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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. The good thing about appliers is they’re relatively cheap too. a few hundred lindens and you’ll have a basic wardrobe of appliers.
  2. Sure you can. I’m one of those people that mix and match clothing all the time. The best thing to do is get items from the same designer. Those have the best chance of being mix/matched. Thats not always ideal. So the next thing you want to do is look to see if the mesh space to layer items. It is possible, but you want items that were designed to be layered to begin with. Obviously if you bought a jacket, it was modeled to be worn over some type of shirt. Think like that. Your next option is also good! Some designers make clothes that have the option to be tucked in or out, etc. Blueberry and Addams have options like that. Addams has a shirt/leotard that at the click of a button becomes just a shirt. Some other designers do this too. Those pieces are handy for layering. The last alternative: it’s ok to layer applier clothing with mesh. I had a sweater dress I thought would look cuter with some leggings and boots. But I couldn’t get it to work with all mesh. Some applier leggings solved the problem.
  3. The best thing to do is join groups in the genres you photograph in and make sure to write good tags for your photos as well. Put your photo in the appropriate group. Now that you’re in some general groups, you should be getting photos in your feed from other people. Like the ones you really like, but pay attention to the ones that get a high number of faves. Now look at the groups they’re in. Stay away from the “Fave 2 get 2” groups. You should see other groups that you might not have been aware of, start joining those. As time goes on, you’ll start to pick up followers and faves, then you’ll start to have people that regularly like your photos.
  4. One of my favorite heads is an older Catwa. It’s animated and looks very nice. Pre bento the most you could change was the head stretch and size. Bento heads are much more customizable, yet the non-bento is my favorite. I think the non bento heads are much cheaper than they used to be and might be worth looking into. If you are happy with your system head look and don’t want to change it, stick with your system head. Bento heads tend to take some getting used to and you’ll be tweaking it for a while before you have a look you’re happy with when you start from scratch. A system head and face won’t quite translate to a bento.
  5. Don’t use CaWL, you lose out on more than you gain by using it.
  6. Sadly, I agree with this 100 percent and it’s just not in the forums it’s in group chats that are supposed to be committed to creation too! On the flip side, some of the most successful businesses are are actually made up of multiple people. Its just people being people.
  7. My thing with these kits when you have to apply for them is as follows: 1) The turnaround time is inconsistent. X creator gets nothing back for months, while Y creator has a fairly fast turnaround. 2) The application process doesn’t stop anybody from doing anything illegal with X body. 3) it actually makes creators not want to create items for it. 4) consumers complain about not having enough products available. Please body creators, make your dev kits freely available. The average person doesn’t want them and if they do, they might learn something and not ask as many dumb questions. You’re hurting your own business by frustrating fellow creators. Someone making crappy mesh, does not hurt your name one bit. There’s plenty of crappy mesh out there from designers you gave the kit to already! *drops the mic*
  8. Ummm...like a ***** Cat Doll....remember them?
  9. I believe you. Any guy I ever talked to about being a Gianni clone always told me they didn’t have much of a choice. I just assumed it was true.
  10. You can layer mesh believe it or not. A lot of mesh is a few pixels away from the skin which leaves room to put something under it. It would take a bit of luck but its possible and if that fails you can always do an applier. Funny story: I put together an outfit where I was wearing fishnets as leggings. Sometimes creators put a pair of panties in the box or they come built in. Well these didn’t so I was standing there with my cooter out. I was going to just do appliers, but I tried mesh panties for some reason they fit! Then surprisingly, I couldn’t find a pair of boots to fit over the fishnets without sticking out in spots. You can mix and match surprising things sometimes.
  11. Don’t forget to demo everything before you buy!
  12. Also in the defense of a lot of guys. Those bigger bodies were pretty much all that was available up until very recently. They also had a lot of support as far as mesh clothing, as opposed to *cough* tmp *cough*. You have more options now, so you came back at a good time.
  13. I helped a friend out about two months ago. Your best bet is going to be Belleza Jake or Slink....I don’t remember the name. They even have fairs for men’s clothing now, so you have some nice options.
  14. That's crazy...I think she's talking about something like this
  15. It happens; particularly if it’s a template. You start to get an eye for it after a while. But also since most creators emulate certain fashion photos, you end up with similar looking items too. It’s not fraud though, since templates are meant for resale. When new ones come out everybody rushes to put it out.
  16. “Are these the only positions this bed has? Can I put my own in?”
  17. I really don’t think the issue is how widespread it is. The issue more so is if creators actually feel pressure to make maitreya or Maitreya only items. If that exists in any shape or form that is still a problem.
  18. Ok, i’ll Link something later.
  19. Before mesh bodies: Put your boobs on the floor, reset the script, then reattach. Now: adjust your hover you’re in the ground/floating.
  20. Honestly it’s not that big of a deal to me. I own all of the big three bodies as well as a couple off brand ones. This isn’t a brag there’s a point coming: some bodies have very little in the way of clothing besides what the creator or a hand full of designers come out with. Some creators only do Maitreya only or Maitreya/Belleza or Maitreya/Hourglass and if you don’t wear one or the other you’re SOL. Typically if I see a creator has made something that is only for a body I’m not wearing I just keep right on walking, they’re doing ok without my money. It’s easier and faster to get out of whatever laggy shopping event I’m at because there are slightly fewer choices. a couple weeks ago, I saw a dress that was Maitreya only that I just had to have. So I switched to my Maitreya body and bought the dress. A week later they came out with something else I had to have. So I switched back to Maitreya and bought the outfit. So at this point, I’m thinking maybe I’m missing out by not wearing Maitreya. I go to the creators store and take a look around.... they didn’t have a thing I wanted or couldn’t get somewhere else for my Freya. So I said all that to say it’s not sour grapes to say, chances are you aren’t really missing out with the “exclusives” as far as quality or being able to get the same thing somewhere else. The bigger issue, I think is some of these events coordinators are telling creators that they HAVE to at least have a Maitreya version of the item to be in the event. I think that is the bigger issue here. There is definitely a pressure to do items for Maitreya that isn’t there for anything else.
  21. What would Wednesday Addams look like all grown up? Probably something like THIS!
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