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Everything posted by cunomar

  1. Firestorm configures settings to match your spec , I can't remember the exact message i got when logging in but "you have changed to nvidia2 and your settings have been adjusted accordingly" There are loads of optimizing tools online to make the best of what you've got but that doesn't help when looking for a new computer because you can't test what you haven't got . For people who don't understand specs a computer is just a glorified calculator , those who can afford to will just randomly choose a "gaming" laptop and hope for the best . If those in the know want to help then they should promote every 6 months a bargain basement laptop and desktop that will likely only just meet SL requirements and note that anything better than these would be preferred . This gives the reader a benchmark to work with and we don't need any computer smarts to work out 16 is better than 8 or gtx 10 is better than gtx9 . I read this https://secondlife.com/system-requirements?_gl=1*t2uc9j*_ga*MTY5MzMyMjEwNS4xNjYzMzEzMDcx*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY2MzMxMzA3MC4xLjEuMTY2MzMxMzI3OC42MC4wLjA.*_fplc*UlJIYmFvMDh5aml2S1hibFdUNzFhQ09TOWNsYVRzakEwa01YaWt4RE9pUTRGMjRKcjBJRndxUUhjYTExQ2MlMkZBJTJGZ0hxWVhKUVFoSENFclVpb0FWJTJGWmREYWtvOEF6N2ZRbUclMkJmdk9GJTJCZHY4b0NNTlhsdUY0d0pjSzN4TWNvQSUzRCUzRA.. 4 years ago and my eyes glazed over but ultimately because of it ended up spending 3 times more than I have ever paid before on a laptop just for SL and i'm quite sure i didn't need to . It just so happened that when i discovered SL i was using my circa 20 year old toughbook spare laptop which then and now does everything i need from a computer , but of course it couldn't cope with SL leading me to believe i needed something high spec and fancy .
  2. This made me curious while thinking my laptop is beyond repair and theres absolutely no way i'm paying what would buy a legal to drive used car for a laptop . Not a recommendation because i don't know enough but those who do might offer an opinion https://www.ebuyer.com/1286252-lenovo-v15-g2-ryzen-5-8gb-256gb-ssd-15-6-fhd-win11-home-82kd008nuk?utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=4863007528&hsa_cam=16274827186&hsa_grp=139178640928&hsa_ad=583088488684&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=pla-1633799127729&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8JbNop6X-gIVhpBoCR3Iwg6aEAQYASABEgJgiPD_BwE
  3. GTX1050 60FPS even at busy sims on win10 and apart from now having the right drivers I reckon my Targus cooling pad helps most especially as i only have one internal fan working . I should add that firestorm auto set my graphics to run halfway between high and ultra .
  4. Can't even remember now , killed my keyboard and wouldn't power on i think but when i seen a full used palmrest it was called with keyboard , touchpad on button etc all still attached at a reasonable price i took a gamble that manufacturers reuse what they can for different models and it fit . It just bugs me that they charge stupid money for the internals then wrap it all in tuppence worth of brittle plastic . If you need any laptop to be lighter in weight then you should be sentenced to wear heavy led handcuffs for a year 🤣
  5. Before i screw my laptop back together I'm wondering if i could spry everything with conformal coating to protect against the next spill . Might i kill it ?
  6. Create something that works well then it is in everyones interest that LL adopts your legacy because even when the Queen dies the world keeps turning and life goes on . Fair and even policy would see the creator rewarded and those who sell their creation to LL are . As for property/homes rental the concept is older than than any bible and the wealthiest always win in that game . I will never create anything inworld but as i see it a legacy that LL wish to adopt should be the ultimate goal for creators and LL should promote this as the ultimate compliment and a surefire way towards financial reward . 100k cash prize to whover creates newbie avatars that don't look like zombie dweebs would be a great place to start 😁
  7. I'd gift it to someone who i felt would make good use of it .
  8. 4 hours in the morning 4 hours in the evening 5 days a week . Though it has to be said SL has me watching evening TV again after 20 years of it being an ignored ornament .
  9. Perhaps Lindall , but i don't think so as my circa 20 year old toughbook can access SL and function to some extent on lower lag sims using an older version of firestorm , while it can't even login to the newest firestorm . Public cctv is a lot clearer as well . I blame windows aggresive attempt to take over by replacing drivers that work with their own cheap and nasty copy drivers . No sound now but seeing how many others are effected i guess its just windows way of FORCING users to downgrade to win11.
  10. Because not everyone can afford the best out there i thought i'd share a revelation . My 16GB MSI i7 GTX1050 always worked fine in SL so FPS didn't matter much but i think it hovered around 20-25fps . Its been repaired I don't know how many times by myself without much of a clue , new screen , new fans , new palm rest keyboard touchad (from a different MSI) completely lost and replaced win10 operating system more than once but i muddle through until its working again . This time (fried ribbon cable) I was stuck on the BIOS page and could find no way in but i removed the cmos and managed to recover to a new version of win10 . The revelation - Because i bought a win7 install CD which came with a driver pack CD for my ancient spare laptop I figured i'd give the driver pack a chance before going through the whole windows update process - it found nvidia and installed drivers - something i always assumed windows would do . Obviously windows doesn't do it because my FPS is now between 40 and 60 So there you go old as it may be GTX1050 is good enough .
