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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Ok...so this is really good! Three movie length episodes. Watching the last one tonight.
  2. I like the idea and sentiment, but I agree with this. There are plenty of spa type places, the problem is most spa sims I’ve ever been to have been empty and I’ve seen some nice ones, same with beauty/nail salons. I think co-Ed would work, because ultimately it’ll just be a bunch of us hanging out in bathing suits in a pool/sauna, chatting.
  3. *cool ad for something you want* comes out 5 days from now!!! *5 days pass and you have the sneaking suspicion there’s something you wanted to buy, you can’t remember the name of the creator*
  4. Ebody also has boob, butt and belly physics.
  5. If someone is saying something about it, they’re being dramatic. I remember one time I got into it with a woman on voice because I dared to cam the interesting shoes she had on. In the ten seconds it took me to cam, she was already “Everybody wants to be me...blah, blah,blah.” On the other hand, some people do lock onto you for a uncomfortable period of time. That is a little weird too, it’s just not weird enough for me to say something to them, because I feel like it’ll turn into “I wasn’t looking at you!” Gaslighting. The crosshair colors mean something I believe. Like grey=idle, etc
  6. You also left out: “I’m returning to SL from 2008, explain mesh to me/what’s new or changed since 2008?”
  7. Unfortunately, I don't. I kind of shelved it for when I decide to get back into photography, but....I can vouch that she makes good products. It looks like exactly what you're looking for so, if you feel like rolling the dice.....
  8. This might help for photography: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Boob-Moves-Breast-pose-and-Photography-HUD/18414157
  9. The last I read, he felt like he wrote himself into a corner and has been slowly working his way out. So it’ll be like waiting for Winds of Winter. Speaking of this! It reminded me that Margaret Atwood wrote a sequel to A Handmaid’s Tale. That’s next on my list.
  10. Yeah, but see it’s not filters or anything like that. There’s obviously a lot of unused settings in the SL viewer that aren’t used that Black Dragon actually uses and it makes a big difference in what you can actually see. In other words, it uses settings that have always been there and they look great. Also, anyone can pull the trigger of a gun, that doesn’t mean they can shoot. I’m not going to poo-poo someone for using black dragon, because now you’re falling into the trap that was just mentioned, I.e judging someone for the viewer they’re using. Its a good viewer, it’s just super technical which puts it out of reach for the average SL user. Not my daily driver, but it does unlock a lot of potential in SL.
  11. No, it does take great pictures. It just takes a lot of work to get it where it’s easy to use to even take a good picture.
  12. Still at work (not feelin that), but I’ve just been told we’re leaving early. So here’s a little Mariah to get me in the mood
  13. Black Dragon is the SL version of an Audiophile with cedarwood speakers, a turntable with vacuum tubes on it, hi-fi reels, etc, etc. The funny thing is I like Black Dragon..a lot. It’s just like anything else in SL that people get snobby about; kinda tarnishes the product a little when people get like that.
  14. It would probably be more helpful to show us what you’re trying to unwrap and what program you’re using.
  15. I don't have a problem with people sharing things. It starts getting peevish when they start fishing for sympathy or advice; you give them the sympathy or advice or whatever it is they're after and they go back to it after you moved on.
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