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Everything posted by Rachel1206

  1. I am getting this script error message: llSetPrimitiveParams error running rule #2: unknown rule. The code is a below, worked without problems, then suddenly the error message above - I have tried to replace the texture name llList2String(digits, value) with the UUID of a texture - same error... I cannot see, what causes the error, I'm blind to the bug... llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [ PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, llList2String(digits, value), // List of UUID textures <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0,0 ]);
  2. To get the display name of an avatar: string strName= llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(0)); Now it is an bad idea to use display name in an objects name field, because display names can contain characters outside valid range of an objects name field and description field. Username though is ok llGetUsername() If you want to use display names, use for example llSetText( strName, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
  3. I would use llDetectedTouchST() to get the coordinates (X,Y) and use the formula cosv= vector(A) x vector(B)/length(A)*length(B) to find the angle. To my knowledge there is no easy way to do it - unless there are some handy LSL functions
  4. Yes, you understood it correct texture to be displayed product description price of item The script is original from a book, often copies floating around the internet/web sites miss something or the content is broken, because information found in the original book/article is omitted. In the dataserver part use this to bypass the remark lines of the note card: if (llSubStringIndex(data, "//")==-1) notecardList += [data];
  5. To follow up on Rolig's excellent explanation - some thoughts: Quaternions is to overcome the limitations of a vector based system - basically quaternions makes smooth interpolating between two arbitrary points easier. If we only used vector based operations in say a script, we would need very complex and time consuming calculations to establish the matrix of the objects position(s). See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternions_and_spatial_rotation And yes - very few humans - find it essay to to make quaternions - we do though something similar automatic and with nearly with no delay, with our movements and body parts positioning, even using tools with our hands at same time - and talking and maybe drinking coffee also - all smooth in real time with right positions and movements. The computer though - and games mechanics in particular - need another approach (quaternions) and this conflicts with our natural understanding of orientation in 3D real world, hence making it hard to understand and use.
  6. I know, it could be an endless list on the parsing, but more characters from ISO-8859-1 in code range 160-191( for example &acute ), would catch most Western letters and display text correct in SL.
  7. Use llSetObjectDesc() - notice the limitations of length and characters to be used and the object has to be rezzed, so a giver must send a message to the object in question, when it rezz it.
  8. Yes, experienced it in Bay City with different vehicles -. same crossings, several drives; no problem - slow or fast - then suddenly at same crossing one gets unseated and vehicle disappears without a trace and it is not returned back to lost and found.
  9. You use black as color, which could be on purpose(?) - but else white <1.0, 1.0, 1.0> ensures the texture can been seen and does not effect coloring of the given texture. Creative use of colors though can enhance the shine effects.
  10. That is interesting. Have you checked, if there is a hidden object? Then the above object would use something like llRegionSay() to the hidden object.
  11. OK, you can right click and select edit of Maitreya Mesh Body HUD V4.1 in your inventory. It looks like the rotation is wrong, try this numbers before getting a redelivery: Rotation: <0.00000, 270.00000, 270.00000> Position: <0.58981, -0.30068, 0.86731>
  12. For example region Janus, random distributed regions around Sansara (have not checked other mainlands, but I would assume this is grid wide). Any kind of vehicle is forced to halt and no movement possible. Even the pods going around are stopped, which is a good indication something is wrong server side.
  13. Windows 10 is faster provided all your hardware is supported; I got better performance after upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 (64 bit). The tweaks I suggested should not be necessary on a new system with SSD, but making partitions for cache and disable indexing on those partitions should give a performance boost, but less compared to old style hard-disks. But try this first Have you tried to purge all the texture files in the cache? Corrupted texture files could degrade performance. Assuming you use Firestorm, be sure Firestorm is closed. Now the cached textures are in the folder …FirestormOS_x64\texturecache with sub-folders named “0” to “f“ With File Explorer in Windows, select the folder “texturecache” – delete the folder“texturecache” and be patient, there can be a huge amount of files, purging can take minutes. Firestorm will rebuild the folders again, so no worries. Start Firestorm and log in, if you get better texture loads and no problems after having purged the texture cache, corrupted texture files were the problem.
  14. FYI: I run 4G wireless ( I'm in Scandinavia) and some times wired 100Mb fiber - there are a little higher latency on the wireless 4G, but problems I encounter in SL when on wireless 4G, I also find to be the same, when connected to fiber.
  15. I would ensure correct handling of animations by doing as below: timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Sanity check - did our avatar somehow disappear without saying goodbye? if (llGetAgentSize( llGetPermissionsKey()) != ZERO_VECTOR ) { // Never assume permissions are valid! if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStopAnimation( MY_ANIMATION ); // Force looped frame animations to stop llStartAnimation("stand"); llStopAnimation("stand"); } } } Further use of the event attach( key id ) and check for valid key, also ensure correct handling. And yes, lot of stuff and checks for something really simple.
  16. Some further tips for boosting performance on older systems with Windows 10 If you do not have a SSD (solid state drive) and is using Windows 10 and your computer is some years old, the following can improve performance. Windows Service: Superfetch On some hardware/Windows 10 combinations this otherwise brilliant service can make performance sluggish, especial with programs/games requesting and freeing memory all the time. How to disable Superfetch? Press Windows key + R, type "services.msc" and hit Enter, find Superfetch in the list, right click it and disable the service. You can always enable it again. Disable indexing of files Now this is ONLY recommended if you have your FS/SL Viewer cache on a separate partitions ( another hard-disk). Right click the hard-disk on which you have your cache, select Properties, uncheck "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties". Be sure to click "Apply changes to drive LETTER:, sub-folder and files" Let it remove indexing, which can take some time. Be patient and wait to it is done! Use separate partitions for caching I have my viewer cache and sound cache on two separate partitions sized 12 GB each ( hard disks I and K in my case) and the above steps boosted my performance. Optimize - defragmentation Optimize you cache hard-disk(s) regularly.
  17. Test driver life is hard Ticket: RS Wasp v1.0, Owned by Rachel1206 Resident 279.325043 KpH ( 175 MPH ) Fine L$249 Amida, Sansara
  18. Thank you Lucia, guess I should have read documentation better
  19. Where do I find/get the experience key to my own owned Experience? I have searched the wiki, examined the Experience tab dialog in FS, but either I'm blind or it is buried deep down some obscure place. I want to list the experience details as below. key keyXP= .... llGetExperienceDetails( keyXP )
  20. The joy of test driving... ban lines on a public road owned by Governor Linden - both sides of the road with ban lines. And many likes this without making any sense. Now the place I passed, is public on the other side, which makes it even weirder. And lot of ban lines on empty land and like above killing a vehicle while no scripts allowed. And if you are really lucky, you are kicked with zero seconds warning, and you never entered the parcel/land area...
  21. Yes, Qie Niangao corrected me on this.
  22. An extension to llGetParcelFlags() with parcel return time would be nice.
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