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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I actually prefer the old school text, etc. It's bad enough when some websites are made unusable unless you're on a mobile device.
  2. And some do make an alt or 2 for their clubs and shops.
  3. I see people waving hands in some places I'm at --- but it's Sign Language since I communicate in it. Also looking at that pic of Zuck, doesn't he look like that character in Mad magazine? 🤣
  4. I forgot to add this was on mic on the stream, not the local voice mode. Anywho still annoying.
  5. Ofc there's no support --- they think they control everything. I hate when you need to log on to some website or server and the only option is through FB log on.
  6. i hate that too. Although my man plays at one long established club in SL since 1945, he tried at another one recently and after a couple of songs the owner told him he had to welcome everyone on mic, even if it means talking over the music and not run the song titles that appear in the client. He said let the people enjoy the music, but the owner said "I'm trying to get as many avis in the club as possible and to shop my store. Let's say my man never returned there.
  7. But the Lindens did set it up so the hair and shoes be installed into the bum --- for your convenience! The old days.
  8. I've seen many patent trolls out there. Most go nowhere and I expect theirs against LL to fail faster then someone building a rocket out of a solid block of ice and expect it to fly.
  9. I see that too and there are like 9 people on the planet that don't touch FB. I sure don't. Speaking of Freakbook, recently I had a performer wanting to play my live music club (which is closing) and booked him. He gave me a NC and said "post this on your FB group" and when I told him I'm not on FB he seemed shocked. "Everyone is on it!" I said there's a few not on there mainly due I don't trust that site. He ended up cancelling his gig at my club. No loss.
  10. I avoid FB like the plague --- never done it, never will.
  11. Some islands have a rule that buildings/skybox needs to be 1000m up. In some cases it's 500.
  12. Watching people in my bar dancing to the music my man is DJing. On the TVs although muted is a sports news show.
  13. At my bar, our bartender's mom eats these "Mom's Meals" prepackaged food servings. Thing is her mom don't eat them fast enough, so she brings that ones about to hit the expiry date to the bar. Sometimes my man and a couple other staff will eat those, and for some reason afterwords we're not allow to light a match!
  14. 47 active out of 10,252 --- leaves 10,205 collecting virtual dust.
  15. And in my case I have yet to see another Zehetbauer in world and I've been in here since 1943!
  16. A few times I thought I was going to get my head sliced off for not calling someone by their display name. If I can't make out the name due to it being pure gibberish, I'll call them by the system name.
  17. Speaking of calling it a "game." I mentioned this in other posts, but over 12 years ago when we had our night club south of San Francisco we had a regular who worked for LL and I clearly remember him telling me "You should check out this "game" I'm working for. It's available and free and you can make a toon, no leveling is required and can customize it to your hearts desire." Wonder if I should've reported him for calling it a game!
  18. One thing is when you TP your hair and shoes are no longer placed in the avi's bum for easy transport and convenience! Also have more group room, currently 42 for non premies and more choices to dress up your avi.
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