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Everything posted by Rachel1206

  1. The most simple and easy approach would be to use a looped animation. Regarding the sound, just loop the sound, until you stop the animation. Be sure to have a sound named "sound" and an animation named "anim" in the the object. // If it works, I made it, else someone else did :D string strAnim= "anim"; string strSound= "sound"; integer bActive= FALSE; default { state_entry() { llPreloadSound(strSound); } touch_end(integer num) { if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { if (bActive) { llStopAnimation(strAnim); bActive = FALSE; llStopSound(); } else { llStartAnimation (strAnim); bActive = TRUE; llLoopSound( strSound, 1.0); } } else { llRequestPermissions(llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { bActive= TRUE; llStartAnimation(strAnim); llLoopSound( strSound, 1.0); } } }
  2. I could imagine future Second Life with AI and like argumented reality. Take a look at the HoloLens demonstrations and listen to the TED Talk. But more important right now, let Linden Lab have Second Life up and running 100% on AWS, before we jump into those amazing new possibilities 😁
  3. Lately I experienced from time to time, when changing outfits, that I was wearing more than 38 attachments. Problem can be solved by doing a relog. Anyone else experiencing same problem and a persistent problem? If so, a bug report would be in place. If I am the only one, some kind of weird temporary glitch.
  4. The call to llStartAnimation() etc., I would say are very efficient, what you need to be observant on, is how you do the check with your script. For example just to emphasize some terrible approaches (never do); a continuous polling of animations - be it in a for loop, while condition never meet, or fast timer calling - add to this the permissions checks.
  5. Do you read what I wrote? ... the most easy thing is to place the script in the inventory of the clothing item along with the textures. Use my example, extend it to 22 textures, when you got the basics - hint, you need to handle multi pages in the dialog.
  6. First of all the clothing need to be mod - the most easy thing is to place the script in the inventory of the clothing item along with the textures. Examine what faces of the mesh need to be textured - ALL_SIDES will texture everything. A more simple approach, where we just use 3 textures to keep it simple and understandable: integer side = ALL_SIDES; //ALL_SIDES or any face number 0 through 5 list listTextures; integer nMenuHandle; integer nMenuChannel; default { state_entry() { // get list of textures in inventory integer nCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); string strName; while (nCount--) { strName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, count); if (strName != llGetScriptName()) listTextures += strName; } nMenuChannel = (integer)(llFrand(99999.0) * -1); //random channel nMenuHandle = llListen( nMenuChannel,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetTimerEvent(180.0); //menu channel open for 180 seconds key id = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog( id, "\nSelect", ["1", "2", "3"], nMenuChannel); } listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) { if (channel == nMenuChannel) { integer n= ((integer)message)-1; llSetTexture( llList2String( listTextures, n), side); } } timer() //Close the Menu Listen or we'll get laggy { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llListenRemove(nMenuHandle); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) //inventory has changed { llResetScript(); } } } Now original you used name of texture, here we use numbers and select relevant texture accordingly. With the original approach you would need to handle max button size of 12 chars of texture names may longer and maybe even in Unicode... Keep it simple! A more professional approach would be a HUD and a listener script in the clothing listening to the HUD and where the textures are UUID from relevant textures in your inventory or from someone else. But get a grip of the basic first and learn to program in LSL before doing it with HUD and listener script. Happy coding and have fun 😁
  7. Some background... Less than 5% of videos/media on the web today use Flash. Adobe announced its retirement in 2017: "In collaboration with several of our technology partners - including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla, Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats." Adobe released Flash in 1996 and what looked liked an good idea to support media/games/multi-media presentations easy on the web as used on personal computers, quickly turned into the stuff nightmares are made of for network security administrators, professional programmers and media content creators. It was basically a flawed and insecure technology from start. Beside being insecure, it did not support power consumption, mobile devices, touch GUI or open standards. As Wired commented: "No one should shed a tear for Flash's coming disappearance. The web will be safer, faster, smoother without it." If someone in Second Life in year 2020 still have Flash videos, it is about time to update those to HTML-5/MPEG-4 or simply ditch those old typical 320x256 sized pixelated low FPS bad quality videos! CEF - what is that? Based on the libVLC (VLC SDK) media framework it is Linden Labs implementation of media support in the viewer. In a sub-folder to the viewers folder the dynamic link libraries in order to support multi media are found, including media_plugin_cef
  8. Take a look at my way to handle the current TP issues, I nearly have no TP failures doing it like this.
  9. I am wondering if the delays caused by stand/move, help for a successful TP. Clearly my hint causes rather long delay (up to 30 seconds I observed, but still faster than a relog after failed TP). I have the feeling that what we see with the TP failures, are a kind of racing conditions, where the request for TP acknowledge by the server simply takes to long. I must emphasize this purely speculations from my side. Hopeful LL will give information on why, when solved.
