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Everything posted by cunomar

  1. It probably has nothing to do with it but in preferences - network & files , you can set how many browser windows you can open before firestorm freezes/crashes ?
  2. Part of the fun of SL for me was that nobody believed my true stories so i got to relive in the telling of it . I now live hundreds of miles from those who were witness and my peers during those adventures were at least 10 years older than me and are dying out . No shortage of kids who try to pass off their fathers memories as their own when i visit home though , embellished , exaggerated and outright lies most of it but i've forgotten more than i remember so i just smile and nod .
  3. I was talking on the phone yesterday to a 25 year old when he found something thought lost forever and his excitement gave me reason for sad reflection that i can't remember ever getting that excited about anything at all . The thrill of older girls who used to practise on me when i was in my early teens . The thrill of knowing I escaped death by a millisecond while doing something daft on a motorbike . Both very personal excitement not jump for joy and shout about it . I met my great grandfather only once and he said i was an old head on young shoulders , perhaps thats why if asked to list notable life events in my last 20 years then i would have to try and remember foreign holidays and being specific would be difficult because to me we got on a plane to some place where you can buy beer by the pool about sums up all of them . If i could go back in time and chat to my 25 year old self I think we would agree on just about everything, so my world view born of experience was already formed .
  4. Assume EVERYONE is an alt and proceed accordingly. Trust nobody .
  5. Everyone is an alt . So long as your sure it won't bother you at all if they vanish forever at any given moment then it doesn't matter at all . You could make that a positive or negative i guess . If in rl you chose to travel the world alone never sleeping in the same place twice then each person you meet along the way is just another page in your diary , nothing more than a memory .
  6. No Charlotte not hurt I was just powerless to respond to bullies because sl is set up in such a way as to favour them . Frustration that i couldn't retaliate as i unquestionably would in rl is the crux of it .
  7. Those on my list are former friends and their alts who taught me to hate . If you don't like me i dont care , if i don't like you shrugs live and let live . If you are on my list its because i would be happy to hear you are dying or dead in rl .
  8. I never had nor wanted a home in SL . To me in rl home is where you go to shut the world out and i never had such a place when i was a kid , when it was an option I'd sleep in a bus shelter in the village i considered home rather than return to my address . In spite of this or perhaps because of it , i lost count of how many landmarks i have been given with instruction and encouragement to make it my home , "free to use , i'm never online" . Makes me feel bad that i know while they are saying it that i will likely never return .
  9. You can't have this unless you sign up to that = ok bye .
  10. I must have been near 40 when i bought my first laptop , i had no use for computers before that . 45 when i found SL and 5 years on wondering if SL contributed to my feeling that at 50 years old theres nothing left to do but grow old and die .
  11. I had to get a second account when i got hacked and robbed , they changed my password so i could find no other way to contact linden labs . Even when i got the new account it was sorted via the forums . Promptly i might add , all funds returned with very little fuss which was really quite impressive . Can't remember what my alt was called , mrcuno or something like that and he hasn't logged on since . My main has been wearing just speedo's for a month or more because i got bored while trying to dress his latest revamp .
  12. Not sure i understand the question , unless i rephrase it - should i be honest or a compulsive liar for the greater number of clicks ?
  13. Shrugs , SL taught me to dislike everyone by default . The polar opposite of who i was when i first signed up .
  14. It was an opening , a random question on a harmless subject , an invitation to talk . He ended up apologizing for it . And some wonder why SL is the most silent platform of communication on the internet 🙄 Incidentally, the best thing about golf is it keeps those who play it occupied a good distance from me . Which is how i would have replied .
  15. Thats called the wisdom of age Nevaeh , i don't think a plane will help you escape that - unless it crash lands some place far from civilization .
