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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. Happens to me all the time. My solution: identify the clipping animations and reprogram the AO to use only the good ones, maybe replace them with other nonclipping ones from other AOs (most shops sell them as single animations)
  2. Maybe because all the new ones are still at some events?
  3. you have to weigh of the script weight vs the usefullness, yeah, I like rescripting my bar that very bottle gives you the drink associated with it, ... my neighbours most likely will hate me if I do though ^^
  4. Even if there is vote skewing, some people might have voted because they want the body but dind't buy it yet because of lack of cloth support, which would be as good as already owners if I were a mesh clothing designer. Maybe that is why a pretty famous cloth designer did "what body would you like us to produce for in the future" in her poll, and no "what body do you use right now" question ;-) besides that: Top Reason to get the leader body: there are tons of free cloth available Top Reason to also design for another body: see above ^^
  5. Erm,... I think Torley isn't teaching it to be used to cheat at games. There are legit uses for scripted agents, SL is not only about traffic generating games (which might be considered cheating by some other residents as well)
  6. Yeah, they did some pretty smart move with the cheap bodies and the free ones in hunts and at newbie infohubs. That creates a market for cloth and once a market for cloth is established, other people will consider buying it as well.
  7. as far as I know they all 3 hover slider, hover quick setting in FS, and shoe height affect you and others
  8. shhh hint hint: read the recent mesh body addicts mini-survey to find out which of the "big three" got pushed out by one of the "lesser known ones" on place 3 ;-)
  9. I must be a horrible mutant, I make friends all the times, at least one a week... now true friends is something different. You can still find them. Hop around crowded sims and chat a lot in groups that allow it... offer help if asked for and you might know the answer. Do some jokes that are funny but hurt none, you know, ... be a person they enjoy talking to. And one last tip: Ignore all advice on how to make friends. Just be yourself is usualy enough. People who think they should analyse friendships and write advice about winning friends usualy are those that try to understand why they have none.
  10. What Angeoco said... plus: There's lot of bodies for specific purposes. Like bodybuilders, virtual pregancies, anime look, anthropomorphic animal builds... Look what you are after and then compare the included options and weigh them with 3rd party market support - current market support that is (look at those release dates). Because there is at least one body around that was well supported by the 3rd party mesh cloth makers for a while but I would not dare to invest into it nowadays.
  11. Oh you should change the thread topic's name, what you are talking about is called Mircoavatars or Petites in the usual SL avi slang. Tinies is the word used to describe those cute little knee high bipedal animal furballs. Both Petite and Tiny originaly were used as brands but somehow people ending up calling all small humanoid avatars petites and all small anthropomorphic animals tinies. And for support: I only ever see 3rd party cloth for one single brand of them. Like with the full sized mesh bodies you have the choice between going cheap or having a 3rd party cloth market to support it ;-)
  12. Oh there's a funny extra little bit about mesh bodies texture layers: they are fitmesh like all the rest of the mesh body and mesh cloth are. So if someone experiences serious render lag, you never will know what appears first in the right place: your bits or your panties. Could be one is placed rather quickly while the rest keeps hovering near your right hand for a while... I took the time to read the original post again: It said nowhere the manager was camming up there. You just asumed he did, but most likely he didn't. The whole message rather read to me like meaning something along "If you wear that kind of daring dress, please let us remind you that we hope you better wear some panties beneath or we could run into a TOS problem here" ... Now that would be OK if it didn't contain another display of people having not the faintest idea about SL wardrobes. Because the message also implies that they seem to be OK with complete nudity under long unslit dresses (as if the bits would not show beneath there *headdesk* sh... hint: they still do and it still isn't PG)... Sorry folks, but if you like to do some wardrobe rules, buck up the Lindens to hire some managers who actualy understand enough of SL technology to know what they are talking about ;-) [irony mode] I have a great idea: wouldn't it be a great idea if we could ban all skirts and dresses in PG areas as we are never sure who wears panties beneath them and who doesn't[/irony mode]
  13. Sent you a private forum message with some less known skin stores, as I don't like to advertise any stores in public.
  14. Mesh bodies are not classic avis. The applier layers hover slightly above the mesh body and can cause some serious clipping problems. Mesh baking might fix it but honestly I'm not going back to appliers save maybe for tattoos or body paint. Yeah that kept me puzzeling as well. Why didn't you just click away the one part that people found offensive? I mean it was hovering there - unspuspendend in mid air - as the rest was alphaed away... no need to keep it visible.
  15. Erm, I tried the story, I really wished someone would have fixed the "build a flare" quest before trying to roast my GPU :-D
  16. Yeah that would be fun, don't get me wrong I have absolutely no problems with store representatives at fairs in general. I just don't like it when the fair sims are already filled up to the maximum.
  17. So I came across this newest "bright" idea by some store owners. Some shops now apparently have store preresentatives residing at fairs... We all know how hard it is to access those first tier fairs nowadays, sims being crowded by everyone wanting to have a glance at the new items. Why would you want to further limit the fair access by having an avatar permanently taking up a slot? Dear store owners, I have absolutley problem with you not wanting my Lindens, I will gladly toss them elsewere if you annoy me... ... but at least have the decency to let me toss them at your fellow store owners who also have a booth at the fair.
  18. Downtime makes me finally write something on the forums though ;-)
  19. ... there is a winged angel, a winged demon, and a horse rider each for both sexes, they are bento animated, the bodies are not, but the wings and horses sure are. I have no idea what Lewis calls "bento mesh" but those attachements are bento mesh (and the angel wings look way better than many bought ones) female riders are Rhiannon and Thomas, angels are Anna and Marcus, and female demon is Elleria, no idea how the male demon is named though
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