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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Oh honey, you are definitely going to need Omega. Good news and bad news. Bad news first: You chose a head that doesn't have that much third party support. That means your only options are going to be Omega appliers and in house Vista appliers. There might be some other third party appliers, but you're really going to have to hunt for them. Good news: The skin fair is tomorrow I think. You might be able to find some Omega skins there or a creator might've felt like experimenting with a skin for a Vista head. Good luck!
  2. I think it’s a good topic. A little like trying to plug a leaky ***** with your fingers buuuuut....it’s a nice change of pace.
  3. I wouldn't say people that play them are stupid. I'd say they prey on people's impulses and compulsiveness. They were pretty harmless when they were 50 linden knick-knacks and doodads and some still are like that. You'd get something cool and move on. The problem is now you don't always get a cool thing, you get part of a cool thing with no chance of getting the whole thing without sinking a whole bunch more lindens into it. A pair of pale blue shoes, no harm no foul...that's worth about 50 lindens. A pale blue sleeve...what are you going to do with that? What I've noticed is some seem to give the rare items more frequently, while some have so many items that the odds are stacked firmly against you to the point where it is gambling.
  4. Sadly the op is right about gatchas and it’s very much become a me too thing among creators. There was a time when the only real difference between what you got was a rare color. Now many machines are outfit based, so it takes several plays to get enough of the outfit to be wearable. It is a bit predatory. The unfortunate thing is people continue to support the practice. That’s a continuous theme with most things that are predatory in SL. People continue to support them. As far as the other things mentioned....well some people have really figured out shoppers in SL. Slap “exclusive” on something and just watch them go. Even if the product selection is marginally better, if all you do is shop at events, like a lot of people do. That marginal amount becomes amplified into “by far”. Then fiction becomes reality. I’ve challenged a couple of people to compile a list of designers that create for “other” bodies. I’d imagine the list would be very exhaustive and quite long. On the other hand, the list of mainstream “exclusives” is probably much smaller than it appears to be. As far as ethnic products. A few friends and I have talked about this and it’s one of those things that have definitely improved since my first Avi back in 2009. Skins have definitely improved and some ethnic heads have been made. It seems like SL supports multi ethnicity much more than it did in the past.
  5. I know the one I’m wearing, Pink, is a newer head. All of the ones from Pink onward share the large eyed, smaller mouth characteristics. If you stop by the store, they’re all grouped together.
  6. The new generation of catwa heads have a very youthful appearance.
  7. I dunno, I feel like as a female shopper even at 500L the high likelihood of it not working in a couple months, the lack of many if any new clothes completely negates the new low, low price. I realize men don’t have as many choices. But I feel like Slink and Belleza do an excellent job providing for the “non muscle block” segment of SL. There are enough men’s stores and fairs now that current clothing shouldn’t be an issue. ....and supporting shady business practices because it’s cheap? I won’t even get into that.
  8. Are people actually bothering with this? lol
  9. I came from Mud/Mushes too. I thought SL would be the perfect medium for roleplay.... oh well, at least there’s fashion!
  10. Soooo are you guys going to keep this eyecandy thread going or what?
  11. It absolutely happens...fairly often. Just the way it was described too!
  12. It’s alright and it’s normal. All of our avatars are works in progress. The first thing you want to do is learn how to do a shape. It’s not as easy as I’m making it sound. There’s a lot of sliders and some sliders affect other sliders. The thing is it’s one of the most important things you can learn to do in SL and really worth it. Give yourself time and commit to playing with them a little while each time you come on. It will start to make sense to you. Stick with it and don’t be afraid to experiment.
  13. Pixicat looks like it might be her style too; as far as clothes go. Moon just stopped selling one of those hairstyles she had on her IMVU avi. LCKY also makes great hair.
  14. Yeah... I look at them. I can probably count on one hand how many times they’ve been a deciding factor though. If I’m on MP to begin with I’m either looking for something as a last resort or I don’t even know where to begin to look inworld. So 9 times out of 10 I’ve already made up my mind about it because I really wanted it or needed it to begin with.
  15. As a consumer, I take most reviews with a grain of salt. If it’s ranty or nonsensical or is a sentence I totally disregard them. That’s about 70% of them. About 10% are novel length and a little too technical and critical of things I could care less about. The rest are thoughtful and helpful. What LL should do is add a “was this review helpful” or “x # of people found this helpful” line under a review. Really bad reviews aren’t a disqualifier to me as a consumer. But a little counter would let the creator know, yes that reviewer is crazy! I don’t often write a counter review. So that would be a much simpler option.
  16. From Montreal, QC but living in the US on the East Coast.
  17. The good thing about appliers is they’re relatively cheap too. a few hundred lindens and you’ll have a basic wardrobe of appliers.
  18. Sure you can. I’m one of those people that mix and match clothing all the time. The best thing to do is get items from the same designer. Those have the best chance of being mix/matched. Thats not always ideal. So the next thing you want to do is look to see if the mesh space to layer items. It is possible, but you want items that were designed to be layered to begin with. Obviously if you bought a jacket, it was modeled to be worn over some type of shirt. Think like that. Your next option is also good! Some designers make clothes that have the option to be tucked in or out, etc. Blueberry and Addams have options like that. Addams has a shirt/leotard that at the click of a button becomes just a shirt. Some other designers do this too. Those pieces are handy for layering. The last alternative: it’s ok to layer applier clothing with mesh. I had a sweater dress I thought would look cuter with some leggings and boots. But I couldn’t get it to work with all mesh. Some applier leggings solved the problem.
  19. The best thing to do is join groups in the genres you photograph in and make sure to write good tags for your photos as well. Put your photo in the appropriate group. Now that you’re in some general groups, you should be getting photos in your feed from other people. Like the ones you really like, but pay attention to the ones that get a high number of faves. Now look at the groups they’re in. Stay away from the “Fave 2 get 2” groups. You should see other groups that you might not have been aware of, start joining those. As time goes on, you’ll start to pick up followers and faves, then you’ll start to have people that regularly like your photos.
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