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Everything posted by cunomar

  1. Again, decide who you want to appeal to . In my view nobody at all signs up looking for an actual second life , they don't come to bare their soul or find anything meaningful . Some might come to try their hand at designing stuff perhaps , though as far as i can tell its all made outside sl with programs like blender ? In my view many many more say hey look its free and all i need is a disposable email address and user name i will never remember to take a look . Thats what i did and maybe a month later some computer glitch removed my saved login details and i was dead because i had no idea what my email address was . Shrugs , i'd lost nothing having invested only time and i was just about learning to dress my av in freebie galaxy stuff . A week or 2 later i thought it a shame to waste what i'd learned so i did the same again only this time i wrote down my login details and 5 years later i still use the same name .
  2. "new players" not alts It takes time for any new user to realize its not just a game , and for many of us twice as long again to accept it is just a game and it can't be anything more .
  3. Protection from jerks makes me wonder , for me any conversation at all might have been preferable to weeks wandering silent and empty places . A new player has absolutely nothing to lose so if they wind up locked in a cage or something , shrugs , lesson learned start again - like every other game you get killed a few times before you get the gist of it . What kept me returning was long empty evenings with nothing better to do and the nagging thought "nobody builds such a huge virtual world just so it can sit empty so what am i missing" ?
  4. I don't even know what WASD is i either tap my cursor on the little direction hud i keep on screen alongside the look around thingy or just use arrows . I guess the experts do it different because they learned how long before most people had a computer .
  5. I read to provoke thought and comment to extend the distracting thought process , as for the rest i don't unless it seems rude to refuse adding someone even if i always assume i will never speak to them again .
  6. "hypertechnical mumbo jumbo " which might be interesting to some but is an absolute turn off to most . There is nothing intuitive about how sl functions . Technoholics will do what they do and it is them that make it all possible but somebody somewhere up top must understand that its all for nothing if it doesn't appeal to those who if video were invented today would never work out how to set record on a timer . Not because they can't learn how but because they simply aren't interested enough to spend the time trying to . The way i see it is sl's greatest potential is as a meeting place , a chatroom that offers so much more , and from that point of view it would appeal to just about everyone i know , most of whom have an aversion to being profiled by facebook . Invite a group of people who can't type and never played online games and record what they do without interference or advice . My guess is you will have to lock them in a room for an hour to prevent them from quitting before then . Only children can teach grandma to suck eggs .
  7. Seems fair to assume the covid lockdown's must have been beneficial to SL , people were skint and trapped so many returned to this other world because it beats talking to 4 walls . We are heading into a global recession and many who have never heard of SL will be trapped with no escape . Cater to them and human nature will do the rest . Supermarkets make far more money than any jewellery store just because it has more customers .
  8. Can't remember the details but a red arrows chief pilot unimpressed to be told his new superjet couldn't perform a certain stunt did the stunt anyway . He was later forced to explain to baffled computer engineers how he performed the impossible "i pulled the fuse out" 🤣
  9. Decide who you are trying to attract . Professors of computer science know at a glance what sl is and whether they want to participate . To gamers i'd assume sl is that other thing thats been around for decades . For me sl was the discovery that i could kill time on a computer doing something other than reading news or browsing ebay . Seems kinda pointless to me trying to attract the first two .
  10. Accepting my negative view of sl diminishes the worth of my posts for most and because this thread is about user retention I'm going to copy and paste from maybe 4 years ago Fionalein Resident Pretty Advanced Member 4.8k Posted December 24, 2018 (edited) Oh damn , sorry to hear that happened to you - but that really sounds like your account was getting abused as a scambot. I'm glad the Lindens could fix it though. We didn't talk much inworld but having met you before I say SL would be a much bleaker place without folks like you. Just remember the person who sent it to you could have been hacked as well. It is like a game of toppling dominoes... Edited December 24, 2018 by Fionalein You and Cindy Evanier 2 × Quote And say the funniest thing thats happened to me since then was just recently when i wandered some way into what i thought was a shop before i got the warning "female avatars only you will be ejected in" Yikes i hit the double tap RUN trying to beat the clock . No reason at all it wouldn't have mattered a damn had i been ejected but just for that brief 3 or 4 seconds the giggling child inside came to life again .
  11. So its all about flaunting your wealth or be a nobody 🙄 I suppose if my grandfather was worth 4.4 billion .....................................
