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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Just a snap before I start adulting for Thanksgiving.
  2. I think Lelutka has the best feature and animations, Genesis Lab is the most customizable and looks the best. You can’t go wrong with any of those three: Catwa, Lelutka or Genesis Lab though.
  3. Do your stocking applies have Maitreya appliers? If not, Slink appliers aren’t going to work. The next best thing is to enable omega and use omega or Maitreya appliers for your feet or put your Slink feet back on and use those appliers.
  4. Bento is a type of rigging that gives extra bones to the hands, face and also adds a tail. So you can find hands and heads that are rigged for bento. lelutka, you spelled right and it should come up in search in world. I’m not sure about MP. There are also other heads you could demo: genesis lab, logo, akeruka ( sp?), and gaeline. Catwa has the most support, followed by lelutka and genesis lab is starting to get more support. keep demoing until you find the right one for you.
  5. https://globalgrind.cassiuslife.com/1960455/rock-songs-lyrics-about-rape-list-videos/
  6. I’m digging living on the mainland so far. Granted it’s a crappy piece of land that I had to figure out how to landscape, but my neighbors are quiet, I have more prims than I can use.
  7. Where can I read up on bakes on mesh? That sounds pretty interesting.
  8. He probably does it all the time to just about any female avi that gives him the time of day. There was a time when picture swapping and proofing was a thing and it was how people proved they were who they said they were. Until people realized you could pull an image off of anybody’s Instagram page, then it started to die down. The last time someone tried it with me, he passed me pictures of Odell Beckham Jr. I asked him “Aren’t these pictures of Odell Beckham Jr?” Long pause....by the time he started to respond I had blocked him already.
  9. I wouldn’t go that far, but that’s pretty accurate @Klytyna . It’s pretty funny too, my first week in SL went something like that. I was accused of being an alt, until I asked what an AO was, then I was given three folders one with shapes, one with skins and one with hairs and told to play and learn. I don’t think that happens as much any more. LL needs to do a better job of showing what’s possible in SL. Finding Builder’s Brewery pretty much kept me on SL and I’m still learning from there. Luckily I found that by accident.
  10. Also, they aren’t really doing that great of a job promoting the LEA. The last thing I remember hearing about them was something like some sims were closing. I didn’t even know it was still a thing.
  11. No, I'm suggesting that's a definition of Race Play, which was what was ask for. The definition gives an example, that's not all the examples obviously. Don't hurt yourself trying to read into it.
  12. You haven’t missed anything. It’s somewhere between alpha and beta. It was pretty to look at, but it lacked many features SL has and none of the instances I went to were really interactive. Overall it was pretty meh. If it stays like that, I won’t be back. It completely lacks a social aspect.
  13. I think LL is going to squeeze SL until it’s not profitable anymore. So it’s not going anywhere for a while. So far Sansar has been pretty underwhelming. I do think all of the improvements LL has made the last couple of years have been to test out features of Sansar. Sansar might fail, that’s a pretty big possibility. They’ll still have second life to fall back on.
  14. “ A form of sexual roleplay in which the players act out racially-charged situations, such as interracial slave-master relationships”
  15. Um, that’s what you tried to do to me. But you have a nice day too.
  16. Thank you. But that’s his opinion and his rationale for people doing it and nobody should say anything about it because it’s SL and that’s their right to do so. Also you forgot little peanut head.
  17. Thank you. But that’s his opinion and his rationale for people doing it and nobody should say anything about it because it’s SL and that’s their right to do so. Also you forgot little peanut head.
  18. It’s my opinion that you really didn’t have a point. So feel free to not engage me any further. I already know what race play is, so I don’t need you to explain that to me. A simple google search only confirms what I said. I already know how media influences perceptions, so I don’t need that from you either. Again I restated my point which at this point is about the fifth time I restated it in this thread. But since your enlightened way of thinking is so above me, well that’s fine I can live with that and we can leave it at that. I’ll say this so people can stop saying I’m offended too: I can care less who race plays or does anything else on SL. Having kinks doesn’t make you better than someone because they disagree with them. Defending someone’s kinks doesn’t bother me either, because I wasn’t attacking them. While while you might think you’re being some kind of free thinking, enlightened defender of libertine values. Your line of thought is actually the opposite of what you’re claiming to be. All I did was point out that it’s a very inciteful kink. It’s really that simple.
  19. The first thing you have to ask yourself is she engaging in race play. I’ll wait for someone to say she’s not. And yeah, I can google too: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/raceplay-101-my-introduction-into-the-world-of-racist_us_595b8fb7e4b0326c0a8d130a The reason I used that example is because a 30 second glance at the op’s profile tells me that is what she was talking about and she does engage in it. Nobody’s judging her though. Could I talk about another kind? Sure, but it still wouldn’t take away from my point. She pretended to not know what it was; I guess for the sake of discussion. She also asked was it evil. If she’s engaging in a particular type of race play, it’s still race play isn’t it? So here we are discussing it. My point was and still is: Race play could be offensive to some people. Yes, offensive to the point where it is viewed as ‘evil’. Talking about stereotypes or rap music or a doctoral thesis still doesn’t take away that point. It really doesn’t matter which type of race play I choose to discuss, because somebody somewhere is going to have a problem with race play of any type and it shouldn’t be surprising. There are no blurred lines; it is what it is.
