL i heard of "the mainland" and figured its a place kids can go and so dismissed it as a place i will never want to go . I still wouldn't know how to find it if i wanted to . Ironically, there's a good chance i stand permanently on a mainland sim because its rated "moderate" and i haven't been kicked despite most assuming i'm an afk bot for the last 2 years.
  9. Must not name and shame so they can do it to someone else tomorrow , its not your place to spoil someone else's fun . Rolls eyes .
  10. Gets no results in the search box ? Found it via google and after falling through the air for close to 30 seconds i landed in what seems a big place to walk about so thanks for that .
  11. Boredom had me go for a walk today and had me realize i know of only one place big enough , because its maybe 5 sims connected and calls itself a continent , to kill some time just walking around . I've been in sl long enough to give up on people and i never did nor will have any interest in building/scripting and all that mumbo jumbo . I do have at least 100 landmarks to empty sims most of which i can do a lap of in 10 minutes . So instead of "hubs" how about presenting walks as a way users new and old can waste a significant amount of time .
  12. Erm ........ I all my accounts got hacked , I can prove who i am on facebook because i use my own face but how do i prove i'm me while using a toon avatar in sl ? Thats my attempt at translation anyway ?
  13. Is Xenophobia the right word whilst being something the overwhelming mass majority oppose ? Seems to me the problem you describe is rather all and sundry seeking enemies where they don't exist . When someone says hello i'm (insert label here) , we are supposed to congratulate or object , its a challenge . Reply with a shrug and you obviously don't understand , your an uncaring contemptuous awful person blah blah blah . Rolls eyes tunes out and gives you a label of my own . Live and let live means whatever works for you is fine with me , its of no concern to me , so you do your thing i will do mine and we can get along in amicable harmony regardless of our differences .
  14. Cost nothing to im probable afk and giving them time to make a cuppa before kicking them .
  15. Yes . Newbies think whats the point in this place , so move on to the next . And guess what everyone is afk there as well . Third time unlucky - no point - log out . Its usually assumed that i'm a bot or afk though i'm present 90% of the time stood some place that gets very few visitors . Thing is i don't talk unless im spoken to and if i am afk im usually reading a news story and will reply to whoever later .
  16. In all of the replies to the op i see people who have with time become detached , impervious and therefore dismissive . In my case blocking people who had until that point been a large part of my sl is/was what caused the death of my sl . Followed from sim to sim by insulting alts until i was forced to assume everyone is an alt of people i was learning to hate , i got so hostile that they would not talk to me directly but instead slag me off in private to any in my vicinity . Out of stubbornness because i knew the ultimate goal was to make me quit, i instead quit talking and moving . Took a while but i think they eventually worked out that they had pushed too far , and so the same scum using alts then tried to befriend me . My point is - ultimately i should never have tried to keep the peace and move on . To block is futile . I should have stayed put and convinced them to block me . Either that or quit sl . I do believe they have given up on Cuno now , as have i and everyone else . But it took so long to get here that it would be pointless to reinvent myself with a new name in an attempt to restart because i am still me and i don't know how to be anyone else .
  17. The worst of worst know all the rules and use them to their advantage , hence they don't like it when their target has nothing to lose in breaking the rules .
  18. There is no good way of doing it so accept the game you know is over . Get banned from the place for a reason - say it like it is . Once banned say it like it is and name them in your profile and become hostile towards any who would interact with you . Do it now and do it quick so you can quit and start again with fresh hope of not meeting the same or same type of scum again . I tried to just block and walk away, but over the following 2+ years all of the above came to pass anyway . No hope now so a restart would be pointless .
  19. Thought i would have to replace my MSI leopard 7rd a few months back and if your in the UK and looking for new on a budget the Lenovo Legion seemed to be about the best bet to me .
  20. In firestorm hit the world tab , scroll down to improve graphics speed . I randomly picked 10 fps though my laptop is running 50 or 60fps and no need for more experimentation because im happy with the result .
  21. Its evolving , we aren't there yet . My rl business model is ancient tried and tested I provide all the tools and share all the profits , but its becoming impossible due to multiple factors , social benefits and minimum wage play a large part in the decline . Telling them that effort will get them 3 times the minimum wage is met with a shrugs . The job exists only to give them money and if they get enough doing nothing then why bother seems to be the attitude . I do know a few kids who still take pride in their work ethic but they all struggle because they can't do it alone . At 15 I worked in a factory 6 days a week and 18 hour shifts were not uncommon , then i went to sea where going at it hardcore for 36 hours straight was not uncommon , 4 hours sleep and back to work . It was an endurance race , a matter of pride , when the cloud descends and everyone starts flagging i'd do cartwheels or something stupid and belt out a song dancing like a loon to break the monotony . I was typically paid more than those with 20 years more experience than myself . Ready Player One is a movie covering the concept of this thread and it struck me that they live in slums they can only escape by going virtual . Catch 22 They can only earn the money to go virtual by going virtual hence the characters portrayed are wealthy in the era relating to the film . What of the rest who , history dictates , will be the vast majority .
  22. Presumption because i never used facebook , but it seems to me that FB and therefore any metaverse it creates is based on some lunatic belief that people would be better off without privacy . Public CCTV in every room of your rl house . A digital diary of your every action . A commercial study of the human race in order to herd and sell according to analysed data . Inhuman . The more people withdraw from real life in favour of virtual then the more real life will suffer . Already young people who grew up glued to a computer fail to understand the very concept of work , so who will collect the bins and keep toilets flushing ? two simple but absolutely vital ingredients of a functional society . Good luck with feeding the world on pixels . The monetary system has already failed , all worldly assets have been sold thrice and increasingly young people think that they can make a living by creating stuff that doesn't materially exist . Too late governments will intervene banning recreational gaming during set working hours .
  23. I read page 1 and thought great . Skipped to page 6 and my eyes glazed over while the experts discussed stuff in Klingon that i care not a jot about . The mention of snobs on this last page lends hope at least . SL is a school and to force starters to wear a dunce hat is counter productive . Give a kid whose hero's are cowboys and soldiers a pink bicycle and like as not he will never learn to ride it . Call it what you like but its human nature . I never found a half decent free male av in all my sl so i messed about trying all and everything with no previous experience trying to build a passable avatar . It wasn't fun - took about 9 months . But during that time somehow somewhere i clicked something on my viewer that put like blank clothing on me suggesting i could make my own ? I had a busy social life in sl back then so while my curiosity was piqued i didn't have time to investigate further . I never found that button again and eventually accepted i had to add payment details . My learning curve tapered off into no interest at all from there on in . I'm sure building digital stuff is a very satisfying pastime , a modern day jigsaw . Who wants to do a jigsaw ? yet they been around for hundreds if not thousands of years because once an interest is piqued it evolves . Keep it simple and people will complicate it to their hearts desire at a level of competence that suits them , experts be damned .
  24. Thanks Marianne you were correct with the alpha though why trousers put a hole in my chest will remain a mystery . In Firestorm click the world tab scroll down to environments , select personal lighting and hit default to reset the sea .
  25. Made the mistake of trying a demo today , trousers at adam&eve , now i have a hole in my chest and the sea is more white than blue . I'm guessing the demo changed some light setting that i can't find to undo ? Unless windows updated at the same time because that always breaks something ?
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