  12. Newbies do not search for shops , who goes looking to spend real money in a game they are already convinced is not for them ? Can't remember how i found freebie galaxy , likely someone gave me the landmark to an emporium hosting thousands of freebies which obviously even to me as a complete novice should not be used by anyone . A few months in and somebody said something about my awful shoes in public chat , i replied that i can't find **** and 30 seconds later a complete stranger posted me a link to exactly what i wanted on marketplace . I discovered what this MP place people often mentioned is all about and at last there were possibilities . I still mostly use the very first sandbox somebody took me to when i wouldn't know where to look for one even if i knew i needed to find one because , well its a sandbox , a place to faff about with the necessary evil of modifying your avatar . Any new player that looks good inside of a month is not a new player , they are either returning players or current players creating an alt . Though i suppose if you play similar online games some of sl won't seem so daunting as it does to a complete novice .
  13. Look at profile then cam if its still not clear , then reply sorry i don't play with male avs . Some return with an alt and some don't - shrugs . But the really stupid ones switch bodies while you have cam on them - rolls eyes .
  14. I'm British so i keep an open mind until the BBC reports on the subject , then i know the truth is the opposite of whatever they say .
  15. If the megabuck names mentioned do ultimately own SL then its present and future is secured by virtue of it being a tax right off dead loss i'd guess . "invest" 50 million today to balance the books for the tax man and take it out again tomorrow when the books are stamped and sealed for another year .
  16. About 9 , all the same scum and it should be about 20 , but it was over a year before it occurred to me that the block was a handy way to keep list of all its alts . I don't block idiots , when i was more inclined to be friendly i would instead explain to them what they did wrong and offer some tips on how to connect with other avatars . The gloating of experienced players when a newbie got kicked for trying to make the game fun while not really understanding that most of the other avatars present were people just like him/her always made me grind my teeth . 9 times out of 10 the clueless jackass who just got booted , and is currently being derided by the crowd , will respond with intelligent appreciation . Very small world sl and nobody tries my patience any more , I guess they realize they have exhausted my tolerance and extinguished my empathy .
  17. ate all the pies , gym freak and normal
  18. How to be a musclebound hunk in SL = buy anything male . How to not be a musclebound hunk in SL = be female . I did watch watch this one then bought all the stuff , and guess what , its a girl .
  19. I never worked out how to use them slots either . Shrugs I'm a man , I don't like shopping and changing my av in any way at all is typically a long frustrating process . On this occasion the process could have been less painful if the chest purchase stated "if you buy this then you will also have to buy a body applier" AND a sign on the wall indicating "these are body appliers" . I'm not clairvoyant but i did work it out several hours after deciding i will quit the group and delete the landmark for good just as soon as i have my answers . I'm sure if i could be bothered i could find a head skin that will match perfectly in colour , only it will be called something entirely different meaning i will have to demo almost every choice in whatever shops google suggests , and then i will find out that is the right colour but the wrong sex . I'm used to all this , but if a newbie asks why has my head gone brown tell them to wear the skin the had earlier again . A simple fix is what they want , and then if they are interested you might press upon them all the wonderfully complex fancy alternative options they could also exercise . I'm experimenting because it beggars belief that nobody has ever managed to put together a slim male avatar that is not Adonis or 90% female . If they can make a flat chest female skin why can't they make exactly the same skin for males ? Currently available for girls , flat , petite , curvy , etc For guys , gym freak , macho man , steroid abuser .
  20. Probably we just have different understanding of the same thing , and i am in no doubt yours is greater and more technical than mine . To me bom is just classic though you don't have to wear alphas and everything is a tattoo . Body folder has loads of layer options to be added but i never added any of them .
  21. I don't use layers , don't see the point in bom if you do . Will work for some of course but then so did mesh which i found awful . 8 hours just to change skin and i been in SL almost daily for 5 years ................. poor newbies lol . All fixed though so thanks for your suggestions 👍
  22. It knocked my classic skin off
  23. Yay https://gyazo.com/3c6cb5fbe44012151ee82bc890f0c1c5
  24. If it were body only then that would be fine because my head was a fair enough match until the body skin was added , but it seems i have body and head only head doesn't work ?
  25. Thought bom worked with classic ? I have about 6 bom mesh heads and i dont like any of them so i would much prefer to keep my classic head
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