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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. This’ll probably get moved to Fashion. But Sabotage, pumpkin/villena, and Blueprint are more urban styled stores and they sell women and men’s clothing. There are a few more out there.
  2. So I’m right, it’s really not worth it to get because they’ll just shut it down eventually? And it’s better to just use the social media that does allow SL Avis?
  3. So you’re allowed to have a business page, but not an Avi page? I confoosed.
  4. I was being hipster, ironic and millennial too.
  5. Hm, that’s interesting. So by having a FB page, you’re actually being more anonymous?
  6. Is this one of those hipster, millennial ironic posts meant to inspire conversation? Because everything you said was completely wrong, even if it was just opinion, it was completely ignorant.
  7. I believe that’s called cat fishing.
  8. People really get tribal over their bodies don’t they?
  9. @Klytyna you are my favorite poster on here!
  10. Hm, that’s a good way of looking at it. I feel like I haven’t been asked that much for it to be an advertising tool. Do a lot of people have Facebook accounts for their avatars?
  11. I have Facebook RL, I mainly use it to keep in contact with friends that have moved or family that I don’t get to see often. For real life, I get it. Ive been asked several times “Do you have Facebook for your avi?” I’m thinking why would I want twice the silly memes and gifs in my second life? Is there some benefit of having a SL Facebook account I’m missing? If you have one I’m not knocking you, I’m just curious.
  12. I played around with the Normie head last night and I must say for $500L it’s impressive. I’ll play around with some looks with it.
  13. I’m leery of kid avatars because they’re a little creepy. 1) When you see a child avi, your natural reaction is to treat them like....a child. They know this and some people play on this. Then they do things that are decidedly unchildlike. 2) You know they aren’t a child. I’ve had a child before and it can be fun. You know they’re going to do and say unexpected things and that’s fun. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re thinking “why is this adult doing this? And what are they getting out of it?” That saying and doing unchildlike things comes into play again.
  14. I would say start with a good body first. The preference is yours. Get the head later, there seem to be more options for heads every week. Learn how to modify your shape particularly the head, that will come in handy later when you DO get a head. Tweak yourself over time, add clothes and shoes THEN get a head. The system head goes a long way. A mesh head isn’t a must have. A body is for current clothing and shoes is. Also get a good AO to suit your personality.
  15. My first body was Maitreya. I still have it and even keep it updated. Shopping wise it would be easier to go back to it, because it enjoys the most support and exclusives. I’m enjoying the Belleza bodies though. Imo it’s the best non mod body available and the bento hand thing isn’t a big deal because Slink and vista hands fit just fine. I know some people jumped ship over that. I do wish it was moddable. There’s a lot you can do with skins and textures with moddable bodies, but I love wearing mesh clothing so the features it has are a good enough compromise.
  16. The best advice I ever got on SL was: experiment, play around with things and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Uncanny Valley is different for everybody. In my experience, most avatars look like Skin #2. That’s an average avi on SL to me. I also realize as a male, your choices are much more limited than women’s. The second best piece of advice is demo skins and heads before you buy them. I don’t care who recommended them to you; only you are going to decide whether you like it or not. Play around with different skins on different heads, change the wind light settings, mess with the shape (yes you can do that with most demos). Don’t rush into this, just play around with it first.
  17. I dunno, that looks doable with maybe a Logo head and a Maitreya body.
  18. Ha! I think we’re misunderstanding each other, I’m just saying the favorite/group thing is a sore spot especially in the photography community. Somebody was going to say something about it. Also, I remember when people used to remove their picture, change the date several times a day so more people could see it. They cut that out too.
  19. I’m not saying everybody does it. I’m just saying what the common practices are. Hit dog will holler.
  20. Finally someone who gets the whole thing. Be the father of my prim babies?
  21. Also, if you blog, you’d have to have a certain number of visitors to your blog or a certain number of followers if you use Flickr to be considered for a lot of things. The thing to remember is nobody is a professional on SL, so the “magazine” is really just somebody’s hobby. It’s really better to start doing pictures yourself and teach yourself the ins and out of photography. That way you’ll have an easier time telling who’s legit. It’s all a hobby, no matter how many hits a blog is or how many followers somebody has, there’s more people that have never heard of them. With something like Flickr there are people that like your pictures because you liked theirs; not because they’re good. There’s also people you can pay to boost your followers and likes. So don’t take any of it seriously. Do it because you enjoy doing it, not for anything else. As was mentioned before nobody really cares. Just have fun!
  22. One of those pre bento Catwa heads is my favorite head.
  23. I haven’t tried a Gaeline head, I have a whole Genesis Lab head I haven’t opened yet. But from what you’ve described it definitely sounds like it’s worth a demo.
  24. Just a snap before I start adulting for Thanksgiving.
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