  10. Ok, while we wait for the bugs to be ironed out, as regions are moved the cloud. I noticed, if I select a destination in my Landmarks (1) inventory, right click it and select About Landmark (2) and wait until the dialog box Places(3) has updated all information (image, description, owner/creator , info, date title) and then click Teleport (4), TP works 99% of the time for me. Not sure, but TP failure seems higher in regions on AWS. Maybe others can use my hint above to improve their TP success also.
  11. The most easy way for you, place a copy of the script (with my changes) in each object, you wear. listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message=="hide") llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 0.0, ALL_SIDES); if (message=="show") llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 1.0, ALL_SIDES); llPlaySound(SOUND,1.0); an=1; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } Now, when you (owner) say in chat "/1 hide", the objects you wear will be hidden. Say"/1 show" and they will be shown.
  12. You was nearly there, take a look at your touch_start, you check if touch is by owner, use the same principle in the listen event. listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (( llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner() ) && ( channel==CHANNEL) ) { llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 1, ALL_SIDES); llPlaySound(SOUND,1.0); an=1; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } } And we can simply it even more by filtering the listening, listen only to channel 1 and only for the owner. Now you can omit checking owner only and just have as below. See also Wiiki on llListen listenHandle = llListen(1, "", llGetOwner(), ""); listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, 1, ALL_SIDES); llPlaySound(SOUND,1.0); an=1; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } Happy coding 👍
  13. Redecorating my skybox apartment and overheard the two cats talking... 😅 Little Kitty: "I'm so CUTE!!!" Sphinx Cat: "Of course you are, we have for 5 millennia been behind the building of the pyramids, aerosol whipped cream and super-cuteness of felines."
  14. Working on the courtyard of my Parisian apartment (skybox). Will be cozy for the autumn season and winter time.
  15. Driver update could also be the problem, I reverted back to GeForce drivers version 451.7 from 09-07-2020, as I had problems with latest drivers and Second Life.
  16. A GeForce 980 graphic card should handle particles without problems, how high is your particle count set? I use 1024 as particle count normally on my GeForce 1060 6 GB and crank it up to max, if I want see particle shows. Now some old particle scripts are written bad with high burst rates and burst numbers, which of course will cripple any system, but a normal particle emitting system should be handled without issues by all modern high end graphic cards.
  17. Further be sure you use the GForce graphic card as best as possible, this is done with the NVidea Control Panel: Other tips Another good performance tips; in anti-virus programs exclude the cache folder used by the viewer. In Firestorm for example, you find the cache location in Preferences->Network & Files->Directories. Be sure your cache is located on the SSD disk, if you got system with several hard disks. Close all other not needed programs - some programs and web browsers use a lot of VRAM, and if your graphic card has 4 GB or less, the risk of texture trashing higher. If laptop - be sure it is plugged-in to the power outlet socket! Yes, I know.. but often the case, it is not and people forgot.
  18. @Jack Rowley @Mollymews If the problem persists, I would suggest reporting it to LL as a JIRA. Fingers crossed it is only a temporary glitch you encountered and not an indication of more serious problems in the server DB. I only encountered delays on attached items as hair base and occasionally my whole mesh head missing, all problems solved with a relog or if persistent with clearing of inventory cache. Living in Europe with sim pings of 150-180 ms, I suspect, this can be the reason for me.
  19. Sounds like you got high ping aka bad internet connection or there is heavy load on the SL servers. Either way you should be perfect normal, when connection/server normal again. If you are sure, your internet connection is OK without problems, you can try and clear your cache - don't worry everything is stored on the servers and will be rebuild in your viewer.
  20. Dear Mr. Linden, CC: @Linden Lab @Patch Linden With interest we have looked at the house, you have on sale at Millbank, Bellisseria. Our certified home inspector Mr. Bartholomew Beancounter from Homestead Second Life Inspections® has some remarks. As the matter of fact, Mr. Bartholomew Beancounter wrote that in his 60 years of house inspections, he had never seen anything like that house! The following problems were highlighted in the house inspection report: Basement Plumbing Problems Water Damage Odors Insect and Pest Infestation Structural Issues Old/Damaged roof Damaged electrical system Laggy internet service All with severe remarks! Water and fluids float from the nearby cemetery and have damaged the basement with terrible odors, infected the house with all kind of bugs. It is noticed in the report that a nearby monster in the lake contributes to structural damaged increasing the risk of roof damage and in worst case a total structural collapse. As we rang the door bell, we nearly got electrocuted and the lamps blink on/off all the time. Last but not least the internet connection is terrible with lag and dropped signal all the time. Should you make improvements and fix the minor(!) problems as described above, we are willing to pay the deposit of 8,888,214 L$ Yours Sincerely Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomæus Krueger, Colonel UXN/UXCG, Ret.
  21. Regions I visited, now running on AWS, everything smooth and faster; texture loads, scripts, avatar rezzing - looking good the uplift 👍.
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