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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I would think that it would need to be the creators that would offer it. When you buy something, you're buying it from the seller, not from LL. While it might seem simple and nice from the consumer side, it seems like it might add a lot of extra workload on the seller side.
  2. Regarding your comment about it getting in the "not responding mode", you might want to try connecting via ethernet cable rather than wireless. Sometimes wireless connection aren't as stable of a connection.
  3. relaxing out in my yard and NOT shopping for a new head, although I did try the demo earlier this morning
  4. That's no way to start a holiday. Hope it recovers quickly, before you're holiday is over.
  5. Linden Lab Support can be found at https://support.secondlife.com/ Linden Lab only provides viewer support for their viewer, not for issues with the Firestorm viewer. Linden Lab does display a page which lists approved third-party viewers, which is what you might have seen, but it does not support issues with the third-party viewers.
  6. @KaosRainX320 This is a user discussion forum. All of us are users like you are. This thread was originally about people using the Firestorm viewer - is that what you are also using? Firestorm is a third-party viewer (not created by Linden Lab) so if you have problems with it, you'd need to contact Firestorm support. Have you tried doing a clean install of the Firestorm viewer? (see http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_install )
  7. Thanks, Penny, for the explanation. Are there ways to see texture usage, etc. inworld? I'm just curious because I have several different bodies, and heads (though none are catwa) and if I did see significant differences between one over another than that might factor in to me deciding which ones to wear more often (rather than looking at script sizes and considering clothing availability).
  8. If LL was to use a similar tone in making sweeping changes as suggested, which it sounds to me are meant to be pretty much mandatory (you must have this because in 8 months, it's going to be impractical) I would be out of here. Only partly because of changes being forced on me, but also because it would be a change to the character of the environment. It doesn't seem to me that LL meant for SL to be like a triple A game title - if they did, they should have made the majority of the content and enforced limits for any allowed user-made content right from the beginning. I'm not against having better information and more education provided about how to create and/or choose assets that are better performing, but I think it still needs to be a choice - they need to be options rather than forced.
  9. With a plan like this outline, it might make changes more feasible and palatable to the existing user base. I am not a creator or a designer, so the first two points are ones that would be important to me. Right now, I do not really understand why my onion skin mesh body is not OK (or why something else would be better, or in what way it would be better, explained in a way that I can understand). The only number that I know I can easily see and understand what is a good range or what is a bad range, is the ARC reading, and I think I generally stay in acceptable ranges - at least the best I can understand as acceptable. If tools were introduced to who triangles and texture memory, there should also be easy guidelines for people like me to be able to know if a reading is acceptable or not. (For example, I see the new section in the FS build menu regarding mesh and LOD's, but I really can't tell just by looking at those numbers if they are good or bad for a particular item - I still rely on seeing the item rezzed out and looking at it from various distances to see if it's acceptable for me or not). If I have to be an expert in understanding how mesh is created, or triangle counts in mesh, or VRAM usage, just in order to choose furnishings and clothes for my avatar to go out exploring, etc., inworld, than that would make being inworld a chore for me, rather than being a relaxing enjoyment.
  10. I don't see this 'forcing' as anything that would go over well. I also don't think that 1 mesh body model would satisfy all users - if that was the case there would not be so many different mesh bodies on the market now, with so many variations of shapes. A "clothing fit shape" would need to be very flexible if it was going to work for all existing mesh clothing. I have trouble seeing how one generic body could be made to work for existing clothes made for current specific bodies. I also don't think you could 'force' creators to make clothes for a new body - even if it was the starter body. There was a period when the starter avatars were mesh body style (not compatible with system clothing, if I recall correctly) and I do not remember seeing third party clothing being made for them. What about non-human forms? I've seen some mesh dragon avatars that have come in with a complexity number over 400K. I've used the Ruth 2 in Open Sim - while it is an improvement in how the body looks over the system avatar, there is something strange about the clothes for it. I'm not sure how they're made - they don't go on like appliers do, but they look closer to applier or system clothing than regular mesh clothing, so kind of a step backwards in the clothing appearance (in my mind, anyway). I don't know that it's a fair statement to say that all content creators, given no limits, will create items of limitless complexity. I also don't know if anything that's been suggested would stop the importing of mesh content from other sources. It seems like what is being suggested, in my opinion, would drive off many people - both users and creators.
  11. I would suggest contacting Live Chat through the Support Portal tomorrow morning. (Live chat should be available 9 am - 6 pm EST every day.)
  12. I am not a football fan at all, but my husband is, and he has been a die-hard Vikings fan since he was junior high age. Living in what is broadly Forty-Niner or Raiders territory, we don't come across very many Vikings fans.
  13. That was a beautiful engine (as well as a great sounding piece of music).
  14. In addition to the library textures, at the Linden Home area info hubs, you can pick up free Linden Home texture packs. (Each themed info hub has the texture pack for that theme).
  15. This reminded me of church potlucks at my grandma's church back when I was a child
  16. I think all the Linden Home continents have extensive public parks running through them, especially in the larger areas in-between the different housing themes. Fly over those areas instead of over homes. Setting ban lines (or not) is a legitimate option provided by the land parcel tools, so it is a legitimate right that a parcel owner (or a renter with those parcel powers) to do so, if they want. Likewise, security orbs have not been banned from the world yet, so again, a legitimate option for parcel owners to use if they choose to buy one. Even some of the private estates allow you to use one for your parcel, and at least one estate will even provide the orb to be used on their estate. As was touched upon in one of the other threads, there are a lot of competing "wants" between different groups of people in SL. Given the freedom we each have in choosing what to do in world, that's not surprising.
  17. Sushi is very pretty to look at, but not something I want to try. So street tacos would get my vote.
  18. This is a password reset ticket for the main SL grid, right? (If it has to do with the test grid, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a delay in having the support ticket addressed). You could follow the link on the confirmation email, to check the status of your support ticket - to make sure that it is still open. I'm curious - was there some type of issue or situation that led you to file a support ticket for a password reset rather than using the "forgot password" link on the login screen? If not, have you tried that route?
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