  16. In my view SL doesn't need to advertise itself to those actually into computers and digital art etc because they will find it themselves . I'm not one of those people so for me SL is the chatroom of the future . Anonymous, so no subject is out of bounds . It gives legs to people who can't walk . A voice to those who have nobody to tell . Some of these people will be you 20 , 30, 40 years ago and while coming to chat and play will be enamoured by the creativity , set on a path to become digital developers themselves . Someone else mentioned the torture of being laid up in a hospital bed for a year . It took them about 5 years to rebuild me and not once during all that time did it occur to me that i might find some distraction on a computer beyond browsing classic cars i would never buy on ebay . In a photoshopped world finding real people who might accept SL is more than just a game is going to be difficult , which is crazy given we are talking by far the largest demography of people on the planet - people who need a friend .
  17. 1. Zuckerburg buys it 2. Yours legs fall off 3. Media far and wide will celebrate the "upgrade" 4. User base will increase massively 5. About a month later the newly named SL will begin to irrevocably die .
  18. For a little while SL did help as an entertaining distraction while the love of my life went through menopause and our relationship suffered some serious stresses . It helped my resolve to wait it out with patience and understanding . Then my SL went bad shortly followed by my livelihood heading the same way . Though I'm very sure the two events are not connected I do sometimes wonder how my state of mind in virtual might have detrimentally effected my rl business decisions or if my rl problems effected my virtual world . Can't find any correlation between the two or else i'd quit . Shrugs , i'm not unhappy and i have a good rl if a little stressed right now . Maybe things will pick up in both worlds concurrently as well .
  19. Took me 9 months and lots of linden to make a reasonably presentable classic male av crossdresser 4 or 5 years ago and tired of the arrogant "its easy" comments I chose to make a better female av for free in 9 minutes just to prove a point . I don't own any feminine clothes actually made for a male avatar and nobody would accept that male and female clothes attach differently (in classic) . A builder took it upon herself to make a skirt specifically for me and was very confused that it fit her 4 times bigger than mine butt yet my skinny backside showed through it . Doesn't seem to be a problem now we have BOM though . I use bom exactly the same way classic works no layers and slots and all that confusing annoying mesh stuff . My clothes hide little flesh as well . Self inflicted made life difficult for myself but in a way thats what kept it interesting for me . My River head has been banished to the bottom of my inventory likely never to be seen again .
  20. I've spent 5 years trying to make an Androgynous avatar and i would say in a virtual world it simply means a smooth body male without muscles . I'm a guy with no wish to be a girl and I don't know how to be anything else . I crossdress a male av in SL because its my escape , when i get bored of it i dress my avatar in exactly the same way as i have all my adult life without much variation . Go to the doctors tell them i think im dying and they ask do you workout in a gym . Makes me want to scream NO THIS IS JUST ME ! Thats essentially a good thing i suppose but it gives some insight into what i try to escape with fantasy . Every flat chest combination i have tried and spent many hours experimenting with fails for me , in my eyes its still female , butt is too big even on minimum slider and shoulder blades are deformed - for a guy . Bom helped tremendously so i've ended up using a male body with a female flat chest skin which smoothes out the worst of the (in my view) ugly muscles even if there is nothing i can do about the lumps and bumps you only get in a gym . If i could build an androgynous avatar in blender i would start with a male body because that as far as i can tell has not yet been done by anyone .
  21. The River head is miss sold in my view because its actually 2 heads , one for a female body and one for a male body . You can't put the male shape head on a flat chest maitreya or the female head on a male body so essentially its just a thick neck thin neck option .
  22. Must have taken Lewis forever to find that much long male hair so i will add ARGRACE MIYABI to his list https://gyazo.com/604b4fdb1c9312f31bab5caa607427e6
  23. I have no idea how or if it could work but given SL entry level hardware is circa £700 in the UK (obviously i'm not sure about elsewhere?) I wonder if someone could devise a plugin module of some sort allowing playstation or xbox consoles to be used instead ?
  24. I'm with Akane , having lost it i know the will to believe is the key to SL , its the magic that makes it work . Without it nothing really matters least of all rl gender . Government forms used to ask "Sex" and i would always write "yes please" never once was i asked to correct it .
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