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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. No, no I love Ricielli and still shop there. I’m just saying they did hunts in a way I enjoyed and it didn’t feel like I was wasting my time getting someone’s failed texture experiment. I think I’m being weird because people loooove hunts. When I hear about them, I throw up in my mouth a little.
  2. I can’t stand hunts. A long time ago Ricielli used to just have items all around the store you could just pick up for free. It’d be a normal color, but just that one item. Now....ugh I’m not doing area searches and going into wireframe mode to find some odd colored pants that I’ll never wear. Just can’t bring myself to do them anymore.
  3. The fact that regular posters on a forum would say they prefer posting to forums than anything else is not lost on me.
  4. If you're doing something for a specific for a head, you'd probably want the specific UV. For example if you're doing eyelashes for Catwa you want to open the uv for the eyelashes and work from there. Your screenshot was way too tiny, but looks like you have the idea of using the UV. The eyelash UV should look like this: https://gyazo.com/25719fc7006ec8cf031eef6bf2c3f05b It doesn't matter which head you're doing it for, I'm pretty sure they all have a separate UV for the eyelashes. The one for the SL UV isn't really going to help you because its for the system body. As far as the HD lipstick, can't really help you out there. But I think you're onto something where the UV is bigger, which means its a higher resolution. That's probably what makes it "HD", so you just make the lipstick the regular way (Photosourcing or hand drawing), its just at a higher resolution thus "High Definition".
  5. I see you’re one of those anti-clockwisians...... *squints*
  6. Oh mine is pretty ridiculous too. I just make an attempt to do something to it. I spend about a week sorting and then going through my object folder and I always manage to find 50-70 items I just never unpacked. Hair, skins, shapes, poses/animations and old appliers are organized. Clothes I won’t even try. It’s just a matter of putting stuff where it belongs cause we all get a little lazy sometimes.
  7. Shopping: I move in a clockwise direction. Even if I cam. I’m terrible with directions and I was told or heard, it’s easier to reorient yourself if you move in a spiral pattern. At really big events I get lost super easily. I used to walk around to shop, but it’s gotten so bad at the popular events that I just cam around because rubber banding and slow motion walking drive me nuts. Anything else? Let’s see....I hoard boxes. It’s probably a holdover from back in the-prim day when you’d edit something and screw it up so badly it would just be easier to just unpack a fresh one. Every few months I clean out and organize my inventory, it’s mostly getting rid of the boxes that I’ve already unpacked. The bonus is I always find something I just never unpacked in the first place.
  8. I prefer real time chat over forum chat. I think the permanence of forum posts, lead people to tend to do odd things like: Need to get the last word in, misquote or straw man a quote and like someone already said over analyze or nitpick more often than in real time and sometimes get a little overly wordy. Real time conversations have their drawbacks, but I prefer inworld real time.
  9. It's also the name of his sim. It's called Torley as well.
  10. The template for the lashes should come with the head kit you have. You just paint or photosource your image over the eyelash UV. That'll just run into your next topic. Skins and makeup are sometimes photosourced, but you can hand draw them too. The way all of that stuff is made really hasn't changed since those tutorials were made all those years ago. It just takes lots and lots of layers and experimentation until you get the effect that you want. It's possible that some programs may have changed with the times, but they are things you can do with PS and Gimp.
  11. Interesting, so lets say I know zero about scripting like most people do. Where would I be able to get a script like that? What would it be called?
  12. It's still there. I log in there if I crash and my land is restarting don't have access to my land. It's super abstract and super weird, I think you can rez stuff there too.
  13. Also, the way a hud is usually made is a prim for the background/base, then an additional prim for each button. Each button then has a script and a texture. You can see, that can get out of control very easily. And that’s just a basic hud, without fancy bells and whistles. There’s probably a lot of alpha textures involved too. Until someone comes up with a hud that does something different/a more efficient way, it’s probably best to just get rid of them if you’re not using them....immediately.
  14. Funny story: When Genus heads were in beta, they were asking for feed back. One of the main complaints that first week was “the hud is too small! Make it bigger.” Now it has a large hud and a small hud that comes with the head. A lot of people can’t see a smaller hud.
  15. Belleza also sells men’s clothing, not sure if it’s for all bodies but I’m 100% sure they have Jake covered!
  16. Janet Voxel


    In all honesty, I do call a 3D object a model 90% of the time. But to be fair, I’ve also said something like “Give me a minute, I’m about to upload a mesh.” Ive always looked at the term “mesh” as short for “mesh object” or “mesh model”, the only difference being in SL there are also “prim objects” and some people will confuse the two in conversation.
  17. Mudskin is pretty much exclusively Asian skins.
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