  20. Then why am I even discussing it with you? What I said has everything to do with the discussion. If you ignore it, then you’re choosing not to see it. This isn’t the thesis forum, it’s a discussion forum. Said that too, but you’re choosing to ignore it. If I make an analogy about someone in SL wearing a KKK outfit (you didn’t ignore what I said after all) that has nothing to do with a thesis. An analogy is an analogy, not a thesis.
  21. There's your attempt at justification. It was a justification because he went on to attempt to justify it even further. Then he goes on to claim he doesn't listen to Rap, so how would he know other people's motivation for making an account like that. "A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent." So I didn't bring up rap music, and that was an attempt to refute my argument that depicting a race as a bunch of sex crazed neanderthals is in the very least questionable. Which was a response to race play being compared to rednecks? That's not a straw man? I think it is. Trying to make this about rap music when it originally wasn't IS a strawman. See here's the thing, the original post had nothing to do with Rap music. That might be someone who has an alt like that's justification for doing it, but that doesn't make it right. How do you know there's truth to it? That might be your perception of it, but your perception is wrong. That's why I keep saying, let's not go there(Strawman). I don't even like Rap music, so I think its funny you think I'm upset about someone attacking Rap music(Strawman). The issue simply isn't about Rap music at all. It's about people depicting another group of people in a certain way that could offend them. It's about someone being surprised that someone else saw their profile and decided they didn't want to associate with them because there was race play on it. I think everyone knows what the OP is talking about at this point. You're right, I probably wouldn't dissuade someone who thinks it's ok to race play to not race play. I did explain multiple times and I'll try it another way for you, because it's not about Rap music. Personally, I don't care what you or anybody else thinks about Rap music, because like I said before I can pull up a list of any popular genre of music and give you the same proof. That still doesn't explain why some people decide to do something like that. There's a much deeper issue there and it's not "I blame Rap music." So you're hanging out on your favorite sim. Someone TP's in with a KKK outfit on. Someone says something to them about it. Most likely someone would express distaste for it. Would the person expressing distaste be wrong? Ok let me change that around. Someone TP's in and they look normal, but when you look at their profile it has KKK stuff in it. Someone says something about it. Most likely they would be expressing distaste for it. Would the person expressing distaste be wrong? Let me try this another way. Someone TP's in with an avi that looks like Adolf Hitler.....you see where I'm going with this? If you don't just say so and I'll let it go. My point is people would see race play as the same thing. Let me try this another way. Let's say you are a person of color in RL. You meet someone on SL they seem nice, you strike up a conversation with them. Later you look at their profile, and you see something in there that depicts you as.....anything less than. Anything, use your imagination. Do you not see how someone would be offended by that and might say something like, I don't know.....I don't associate with people who do....THAT? Am I making my position more clear? I don't think my position has anything to do with Rap music (Strawman). If it does, let me know. Now, I get it's SL and people do things that might be viewed as offensive to someone else. Sure, I get that. But again....that doesn't make it right and the person doing it shouldn't be surprised that SOMEONE is offended by it. I also get that Linden Labs really doesn't prohibit race play, so what are you going to do? But it was brought to a discussion forum to be discussed. At least I think it was, so that's what I'm doing discussing it. So my point still stands.
  22. Let’s back up and let me give you a little flow chart. So OP starts out with a convoluted story about someone accusing her of race play. And asks what is it? (Hurr Hurr) and is it evil. Now if OP doesn’t want a genuine answer or really doesn’t care. Which looks like is the case. Why ask the question? No one is judging you even if you do, except the person that originally did. All I did was explain why. She gets a few replies, mainly explaining what it is, someone explains why the person might’ve jumped on them. Then there’s a whole rant about rednecks and butthurt. What does that have to do with race play? So I point out those are not the same things and I point out that race play has sims devoted to it and that it’s pretty unflattering to one of those races. Again op you pretended to not know what it is and asked was it evil. It’s ok if you do it....but yes, yes it is. Then I get mansplained that people do it because of rap culture? I contend it doesn’t but ok name me a song that does the same thing as those sims, that is raping and abusing white women. And it’s ok for people to do it that because rappers do it? Ummm ok....let’s not go down that rabbit hole. I knew somebody would google offensive rap lyrics, because it’s a straw man fallacy. I can google multiple genres of music and pull out a list of offensive lyrics. Here’s one with mostly not rap music: http://flavorwire.com/489278/25-of-musics-most-obnoxiously-misogynist-songs Which is why I said it’s a straw man fallacy. So it’s pointless to try to point out rap lyrics to me. It’s also pointless to try to point out that these sims are patterned after rappers....like that justifies it? The original point was yeah, people can be offended when a certain race of men are presented as sub human, sex crazed rapists. And you really shouldn’t have to make a mental leap as to why.
  23. Thank you for proving my point. None of those songs were about brutalizing and raping white women. We really should leave that strawman alone. Because now it’s starting to look like you do engage in race play.
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