  11. I deleted everyone i knew , change my av and clothes because i couldnt work out how the scum were tracking me . They still seemed to find me wherever i went . Their aim was to make me quit , hence i'm still here .
  12. Irony is mother/grandmother had one as well only mom used batteries and grandmothers was wind up
  13. My SL went wrong because i couldn't react to continuous provocation in virtual as i would have in RL . A learning curve because I have never taken part in online discussion with people I will never meet in RL before . The song coward of the county explains it quite well , though Becky wasn't involved . Since , i became detached to the point that i don't want to know anyone , fake or otherwise, they are all the same . Can't undo that with a restart because I'd still be me .
  14. I'd just delete my only account and everything in it . I won't be around to answer questions, and for those left behind there is always too many questions that only you could answer . In the same way i'd prefer to be buried than cremated as my own observation at far too many funerals is there is something very final about burial which is missing at a crematorium . Loved ones need to grieve before they can move on , it is them i think of . Nobody would miss me in SL , i doubt anyone would even notice i'd gone .
  15. Mostly i stand at a sandbox sometimes reading profiles and occasionally I teleport to their picks pretty much just to confirm the places no longer exist .
  16. Creative mind at play here making an ad for SL that promises nothing more than what it is . RL wake up one cold and grey morning , tumble down the stairs to make a cuppa and stare out of a cracked window into the rain , perhaps leaning down to turn on an old electric heater which should have been dumped decades ago . The actor looks around ruefully taking in his/her miserable surroundings and with a shake of the head reaches out to switch computer on where he is transported into a virtual world where he is sat with his cuppa under a sunny blue sky on the deck of his boat . "You can lock up the body but never the mind" Needs to be honest though meaning a newbie avatar and a freebie boat , perhaps miss world will sail past on her elegant yacht and comment i had the same boat when i first arrived here .
  17. I once told a prison guard you can lock up the body but never the mind , and you my friend are here for life while i will be out partying in a few months . Theres a slogan for SL in that somewhere - something to exploit while advertising SL . No morals in advertising , to sell food you make the viewer hungry , to sell heat you make them cold , to sell companionship you make them .....
  18. Again who are you trying to appeal to ? For nerds SL will always be old tech because it wasn't invented this morning . I only learned what FPS was because of SL and the best i can recall getting is maybe 28 which on my computer is no different from 10fps when in SL . Not sure where else i should look for it because the most trying thing my laptop does otherwise is play youtube videos . Windows 10 is hated because they thought it would be fun to force people to be nerds , prior to that people were learning despite having absolutely no interest in how or why it works just so long as it does . Learning used to be fun . When i look at settings its to turn stuff off hoping to simplify . Those with computer smarts know how to turn stuff on and fine tune .
  19. Going back to 1967 for inspiration and i wasn't even born then lol every episode he picked a different outfit .
  20. PS1 games were better than PS4 games because somewhere along the line it became all about graphics for a realistic experience . They forgot about fun and entertainment . Same happened with movies for a while , I despaired when stepdaughter and her boyfriend , teens at the time , returned from the cinema and offered as a review "the graphics were amazing" , when pressed for the storyline they both admitted it was a bit daft and not something I'd watch . Newbie avatars could be labelled Dunce 1 Dunce 2 Dunce 3 ......................... and we live in a world of plastic vanity . How hard would it be to offer a disney like cartoon avatar making new players stand out without insulting them ? A set of good clothes for the said avatars each outfit relating to an experience - tuxedo and gown because your going to a ballroom or bathing suit because your going surfing , a reason to change clothes . I assume the mainland has lots of long standing sims that might suit a certain outfit , put your coat on to play in the snow that sort of thing . Somewhere to go while learning , somewhere you will see other players even if they are griefers which will at least let you evaluate your own look and question how it can be changed . Try and add some fun by making the first hour a set game with clothes that fit , you can't go swimming in a ballgown - not yet anyway . Currently its open day of a new school and kids are locked in a classroom for hours with teachers screaming you will learn algebra before that door opens , the X button is a big ground floor open window .
  21. I had time and a sympathetic ear for everybody , never shut up in open chat just trying keep people entertained . Until i got conditioned lol .
  22. And you knew it before you signed up ? Prior to signing up to SL my concept of a virtual world fell a million miles short of what i now know SL to be . Chance brought me in with no expectations .
  23. OK lets get back on track by listing what you think makes people sign up to SL . I will start with my terribly limited view by saying curiosity . Same reason i look in shop windows not expecting to find anything but you never know .
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