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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. The 20's also seem to be the range which most often volunteer their age, and also seem to want to find others in the same age range. I figure if you develop a friendship with someone and enjoy talking with them, then age doesn't really matter. Over time there will be references that may give you hints of their general age. I suppose if one is looking for an intimate relationship that would move to RL, more concern about age might be warranted ...
  2. It may only on the "About Land', but not on the Region/Estate menu option. I wasn't sure if a tenant could see that, but I'm in-world now and am able to open Region / Estate from the menu, and see the Estate name and Estate owner (of course I'm just renting a parcel on an estate - don't know if that's different if you rent an entire region),
  3. I was wondering the same thing. I think though, that if you lease an entire sim, it appears as being in your name (or your group's name) on the 'About Land'. I could be wrong, because I haven't double checked this in-world. Perhaps there's region level info that can be seen by a tenant/sub-tenant? I'm not sure.
  4. Personally, I would just ignore the request initially. If the other person became persistent and continued to ask for my password, I would report them at that point. I can't think of any valid reason, that is not malicious or ill will, for someone to ask for someone else's password.
  5. My understanding is that it is a multi-step process - first you sell your lindens on the Lindex and the result of that goes into your SL USD balance. If you then choose to cash out, the funds are sent to your paypal account. If you then decide to transfer the funds to your bank, that is done from within Paypal - just like any other transfer of Paypal balance to your bank, and at that point, it has nothing to do with LL. There are fees involved with each of the steps, and it is not instantaneous.
  6. It's hard to ignore RL sometimes. Hopefully what ever it is will lighten up for you.
  7. I'm starting to close in on 500 myself. You will probably get there before I do - I think you post more often than I have been recently.
  8. Just wanted to add that for home and garden items, vehicles, landscaping, other non-wearables... often the "demo" isn't a demo item bought from MP, but following the "see item in second life" link and viewing the item at the merchant's store.
  9. Some things you just need to chalk up as a 'lesson learned'. Whenever buying something that doesn't have a demo, you need to decide for yourself whether it's worth taking a chance on, knowing that it may not be as it seems or meet your expectations. Leaving a review, contacting the merchant and (when warranted) flagging the item are about all you can do for this type of situation.
  10. Wondering when the sun will burn through the fog
  11. Before coffee machines came with built-in timers, we used to plug our coffee machine into one of those plug-in timers that were intended to be used to turn a lamp on and off automatically. It's so nice to wake up to fresh brewed coffee.
  12. If you look on the land tab of your group, it will show "Total Contribution" (which is the donated amount plus the 10% group bonus). I don't know if it rounds up (205) or rounds down (204), but it doesn't take into account that it might not all be 'usable'.
  13. It might be hokey, but I find things like this interesting, in an amusing way.
  14. As a first step, you might want to try the suggestions at FS Troubleshooting Missing Inventory (Even though it's on the FS web site, the general troubleshooting applies across viewers, for the most part). If that doesn't fix inventory, you may have a 'flat inventory' issue - this mainly afflicts very, very large inventories where all the folders are on the main level. LL Support can fix a flat inventory issue. Also, before starting the troubleshooting, make sure that you are using the latest versions of the viewers, though if you've recently gotten your new computer, presumably you have very recently downloaded the viewers for the new computer. Still, it wouldn't hurt to double check. Hopefully something in the FS troubleshooting will get you back in shape.
  15. I don't do combat, so there were things that you covered that I was not aware of. I thought you were very clear and concise with your explanations of getting the weapons and getting them set up to use with the gestures. The intro, however, was a shock (way too loud) and as you don't really get into the Gor specifics in this segment, a different cover photo might be better.
  16. That message that you posted is a message from the FS viewer which contains some information that the FS developers will find useful in identifying what may be causing the crashing you are experiencing. The message does ask that you submit the contents of that message to Firestorm support. Their support options page is here , though I do not have any experience with using their JIRA ticket system, so I cannot offer any tips on submitting a support item there. You might also want to contact the Firestorm support group inworld, and see what they advise. Hopefully someone with more experience in that area will offer some additional information for you. nikita, are you getting the same message when you crash?
  17. Appliers are used with mesh bodies or heads. So to use an Omega applier, you need an Omega compatible mesh body or head, plus the Omega relay for that particular mesh body or head.
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